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Comment Re:Just give the option to turn it off... (Score 1) 823

Anybody that has driven a manual shifter knows that engine noise is a useful feedback mechanism to the driver.

I ride a motorcycle. Since the engine is out in the open, you can always hear the engine. And yet I find myself relying more on the throttle response and the tachometer to tell me when to shift. They could be entirely silent and I still would shift at the same points.

In fact, I did my final test on a Suzuki LS650 Savage, which does not have a tacho, and I hated it. I had to shift entirely on intuition.

Comment Re:So (Score 2) 335

Is there a way to reclaim Slashdot from this constant barrage of psychological assault on IT professionals by outsiders?

Yes, it is called "stop being misogynistic whiny manbabies if you're called on some of your misbehaviour".

The other way is of course time. There is a movement for more diversity, and it will win eventually when said manbabies die out. Given their obnoxious whinging, they are not recruiting faster than they are dying out, and every flare-up into uglyness like GamerGhazi throws off more moderates.

Comment Re:any repercussions? (Score 1) 165

The way I understand it is that if an ISP hosts $BAR, and I file a takedown request asserting the ownership of $BAZ, in the mistaken impression (intentionally or not) that you are hosting $BAZ, the takedown request is valid, even though the actual content does not match $BAZ.

Comment Re:That is not doxing (Score 2) 171

there is no such thing as "clickbait fallacy".

Yes there is. 'Clickbait fallacy' is a dog whistle phrase in the same vein as 'Social Justice Warrior' or 'political correctness'. It signifies that the poster is a reactionary white manchild who thinks the person harrassed by the 'doxing' "had it coming".

<Looks at OP UID> Oh look, it's epyT-R. QED.

Comment Re:Mod parent up. (Score 1) 552

If the cost of programming comes down, there will be less incentive to do it

Really? There are plenty of programmers out there that do it because they want to, even for free.

The existence of Free and Open Source Software alone proves that as long as the material needs in Maslow's hierarchy are provided for, people will program because it satisfies a non-material need.

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