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Comment Dictated 'culture' is not culture. (Score 1) 237

This is more government bullshit, you cannot dictate or decree culture, if you are doing that then what you are doing is you are actually destroying what the real culture is to impose your own version of it and I cannot imagine that can work in real life and be an actual substitute for actual culture.

You cannot force people to like things you like, you cannot force people to enjoy things you enjoy. You can make people HATE things you hate in some cases by pretending that thing being a threat, that's how dictators operate (including elected dictators).

This is a bullshit money grabbing measure, nothing else.

Comment All your base... (Score -1, Offtopic) 68


America, FUCK YEAH!

Coming again, to save the mother fucking day yeah,
America, FUCK YEAH!

Freedom is the only way yeah,
Terrorists your game is through cause now you have to answer too,
America, FUCK YEAH!

So lick my butt, and suck on my balls,
America, FUCK YEAH!
What you going to do when we come for you now,
itâ(TM)s the dream that we all share; itâ(TM)s the hope for tomorrow


McDonalds, FUCK YEAH!
Wal-Mart, FUCK YEAH!
Baseball, FUCK YEAH!
Rock and roll, FUCK YEAH!
The Internet, FUCK YEAH!
Slavery, FUCK YEAH!


Starbucks, FUCK YEAH!
Disney world, FUCK YEAH!
Valium, FUCK YEAH!
Reeboks, FUCK YEAH!
Fake Tits, FUCK YEAH!
Taco Bell, FUCK YEAH!
Rodeos, FUCK YEAH!
Bed Bath And Beyond (fuck yeah?, fuck yeah)

Liberty, FUCK YEAH!
White Slips, FUCK YEAH!
The Alamo, FUCK YEAH!
Band-aids, FUCK YEAH!
Las Vegas, FUCK YEAH!
Christmas, FUCK YEAH!
Immigrants, FUCK YEAH!
Popeye, FUCK YEAH!
Democrats, FUCK YEAH!
Republicans (.....fuck yeah, ....fuck yeah)
Sportsmanship, (....)
Books, (......)

Comment Re:Regulation is always bad for everyone!! (Score 1) 60

I'm going to assume that you "never get tired of repeating this" because you're too young to remember the 1960s. One of the best examples of why government regulation is necessary is the situation of the Cuyahoga River. The several chemical and paint companies that lined the river banks dumped their effluent into the river since no regulations requiring their safe disposal existed. In the 1960s the mix and concentration of chemicals finally started spontaneously combusting, and the country was treated to the sight of the river burning on national television. That more than any other single event prompted the creation of the EPA.

People want to drink clean water and eat food that's not contaminated and breathe air that won't kill them. There is no market solution for these needs, that's why people want government to regulate society's activities.

Comment Re:I just think drones will become a problem (Score 1) 60

That seems to be the model they have in mind, preload the drones at the Fulfillment Center, toss them in the truck, drive to the area where they'll be dispatched, and let them go. One truck then proceeds to make a dozen or more deliveries simultaneously. I still think it's pie-in-the-sky stuff for now, but if they can do something like deliver to a bin on the roof of apartment buildings instead of suburban doors it might make a lot of sense.

Comment Re:Most degrees from India... (Score 1) 264

Close to half of the software developers from India that I've worked with did not actually touch a computer until 3rd year of their degree. I am not saying that it reflects their ability, most of them were very intelligent and could learn well, eventually, but they certainly did not come from the university prepared in the same way as I would expect.

Comment Re:Spies are sneaky (Score 1) 202

Here are several links that are public knowledge. I know some cases personally, which I don't want to mention because I don't want to get associated with them publicly. There is more than 200 names in these lists:


I am not even including any of the whistleblowers or the Guantanamo prisoners in this list. But both of those categories are political prisoners.

Comment Re:Spies are sneaky (Score 1) 202

I know how the story goes. I name people, then you say that is exception, so I name 3 more, you say that means nothing, it is still rare, so I name more and you say that well, Russia is still worse. There is always going to be some argument with you that will make it seem like everything is just fine. I don't care. If you are a troll, it won't stop you from trolling, if you are really a concerned citizen, you can do your own research and you will trust that more than you'd trust me here anyway.

Comment Re:Spies are sneaky (Score 2) 202

Yes, that has been the US mantra. You have a freedom of speech. But the thing is, you don't. Post of slashdot does not matter at all and where the speech matters, there it is viciously prosecuted. And if you did nothing wrong, well, everybody did something wrong. But even if you did not, who will question the authorities when they said they found a HDD full of child porn on your computer? Or that they find out you were enabling payment system for drug dealers? You will get railroaded and it won't even look political. That is how US operates. It leaves people to speak their mind because it does not matter. They can shout themselves to death. They just need to nab the few leaders of any of such effort, jail them on drug charges and are done with it. Or would you want to say that you mean to do some action beyond the words? No. You won't.

All it takes when the discussion heats up is sending couple trolls like you, who will start to peddle the freedom of speech argument and people will think: "Well, its not so bad when they let me say all those bad things about them." They just need a reason to justify for themselves why they do nothing about it. And you are conveniently supplying it.

Comment Re:Unintended consequences (Score 1) 337

Free Press, Human Rights, Rule of Law. Those are nice phrases. You say Russia has problem with those but compared to whom? I don't see free press in US, I don't see human rights observed, I don't see rule of law. So when you want to criticize someone meaningfully, you have to have a basis for comparison.

Edward Snowden, John Kiriakou, Stephen Jim-Woo Kim, Jeffrey Sterling, Thomas Drake, Bradley Manning, Shamai Leibowitz, Lawrence Franklin

But the main travesty is the 2.2 million imprisoned americans, that is 5 times more per capita than China and even more by 0.5 million in absolute numbers. Those are from over half political prisoners before the law under which they were imprisoned exists for none other than political reasons, since these so called crimes have no actual victims.

You can talk with gays, blacks and immigrants about the human rights violations, you can talk with inmates about the rule of law. You can talk with Rupert Murdoch about the free press. If the same entity buys both press and the government, neither one can be considered free or for the people.

So I only defend Putin because of the hypocrisy implied in your statements. The implicit right you give yourself to criticize others countries for things your own does in abundance. I got no reason to like him personally, but I simply hate what you are doing. You are trying to attack others to put yourself in position where you can claim you are better, but you are not.

You keep ascribing motives to other people based on your assumptions and you think that by repeating it over and over ad nauseam you are going to suddenly become right. That is nothing but empty propaganda and I've heard way too much of it during the last years.

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