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Comment Re:Uh-huh (Score 1) 869

I think multiple studies with contributions from hundreds of scientists from around the world published in respectable journals are somewhat more convincing than a few links you found with Google (one of which is broken) and some mass-media pseudo-science bullshit story from AFP. In fact even though the AFP story is heavily dumbed down you still managed to misunderstand it. It's not some incredible new discovery, it's simply more complete and compelling evidence that what we have known for decades is right.

Comment Re:Why so much resistance to climate science? (Score 1) 869

No, the "global warming extremists want to wreck prosperity" argument is a straw man. What the UN, most scientists and most environmentalists are proposing is a gradual change that will actually massively benefit our economies due to all the R&D and infrastructure building. The only thing that will be wrecked is the profitability of companies that rely on polluting and CO2 emitting. It's a classic tactic: convince people that they are being attacked by the same people attacking you, to protect yourself.

Comment Re:Problem with releasing an underpowered console (Score 1) 117

The reason people don't think 1080p is "next gen" is because PC gaming moved on from it years ago. If you look at most of the hardware review sites they test cards at 4k or 1440p with everything on maximum detail, way beyond the current crop of consoles.

I think people expected 1080p as the absolute minimum, since that's what PC gamers expect. Even low end cards can run most stuff on medium detail in full HD.

Comment Re:Problem with releasing an underpowered console (Score 1) 117

NHK are aiming to start 8k broadcasts in 2020 (in time of the Olympics) so I expect TV manufacturers will have models out by then. Judging by how long we had to wait for the current generation of consoles it seems likely that by the time the next generation comes 4k will be standard and 8k will be where PC gaming is at.

Comment Re:From the parent article: (Score 1) 693

This is the attitude that makes companies evil. GNOME is a non-profit, but the goal of most software companies is to make money. If that means screwing people... Well, unless there is some other reason not to, that is what they will do. One of the best things about non-profits is that they don't have this problem and can put any money to do make back into outreach programs like this.

The only mistake here was putting too much money in.

Comment Re:Funny (Score 4, Insightful) 693

It's not the comments that have decreased in quality, it's the moderation. Ever since the whole beta thing people seem be less willing to spend time moderating and meta-moderating the site. Hardly surprising; when you treat people that way it's not wonder they don't feel inclined to contribute their time and energy. Quite a few people seem to have left permanently since the boycott too.

Comment Re:Funny (Score 2) 693

It's still a leap to go from "they had one crap executive director" to "it's the fault of women, just like the recent banking crisis was". I mean seriously, women are highly under-represented on the boards of major companies, especially financial institutions, and in most western governments. In fact the country that is going best in the Euro zone is Germany, the one run by a woman.

Comment Re:No. (Score 1) 36

The cells Panasonic supplied were not fault. The way Sony used them was incorrect, resulting in overheating. If you go read the datasheets and app notes from Panasonic on charging various types of battery they all make it very clear that you must carefully monitor temperature.

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