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Comment Re:Find a technical solution, not a legal "solutio (Score 2) 687

No, you do not want a technical fix to a social problem. What'll happen is people will start blaming their bad behaviour on technology. "Well it's Boeing's fault they made the cockpit's glass able to filter out green lasers and not this blue one I made from an old PS3!"

Frankly, I don't see why you think jail isn't a deterrent. Just reading this story makes me never want to even own a green laser.

Comment Re:Utility (Score 1) 419

I'm tired of this argument because it's well, wrong.

I'm sorry, but it isn't. Want to deliver more data to the home? Invest in better technology. Most of that being a one-time investment, mind you. Want to deliver more water to the home? You had better have a source to get that water from. There'll never be a such thing, for example, as a data drought.

None of these companies are trying to alleviate unexpected network troubles through billing, they're trying to increase their already-generous profit margin. (Notice their use of tiered plans, instead of the reasonable suggestion you made.) It doesn't make sense with data.

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