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Journal KshGoddess's Journal: Argh. July's gonna be busy... 6

Since I'm at work for another 16 minutes, I figured I'd tell y'all that July's gonna be a rough one. I thought June was bad, with all of its ups and downs. So, I'm at work, on the holiday, thinking about the rest of the month.

Let's start with the super-cool... I'm going to a concert tomorrow night. Yay! Jason Mraz is in Colorado Springs, and Ben & I are going to go and have fun. Of course, to do that, I'm trading my 8-6 shift with the 6-4 guy. So boo.

I'm picking up 2 days of extra work next week. And I have jury duty on Tuesday.

The week after that, we're flying to see one of Ben's friends, and then we're going to drive around Virginia, maybe Maryland, maybe Ohio. Who knows? Then I get back, and will work 7 days straight. Ugh.

And that pretty much covers the whole insanity of July. Well, not really, as I haven't explained much of it in any detail. I'm just not in a detail kind of mood.

I'm currently listening to "The Worthing Saga" on my way to & from work -- I'm on an Orson Scott Card kick lately. I've listened to all of the "Ender" quartet, all of the "Bean" quartet, and now starting on "The Worthing Saga".

I was late to my workout last night because of the asshats who can't drive in RAIN of all things, and tonight I can't work out because the rec center closed at 2p today... sigh. And I have to get up at O'Dark Thirty tomorrow. Ugh. But there will be fun to have, I'm sure. :)

Oh, and we were listening to some sort of XM streaming thing that Steve (my 6-4pm cohort) subscribes to, and feeling old today. Stuff that reminded me of sitting on the bus in high school, crowded into those green pleather seats. It's not been that long ago, it's just that it seems like another world away.

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Argh. July's gonna be busy...

Comments Filter:
  • I get to spend two weeks working from Japan.
  • This is the year I turn 36.

    36 is 2 times 18.

    That means that there are kids who graduate from high school this year who were not yet born when I graduated from high school.
  • I didn't care for The Worthing Saga. It made me uncomfortable, though perhaps that's because I was 12 when I read it.

    Oddly enough, though, those stories have stuck with me. After visiting my grandparents house yesterday, I started thinking about the part of the story where Jason assists the one-armed father in the household.

    OSC has humanity, or the lack of it, pegged.

    Interestingly enough, it just hit me that there's an anime series similar to The Worthing Saga, in topic in message, if not in plot and char

    • It's making me uncomfortable. I think that's the point. The father just lost his arm, and the son just dreamed of Hume losing 2 of his kids in the desert. But it's well written, and the voice acting is rather good. I just wish it were done more in the style of the voice acting of Ender's Game, et al. I really enjoy Gabrielle deCuir, David Birney, Stefan Rudnicki, etc.

Disks travel in packs.
