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Comment bullshit (Score 4, Insightful) 91

Is data in the cloud vulnerable? Well, yes, all data everywhere is theoretically vulnerable and the cloud is no exception.

"the cloud" has proven time and time again to be not just vulnerable but exceedingly vulnerable to attack. what's worse is that companies are under no obligation to tell you when (not if) they get hacked. worse yet, they aren't held responsible for getting hacked, so all you can do is switch to a new "cloud provider" and pray it doesn't happen again.

Comment Re:Computing conceit - not an 'education thing' (Score 1) 89

Its is a peculiar computer science conceit - that people, with their biases and foibles, can be replaced by sufficiently sophisticated computing resources.

"sufficiently sophisticated computing resources" would have "biases and foibles" of their own and may even be considered people.

Comment disable flash! (Score 5, Insightful) 71

i said it before and i'll say it again.

there are very few reasons to keep flash installed/enabled. if you must have it, use flashblock but chances are you can just disable/remove it completely. if some site still uses flash to play video, leave a complaint in the comments. those that haven't switched to html5 yet will do so soon enough.

if you still have java plugin installed, you better have a good reason because no (sane) sites use that shit.

Comment Re:Wiki-Enquirer? (Score 5, Funny) 100

How is this at all what Wikileaks is supposed to be for? At this point it seems more like crass voyeurism than any type of serious attempt to shine a light on corporate misconduct. Sure, Apple asking Sony for 4k content is interesting from a business perspective, but wrong-doing that needed to be exposed it is not.

are you kidding me?! despite their evil intentions being revealed ahead of time, the still went on and released Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2. i can accept the possibility that the first movie was a misstep but making a sequel is just a crime against humanity!

Comment bullshit (Score 0, Offtopic) 47

"we could not buy, for any price, a data-center network that would meet the requirements of our distributed systems,"

bullshit. if you told a company that specialized in making toothpicks that you would give them a trillion dollars to build a datacenter with XYZ, they would make it happen. did you offer someone a trillion dollars?

Comment lies (Score 0) 79

"The cyberattack and cyber security is an issue that we take very seriously,"

"We are increasing our resources and polices to be better equipped to face cyberattacks, whether they are coming from hackers from a group, potentially, that has said they did it today, [or] state-sponsored or terrorist entities."

if they took "cyber security" very seriously, they wouldn't need to increase their resources and they wouldn't have been hacked.

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