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Comment Re:Soon to be patched (Score 0) 329

Let's play out a hypothetical, here. Let's say this exact bug exists within Powershell. When will it be discovered and patched?

Can you look for it? Nope. If Microsoft looking for it? Probably not, they're busy fixing *reported* bugs and writing *new* code. When will it be found? 20 years sounds optimistic.

Comment Re:Soon to be patched (Score 5, Informative) 329

Well, let's see here... Heartbleed was a bug in OpenSSL, use in a lot of software that has nothing at all to do with Linux, and Shellshock is a bug in the Bash shell, which predates Linux by 2 years and is used on a lot of systems that have nothing at all to do with Linux. Neither bug was a Linux bug, though both affected Linux systems; both also had the ability to affect Windows systems running any number of applications that rely on OpenSSL (if you open your eyes, you might be amazed how many and how common) or Bash (fewer, but still not completely unheard of; there are a number of POSIX layers for Windows, and all of them use Bash by default as far as I'm aware).

The last time I posted these facts, I was modded flamebait, and I'm sure it'll happen again. Plenty of karma to burn, though, so, whatever.

Comment Re:Memory doesn't cost that much. (Score 1) 264

2 months in the wilderness, hiking so you're packing light. Solar charger strapped to the back of your pack provides enough juice during the day to keep your phone charged. Hoe many photos might one take in 2 months? How much video? microSD cards are lightweight enough that you can carry a few TB with you if you so choose.

A laptop is ruled out by both its weight and power requirements, while uploading to a cloud provider as you go is ruled out by the fact that it's the middle of the fucking wilderness and you probably don't have signal. Sometimes, you just have to realize that, despite its drawbacks, the only available solution has to be considered as the perfect solution. In this case, it's a microSD slot in your phone.

Comment Re:Third option (Score 1) 421

I keep my iPad Air in a shockproof case, not because I drop it a lot (though, there was that one time), but because it's just too damn thin to hold comfortably IMO. But, then, how thin it was wasn't a selling point for me; thankfully, neither was the flashiness of "oh, hey look! An APPLE LOGO!" as I bought it knowing that I'd need to put it in a case.

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