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Comment It is working for them, though... (Score 4, Insightful) 274

Wikipedia is still a very usable web site. By comparison slashdot went commercial some time ago and has become less usable with each passing year. Similarly while the content on wikipedia has continued to improve, the content here has continued to get worse.

Someone could learn something here, I'm pretty sure.

Comment Re:I have been waiting for this (Score 1) 342

In the end, as I have said before, all I seek is a way to deter stoned people from going out in public. I don't care in the least how stoned people want to get at home as long as they stay there. The alcohol laws we currently have are intended to do much the same for drunks.

I assume you're from the US where "going out in public" automatically means you're driving a car?

In the US there is also a "drunk in public" offense where if you are sufficiently inebriated and in public, you can be charged as well. The charge is generally far less than DUI (although DUI is a total joke in the US). Basically if you are drunk and anywhere that is not private property, you can be charged with drunk in public. If we truly want to treat pot and alcohol the same way then shouldn't people who are sufficiently stoned face a corresponding charge if they are in public?

I wouldn't even care if people wanted to establish pot bars (or other such places where people can go and get stoned) as long as the people have non-intxoicated transportation to get back home when they're done.

Comment Hopefully it collapses (Score 3, Interesting) 97

With luck the software they chose for this will place a high enough load on their webservers that they will eventually collapse under the load. Once that happens they will need to seek out a way to distribute the papers that doesn't reduce their servers to smouldering rubble; there is a good chance that situation will force them to just start letting everyone view the papers as regular PDF without additional software.

Comment Fixed how? (Score 1) 1

As far as I can tell the moderation system hasn't changed in the past year or two, so most likely the answer to your question is no. If you meant metamoderation, well it still doesn't have any obvious impact on anything so that also seems to not have been fixed anytime in the past ~5 years.

Comment Re:... and back to the usual double standard (Score 1) 19

To reiterate the point : a staffer for U.S. Rep. Steve Fincher, R-Tenn is resigning over stupid shit she said on Twitter about Obama's girls. If the shoe were on the other foot - with a republican POTUS and the rep being a democrat - Smitty would be at the front of the line calling for the representative to be thrown out of Washington permanently. The press would similarly be shouting that the representative - even though the comment came from the communications director of said representative and was not a statement made on said representative's behalf - was a terrible Un-American who deserved to be treated as a contemptible criminal.

Instead this is all we will see. The story will be dead before we're done eating lunch.

Comment Re:I have been waiting for this (Score 1) 342

So, by a 'test along these lines', you really mean a test that actually works

Correct. I want a test that is scientific and quantitative. This test is the best first step towards that which I have seen to date.

That's a pretty big difference, and given that the current evidence suggests that any purely objective chemical test would be unreliable.

The goal should be a chemical test that is scientific, quantitative, easy to administer, and statistically robust. It should work at least as well as the breathalyzer (yes, I know that test is not without fault) and be as easy to administer.

Fortunately, a field sobriety test actually tests how fit you are to drive, which is what is already relevant.

A field sobriety test is the mother of all qualitative tests, really. Even if it is administered in view of the camera on the car (or a body camera if the police officer is wearing one) it is still not a robust test and they are often challenged in court on a number of grounds. A field sobriety test for pot would be at least as bad.

In the end, as I have said before, all I seek is a way to deter stoned people from going out in public. I don't care in the least how stoned people want to get at home as long as they stay there. The alcohol laws we currently have are intended to do much the same for drunks. If pro-pot people really want pot treated the same as alcohol they should be behind this as well, rather than treating it like some magical faultless cure for everything.

Comment Re:old cartoon (Score 1) 22

That might explain why it was so hard to find that cartoon in particular; I kept finding sites linking to a page that no longer hosted it.

That said, I know that a lot of editorial cartoonists have been laid off in the past 10 or so years. I wouldn't exactly say it is a field that has a lot of career potential. Even signing up with a distributor doesn't seem to keep some of the cartoonists employed. Glad to hear he found a new workplace, I hope it goes well for him.

Comment Re:I have been waiting for this (Score 1) 342

Actually, he addressed your entire argument

No, he did no such thing. He took a select few words and added his own spin, then tried to box my argument into a different tangent to justify his anger.

Go back and read what he wrote, then read what I actually wrote.

However, the test proposed has not been shown to be scientifically accurate

Do yourself a favor and go back and read what I wrote. I specifically said a test like this, and defined what I wanted a test to do. I did not say that this test does that. Don't make yourself look as ridiculous as he did.

Comment Re:I have been waiting for this (Score 1) 342

It's too bad that I piss you off so greatly that you are reduced to insulting me rather than actually talking about matters or offering useful feedback to my comments. Try reading what I write next time before inserting your foot so deeply into your own mouth. Being as none of what you wrote in your angry response to me demonstrated any understanding of what I wrote, I would be repeating myself - to someone who likely would still not be reading my words - to try to reply to you. If you can turn your anger down to perhaps a 7 or 8 (from your current 11), feel free to make an attempt to read what I wrote to start off.

Comment Re:Evidence? (Score 1) 342

The great injustice is that studies so far show that the typical driver may actually be safer under the influence of marijuana, because of the effect on driving styles.

You are using a very peculiar definition of "safer" there. If you are doing 15 in a 40 mph zone with your turn signal on, you might be safe for yourself but you are a serious hazard to the other drivers on the road.

Comment Re:Evidence? (Score 3, Insightful) 342

It isn't acceptable to be under the influence of any other psychoactive compounds while driving, what is special about pot? Why should pot users be given special privilege?

I've never known a stoned person to be in a hurry, so where would be the great injustice in asking them to call a friend or a cab to get to wherever they want to go?

Comment I have been waiting for this (Score 1) 342

My stance on pot has angered many from both the pro-pot and anti-pot camps. I have been waiting for a test along these lines - preferably easily-administered and quantifiable - to determine when someone has taken in too much pot to be in public. Then we can really treat pot the same way we treat alcohol - with fines for those who have taken in too much to be in public - and I would be fine with open sales. As I've said before, I don't even give half a shit how stoned you are if you stay home (or have a designated driver [taxis are fine]) but if you decide to go out driving while stoned you can spend the night in jail and get a DUI along with the drunks.

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