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Journal KshGoddess's Journal: fsck 9

That's what my shirt says.

I figure I've been a sysadmin long enough to wear the damned thing.

Some days I wonder what I'm doing in the NOC, but I want to see this company succeed. I want to be part of it. But I'm tired of being passed over for jobs that I am more than qualified for. Especially when I see a myriad of things that should have been worked on before we went live. Simple things that would take me a day or two to work on. (I've asked to have the ability to do so, on our overlap days when I'm not really needed, but been declined.)

Like we don't have process monitoring. Or filesystem monitoring. Or CPU monitoring. Last week, we had 2 filesystems fill up with NO warning to anyone until the (rather important) applications died. Maybe the apps would've had to have been restarted, but that would've been 5 minutes down instead of 15. :(

My sysadmin sensibilities and my NMS sensibilities make me frustrated with these things. All it would take would be a couple of good snmpd.conf files, and we'd have something useful. I've done it before. In an environment with 1000 systems. But alas, all I can do is point it out. And continue to be frustrated.

I'm working my first day of OT today, and was here at 4am. w00t. Tomorrow, I'll be in at 6a. Saturday, I will rest.

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  • No matter what, you still rock. fsck? Freakin' Sexy Chick KshGoddess!
  • Here's the latest news (released last night) on sexual bias, from a scientist who's in a rather unique position to know. e ws/2006/07/13/women13.xml&sSheet=/news/2006/07/13/ ixnews.html []

    Studies showing sex bias are ignored, says transsexual professor

    Women are not advancing in science because of discrimination, says a male professor who has an insight into the debate on whether male brains are better suited to science.

    Prof Ben Barres, 51, knows only

    • My experience is anecdotal, but I have noticed in science that this pattern is not just the men making it hard on up and coming women, but other women being more demanding of women in science as well. One of my best friends is one of these aforementioned women and she attributes it to a bit of bitterness of the "I had to claw my way here, I don't see why you should have it easy" stripe. She also says that, in her field anyway, that it is slowly getting better.

      It frustrates me to no end hearing stories l

      • Its the same everywhere. I remember one place I was at, and all the guys were in "pissing contests" and the one woman programmer, who actually "got it", (this is when I was hooking us up to officially beta test Delphi 2) just never spoke up. I'd take her aside and tell her that she was better than any of the guys, including her immediate boss - why not say something once in a while when you know they're going off on a tangent?

        I can understand her reluctance. There's nothing to be gained in one sense, sin

  • ...but can you ssh in from home and put these things in?
  • So would it be evil to register, and set up an email address: and every time something goes wrong that a little monitoring / preventative maintenance would have saved... send an email to the bosses' boss?

    "Hi, I'm one of the partners at C-M-C, and we specialize in the kind of monitoring that keeps you from <insert latest failure>. Would you like to set up a conference call to discuss our rates and deliverables?

    And if they bite, have your husband bid twelve times your hourly

    • yes, that would be evil. it would require information not available to the public to pull off what you're saying.

      and we have 7 (yes, SEVEN) people whose job this should be. 4 systems people, 3 NMS specialists. it's just NOT important. (which is thoroughly idiotic to me.)

      as my bosses' boss said yesterday, "if we're not getting [the programmers] to fix our tools, then it's obviously NOT important to the business"
      to which I said "yes, we've been asking for updates to problem categories for a YEAR AND A HALF, a

Disraeli was pretty close: actually, there are Lies, Damn lies, Statistics, Benchmarks, and Delivery dates.
