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Comment Re:For when you're too cheap to buy two monitors! (Score 1) 187

With a typewriter, you're looking at the copy you're typing instead of what you're actually typing. If you're looking at what you're typing You Are Doing It Wrong.

I have no idea what this means. I think you have inhaled (or ingested) too much correction fluid during your typewriter days. Also please stop saying "You Are Doing It Wrong" out of context, you are ruining a perfectly good catchphrase.

Comment Re:Comodo, shame on you! (Score 1) 95

What frigging kind of security company is Comodo? Is Comodo a security company at all?

Google for "cheap ssl" or "discount ssl", you will see them a lot. This is the Walmart of ssl.

It does not mean their certificates are not good, but buy a certificate from them and see the crappy online account management (a friggin popup that gets blocked by most browsers) and a flood of "special offers" in your inbox. Low-rent.

Comment Re:Fool me once, shame on you... (Score 1) 252

There is no way out with people like you. When you receive positive feedback you gloat, and when you get constructive criticism you get angry and mean. No wonder you think that everyone is a troll, you are forcing people into playing a negative role in your life.

If there is a beach or a river nearby you should go for a long introspective walk and reflect on what led you down this path of loneliness and fear. Embrace people, don't push them away!

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