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Journal KshGoddess's Journal: [fitness] Ok, one goal met, one goal carried over...

Let's see... the last goals were:

1. Ramp up the elliptical. I want to get to '7' in 2 weeks for at least half of my workout. [done]

You'd think this was the hard one. But Friday's workout was 18 minutes at '8' or above. I've not done as well this week with getting to the rec center, with the holiday (and me working it, and the rec center closed before I got home) and with being under the weather on Thursday. I still got 3 hours in this week, though, so I don't feel too bad. This week looks either really good or really bad for working out. I guess we'll find out which. :)

2. More yoga. [just one workout still] I was feeling under the weather on Thursday, and Friday was INSANE. work out, buy cat food, lunch with ben, massage, a hike, and I turned 4 spindle whorls.

So, for the next 2 weeks... ugh, this is gonna be hard, with the overtime and vaca...

1. More yoga. Twice a week. I'll have to bring the DVD with me, and play it on the ibook.

2. Remember to bring lunch to work. This week, I work 6 days out of 7. If I can remember lunch this week, I'll be well ahead of the game. Next week, I have my normal 40 hours, then we're off on our vacation.

I'm still feeling good, eating less. My "workin' britches" (overalls) are looser, and that's a good thing, too. :)

1 Mole = 25 Cagey Bees
