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Comment Re:Re-buy (Score 1) 368

Well, yeah if, you decided it was worthwhile to buy into an ecosystem that's locked to a single platform. Personally, while I buy more than a handful of movies each year, the number I (and many others) purchased on iTunes in the two years between then iTunes started selling movies and when Amazon and Google launched their services is a big fat 0. Ripping DVDs has always been an option; and a platform-agnostic and DRM-free option, at that; if you fell into a platform-locked DRM scheme, you should go to the ER and get the gunshot wound in your foot looked at.

Comment Re:Wait, what? Even in offline mode? (Score 1) 117

I haven't been an AT&T customer for almost 3 years at this point and my wife is the iPhone user so I can only go based on heresay at this point but I'm pretty sure the attwifi network can't be removed.

Also, I'm still on Slashdot, right? I'm asking because there hasn't been any name calling yet. :)

Comment Re: #2 (Score 1) 368

I've seen dongle in a dongle before. Looked painful. And yes, there's a headphone port. That and the USB-C, that's what you get. Did you read the last sentence of my first paragraph, or did you decide you needed to tear that new MacBook apart after my first 12 words? You missed a lot by not reading my whole post, my friend.

Comment Re:Wait, what? Even in offline mode? (Score 2) 117

More or less, if an attacker knows your home WiFi SSD or can make a lucky guess about what other SSIDs your device might already recognize (e.g. ones that your device was programmed to know out of the box [e.g. attwifi, for 34% of users]), they can name their malicious network in such a way to possibly get you to automatically connect to it as a recognized network.


There's nothing particularly novel about that attack, and contrary to their verbiage, it doesn't force anyone to join a network, ...

34% of users can't tell their iPhones not to connect to a hotspot named attwifi. That sounds like the ability to force connection to a WiFi network to me.

... nor can it even easily be used in conjunction with this attack for the vast majority of users.

I'll grant you that, 66% is the vast majority. However ...

Is it a potential problem? Absolutely, but only for a small subset of users.

... 34% is not a small subset.

The way they're phrasing it and talking about it, it seems pretty clear that they're trying to boost their own profile a bit.

This I can agree with. It's what lead to the inaccuracy in the summary in the first place.

For most cases, the two attacks can't be used together unless the malicious agent is stalking their victim.

You're right, 66% does constitute "most cases"; 34% of all iPhones sold in the last 3.5 years (that is to say, realistically, damn near 34% of all iPhones currently in use) still seems like a pretty large victim pool, though.

So yes, perhaps the severity of the flaw was a bit overblown by the team that discovered it, but I think you're trying to let out a bit too much of the air.

Comment Re: #2 (Score 1) 368

I don't see that. What I've seen from Apple for the last 6 years or so has been a shift towards massive innovations in manufacturing and logistics and a move away from a focus on "insanely great" software.

As someone who cares more about how a machine works than how it looks, this is what I have a problem with. I spend hours a day using the software, seconds a day looking at the fit and finish of the machine, and minutes, at most, over the lifetime of the machine looking at the packaging and giving a shit about the logistics of how it got to me. Jobs was focused on the whole experience; today's Apple is focused on "ooh look, shiiiiiiiiny". How can you say were not seeing the loss of Jobs' momentum?

We'll have to wait and see what happens over the next few years; no amount of argument between us will matter.

Comment Re:Wait, what? Even in offline mode? (Score 1) 117

Horrible wording in the article that made it not immediately clear, actually. I also posted a correction more than 20 minutes before your "horrible summary" judgment. Also, from the article:

Anyone can take any router and create a Wi-Fi hotspot that forces you to connect to their network

In other words:

If your WiFi is on...

you're boned.

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