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Comment Re:The London Bus is a good place to start (Score 2) 491

For a diesel bus they make a lot of sense in theory, but machining them is expensive, and to be really efficient they would need to spin really, really fast, with possibly deadly results if it begins to wobble.

You don't machine them. You spin or otherwise assemble them out of some material that will disintegrate inside the casing in the case of failure.

Comment Re:And low-emission transport trucks, too (Score 4, Insightful) 491

No, sorry, Diesel is worse in every way.

Congratulations, you just proved that you have no idea what you're on about. Then you kept going.

I work on both kinds of engines.


Put a super charger on it and the diesel can get over 40mpg

Engines don't have MPG ratings. Cars do.

but the pollutants are still awful

NOx is higher and CO2 is lower per kW/h, soot is about the same but the soot is bigger so it's easier for your cilia to sweep it out of your lungs. Victory, diesel.

If you doubt me, go work on a diesel engine and then check your hands when you're done.

But what does that have to do with the price of tea in china?

Do the same with Gas.

Ah yes, that's a great fucking idea, given that you can often find methanol in gasoline, or MTBE, and both are toxic and readily absorbed through the skin. Why don't you just tell people to shoot themselves up with Dioxin for an encore?

I'm jet black from the solders to my finger tips after I get done on a diesel.

What is with all the morons who won't wear gloves? You should be at worst jet black from the shoulders (I assume) to the wrists. And they also make these things called coveralls.

With diesels, the mechanic gets dirty. With gasoline engines, we all get dirty.

Comment Re:Rules for Radicals (Score 1) 184

God, hipsters are obnoxious, awful human beings.

You mean the people who refuse to stop pointing cameras at people even though they have collectively expressed a desire for privacy because video is cool and it's the youtube age, man, and anyway the government is invading your privacy so what's the big deal anyway, man? Yeah. They're pretty terrible people.

Comment Re:Smart move by notch (Score 1) 368

Okay, look, Minecraft is at the end of it's life.

What's your logic?

Sure it's still popular now, but it won't be in a year or so.

Unsupported statement.

Notch is smart to sell for so much money.

Sure, but if it is true (Esp. after promising to release the code open source when he's done with it) then fuck him, fuck him sideways, fuck him with a rusty dildo. He's a liar and a thief and fuck him. I would never have bought in without the promise to open source the code eventually, so if he sells it now, he's a liar and fraud is a kind of theft when done for financial gain.

But will all the minecraft clones and crappy versions out now,

At least some of the clones are technically superior to minecraft, especially in the net code department where Minecraft is shit. I should not be having to mine the same block ten or twenty times because of lag. Seems like minecraft is using UDP without checking to see if packets arrive.

Comment Re:HALO (Score 1) 368

2. They ran on Apples, and were so big there that many people actually complained about how there was notihng in gaming for the PC as good as for the Apple.

Yes, for two years. Then came Quake, and the Mac fanboys went back to crying into their keyboards for the year until the Mac version came out... with substantially lower frame rates than PC, dollar for dollar spent on your computer.

(There were other games, such as Myst

Which came to PC two years later, at the same quality as it was on the Mac. That was a dark time for Apple hardware.

Comment Re:No. (Score 1, Flamebait) 368

I think one of the things which made Minecraft popular is Java. There are a huge number of plugins and mods, these wouldn't happen without Java

Unless, like the competent game designers of old with which Notch shares absolutely nothing, the game were designed for modding.

Even its plugin system was written by an external developer!

That's because Notch is a fuckup, and Minecraft has succeeded in spite of him as much as because of him. The game is written like shit. There are technically superior competitors left and right. Without rabid modders who would tweak the game in spite of the lack of modding support, Minecraft would have shriveled up and died already. Selling out to Microsoft is like pissing on at least half of them all at once.

Microsoft probably would consider buying Mojang just to get full Minecraft on Xbox One, instead of the abortion that is Xbox Minecraft.

Comment Re:No. (Score 1) 368

The interesting thing here is that the valuable part of Minecraft is not the software produced, but the development and publishing method and its userbase.

If MS touches the development or publishing method, it will lose its userbase to someone else doing the same thing properly.

Wait, what about what Mojang does is proper? There was no support for modding until recently, the game is written very very poorly in Java...

Comment Re:Umm... WHY??? (Score 1) 368

It really IS like snow crash, in that the game can glitch and you can find yourself having walked through blocks and so on. When I teleport to a different region on a server, the server regularly fails to fill in the blocks beneath my feet, and sometimes I wind up walking around the secret parts of a world.

Technologically, Minecraft is a festering bowl of shit. It's perfect for Microsoft. But if they buy it, that will likely spend the end of my playing the game, which sadly I spent money on. They will just fuck it up.

I hope this is bullshit.

Comment Re:My guess:Series Hybrid + recharge tech licensin (Score 1) 51

In a series hybrid, each wheel has it's own motor,

Not necessarily. One might reasonably include a differential fore and aft and use just a pair of motors. The problem with having one motor per wheel is that you can never transfer more than 1/4 of the power to any given wheel. With a system with two motors and two differentials you still eliminate transmission loss, while the diff (coupled with ABS) provides the opportunity to transfer up to 1/2 of the power to one wheel. That makes for less need for torque reduction during acceleration when wheel slip is detected. Instead, the power is transferred to the wheel with traction. The end result may well be the ability to use less total motor capacity. Open diffs are cheap and EVs are already heavy, plus this reduces system complexity.

Comment Re:What stance? (Score 1) 51

IIRC Toyota's stance is that batteries are never going to get good enough to be the main energy storage in a (premium) car

Well, Tesla has conclusively proven them wrong, at least for a portion of the market which includes the RAV4 EV. And if they get to move the goalposts to premium car, that leaves them with the option of making another RAV4 EV, for example.

Comment Re:Ask anyone still on Dial Up (Score 1) 533

Are you saying that a bike is an upgrade from a horse? That's crazy.

A fit person (not me) on a good bicycle appropriate to the conditions can go farther in a day than can a rider on a horse, due to limitations of the horse. And then you can do it again the next day, and the next day, and the next day, without having to worry about riding a horse to death. You have to eat and drink whether you ride a bike or a horse, but you don't have to feed a bike. A bicycle doesn't run away on its own while you're not watching it, although of course sometimes they do so with help. Then again, that also happens to horses.

If I had to depend on one or the other for transportation right now I'd probably take the horse, because I'm pretty out of shape in addition to being asthmatic. But bicycles are pretty damned great transportation and they're cheaper to own and operate than a horse, to boot.

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
