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Comment Re:Hands-free is allowed (Score 1) 364

So basically, it's okay if your nav system is on your iPod Touch, but not if it's on your iPhone. WTF?

Would a nav system on an iPod Touch be of much use? The iPod Touch relies on wifi connectivity to determine your location, so unless you're in a city with full wifi coverage, your position on your trip wouldn't update.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 479

I myself would like to be buried in just the dirt. My body isn't going to do anyone any good when I'm dead. I want to donate my organs, and then be buried. Let the maggots infest my skull, and maybe a bush grow around my loins.

Comment Re:The real problem with education (Score 1) 1073

*News Flash*

You pay taxes that build roads you never use.
You pay taxes to pay public servants whose work never impacts you.
You pay taxes to build a weapons that will never see combat.
you pay taxes to fund politicians whose contributions do not (or negatively) affect you.
you pay taxes that fund research into diseases you'll never get.

Why suddenly get upset because you pay taxes to pay teachers for kids you don't have?

(Slightly on topic) As for private schools not getting tax payers money - I can tell you that is absolutely false in Australia (where some private schools receive MORE funding than their public equivalents) and I would be very very surprised if there were many US schools that haven't ever received some sort of "operational assistance" from your local/state/federal governments.

thank *you* for playing

Comment Re:You just described EVE Online... (Score 1) 159

...except that it is fun, but EVE is about politics more than Newtonian physics simulation.

You as the pilot simply set destination and targets and when to fire, but you'd be amazed at the complexity of the game.

You often find yourself engaging and killing enemies at ranges greater than 50km but there are other techniques to have close range combat, but since you don't directly control the flight of the craft that doesn't matter that much either.

Overall, I have a hunch if we were to have space combat in the future, it would be like EVE in which you engage your opponent at vast distances with smart weaponry.

Trust me... Its a blast.

Funny. I did the EVE 14 day trial about a month or so ago, and found it one of the most tedious games I'd ever played. And it's decidedly non-newtonian physics really annoyed me, especially because with the computer controlled movement and combat there's essentially no reason *not* to use newtonian physics.

Comment Re:Credit where credit may be due (Score 1) 638

This is the usual justification of that vast waste of money by attempting to define a different reality to the one we live in. The revelations that have come out over the last few years show that the USSR had a far better intelligence network than anyone suspected so they knew exactly what a pile of steaming crap the money was being wasted on. Also consider that half the worlds press knew that star wars was a pile of steaming crap.
The spending and gloating didn't happen in the USSR, there was far too much chaos with internal leadership struggles and the USSR falling apart for them to take star wars seriously.
Yes I know, Reagan won the cold war by poking a dying bear with a stick yelling "bite me". If the USSR was a serious threat at the time he probably would have started a real war - he was doing the "show the Nips who's boss" trick of the late 1930s.

Comment Re:Porn and hamburgers (Score 1) 512

It's silly to warn against everything, even dangers that aren't out of the ordinary though, because the end-result is just that people learn to ignore warnings, making them useless for the situations where they're actually warranted.

Why do my mobile phone require a "do not microwave" sticker ? Why does the antenna for my wlan have big scary red-yellow DANGER label, complete with triangle and skull saying "risk of DEATH", and when you read more carefully, the actual danger is, the thing consists of conductive metal, if you where to stand on your roof (say when mounting the thing), hold one end and poke the OTHER end at uninsulated mains voltage, you could get an electric shock.

You should warn against things that are more dangerous than they appear, or risks that are elevated. It's not out of the ordinary for a 2-feet piece of metal to be electrically conductive, you don't need to -warn- about that.

Comment Re:MSFT will bully the state... (Score 1) 681

The workers at MS who get canned because they become an Indian company will sure come to Olympia with pitchforks and will vote all the incumbants out. A company with lots of employees who are depenent on it to survive are quite powerful and to me this sounds reasonable. Lobbying however is a different ball game and needs to be banned.

Comment Re:Winter-to-Winfly (Score 1) 451

Thanks for the education Alan. I think the further north(or south) you live from the equator the more you appreciate the sun when it comes back. I live in Canada and here we get 6-8 hours of sun in the winter. while not extreme, people who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder have a hard time. I always wanted to visit antarctica, but I think I suffer that fate.

