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Comment Re:Modula-3 FTW! (Score 1) 492

You have stated that you just have used Pascal in some college courses. This is not what I would call "experienced". I've been writing code in both Pascal and C for many years, Pascal is more readable hands down. C looks like a character salad in comparison. It was clearly meant to be used on teletype terminals where you had to be sparse with letters. That was fair for the day, but we are living in the 21th century now.

Comment Re:Health Insurance (Score 1) 238

Let me know when Sweden's health insurance is welcomed by German doctors.

They are. EHIC is, in fact, honoured in the whole EU for treatments that need to be done while being in another EU country. The insurance can also cover for a non-acute treatment abroad (for example cheaper dentists in the Czech Republic), but one has to get an acknowledgment from the insurance first.

You want to fix healthcare, make the price paid the same for everyone, and pricing is upfront (as can be allowed). Let the user know exactly what the Knee Scope is going to run before surgery.

Back to the 19th century? Universal health care was introduced because the kind of healthcare you describe didn't work.

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