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Comment but i thought google was evil? (Score 3, Interesting) 129

where are the people that bark google has too much power and are "intrinsically evil" because of it? where are the people crying that their privacy is being breached because it scans their email for context? where are the people claiming they have been "scroogled"? where are you naysayer of every change google makes to a (free) product? where is your vitriol toward google for perpetrating a clearly heinous act? then again, you could just mod me down for your bitter repute.

have you considered that google actually tries to follow their "dont be evil" edict?

Comment Re:not a fan (Score 1, Interesting) 79

And that's why python is only used for laying out the user interface, and all the heavy lifting is done by GStreamer and gst-editing-services. I invite you to research that ;)

it's fine for stock widgets but when it comes to custom gui elements, it's a cpu drain. the video/audio track representations are completely custom.

Comment solution (Score 1) 664

How can users protect themselves from sometimes life endangering software bugs?

there was a time when cars didnt have computers. there was also a time when the computers ran a single program instead of an operating system that executes other programs.

why do we have operating systems for the only important function of the car?

Comment this is just wrong (Score 1) 264

the biggest security threat to computers is the user. users improperly configure things, wont take security precautions (like using weak passwords) and will outright download viruses/malware. far too many users are not competent enough to tell the difference of a real popup window and a website claiming they have a virus and they need to install their trojan horse immediately.

Comment tried an true? (Score 1) 379

honestly, i would rather have something that is known to work in the long term and not need update to patch bugs or possible changes to the config file implementation. let's just use something that we know works.

on the other hand, couldn't it be an optional package (a package is required but there are multiple to choose from) with the default as systemd?

Comment not worth it (Score 1) 66

it's clear that the amount offered is very little compared to what you could get by selling the info. if you can get a browser hack that can highjack the OS then it's worth a shitload more than the pennies they are offering. they need to start offering real cash for these deep level hacks.

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