Comment George Carlin said it best (Score 1, Interesting) 431

From 'You Are All Diseased':

Where did this sudden fear of germs come from in this country? Have you noticed this? The media constantly running stories about all the latest infections? Salmonella, E-coli, hanta virus, bird flu, and Americans will panic easily so everybody's running around scrubbing this and spraying that and overcooking their food and repeatedly washing their hands, trying to avoid all contact with germs. It's ridiculous and it goes to ridiculous lengths.

In prisons, before they give you lethal injection, they swab your arm with ALCOHOL. Wouldn't want some guy to go to hell AND be sick.Fear of germs, why these fuckin' pussies. You can't even get a decent hamburger anymore they cook the shit out of everything now 'cause everyone's afraid of FOOD POISONING! Hey, wheres you sense of adventure? Take a fuckin' chance will you? Hey you know how many people die of food poisoning in this country? Nine thousand, thats all, its a minor risk.

Take a fuckin' chance bunch of goddamn pussies.Besides, what d'ya think you have an immune system for? It's for killing germs! But it needs practice, it needs germs to practice on. So if you kill all the germs around you, and live a completely sterile life, then when germs do come along, you're not gonna be prepared. And never mind ordinary germs, what are you gonna do when some super virus comes along that turns your vital organs into liquid shit?! I'll tell you what your gonna do ... you're gonna get sick. You're gonna die and your gonna deserve it because you're fucking weak and you got a fuckin' weak immune system!

Let me tell you a true story about immunization ok. When I was a little boy in New York city in the nineteen-forties, we swam in the Hudson river. And it was filled with raw sewage! OK? We swam in raw sewage, you know, to cool off. And at that time the big fear was polio. Thousands of kids died from polio every year. But you know something? In my neighborhood no one ever got polio. No one! EVER! You know why? Cause WE SWAM IN RAW SEWAGE! It strengthened our immune system, the polio never had a prayer. We were tempered in raw shit!

So personally I never take any precautions against germs. I don't shy away from people who sneeze and cough. I don't wipe off the telephone, I don't cover the toilet seat, and if I drop food on the floor I pick it up and eat it!Even if I'm at side walk cafe! IN CALCUTTA! THE POOR SECTION! ON NEW YEARS MORNING DURING A SOCCER RIOT! And you know something? In spite of all the so called "risky behavior ".... I never get infections. I don't get em. I don't get colds, I don't get flu, I don't get headaches, I don't get upset stomach, And you know why? Cause I got a good strong immune system! And it gets a lot of practice!

My immune system is equipped with the biological equivalent of fully automatic military assault rifles, with night vision and laser scopes. And we have recently acquired phosphorous grenades, cluster bombs and anti personnel fragmentation mines.

So, when my white blood cells are on patrol reconnoitering my blood stream seeking out strangers and other undesirables, and if they see any, ANY, suspicious looking germs of any kind, THEY DON'T. FUCK. AROUND. They whip out the weapons, they wax the motherfucker and deposit the unlucky fellow directly into my colon! Into my colon. There's no nonsense! There's no miranda warning, there's none of that three strikes and your out bullshit. First defense, BAM! Into the colon you go!

Comment limited information (Score 0) 300

The problem with the Adam Smith view of the market is they assume everyone is 1) rational and 2) completely informed. When you add in incomplete information, i.e. the person is rational about what he knows but he can only see 3 or 4 levels of transactions, then you get the 1/f power curve which demonstrates continual fluctuations at all scales, including huge economic bubbles and depressions. a lot like real life,

Comment Re:It's government's fault (Score 1) 419

Nice try. Blame the FoxNews astroturf movement for misappropriating the term. Then take responsibility for not grasping even the most basic of civic principles. And then take your lumps for the irony of the story you link to in your sig. Yeah, that's right, a gleaming example of why the insurance and health care industries are in desperate need of regulation. Setting aside, for the moment, the whole "astham inhalers are destroying the ozone layer" argument (because it's absurd, owing to the relatively infinitesimal contribution to total CFC release they represent), it should be noted that the "new and improved green inhalers" qualify under corporate welfare rules as a "new" forumlation. So instead of the commodity pricing on an older, and yet in this case more effective, generic formulation, the drug company sells it for 10 times as much.
Do we even need to go into the fact that the protagonist's has suddenly found herself without health insurance? Sounds like a death-panel to me.

Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 327

I'm not sure what you're arguing against. Apps can include local copies of frameworks just fine on the app store, and the iPhone OS provides frameworks that apps use. It wouldn't work at all without those.

What is specifically not allowed is using external frameworks distributed separately, or internal OS frameworks.

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