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Comment Re:Great Recession part II? (Score 2) 743

The house of cards is different now. The bulk of the investment market is moving towards private equity, where things are less regulated and more difficult to game.

The only danger with this private equity trend is if all those billions invested in Silicon Valley startups don't turn up profitable. But how could that happen? There's an infinite customer base for freemium and ad-supported step counting widgets. That system could never fail like the subprime mortgage thing, too many people Like it on Facebook.

If you think I'm kidding look at numbers on crunchbase. Just for the last week the amounts invested by VC in startups is higher than Greece's monthly bill.

Comment Gift cards suck (Score 2) 107

Why would anyone use those? There's no discount. A $25 gift card just entitles you to spend $25 worth of whatever that company has to sell. What's the point? To show someone that you know that they like coffee, so instead of giving them $25 you give them a $25 Starbucks gift card? It's not really more thoughtful than giving cash yet it's far less convenient for everyone involved. And why would you even refill those for yourself? Because you don't trust yourself with your own money?

And a Starbucks gift card is not like those gas credit cards, the last resort of degenerate gamblers, junkies and broke-ass idiots who offer you to fill up your car using their card in exchange for $20 cash. At least those are convenient if you happen to stop for gas at the right place and the right time.

Fuck gift cards.

Comment Re: Yeah, disappointing (Score 1, Insightful) 776

Action movies with female leads have been a recipe for a while now.

Look at Tomb Raider, Ultraviolet, Salt or many others. They are basically a Steven Seagal movie with a sexy chick instead of Steven Seagal. If that's the price to pay to see an action movie without being a dinosaur, I'm okay with it. Long live feminism!

And thinking of it, if Steven Seagal was to star in a chick flick instead of Jennifer Aniston, that would be a sign of true gender equality. I don't think we are there yet, and it's probably better that way.

Comment Re:Get it in writing (Score 1) 353

This might qualify as one of the 10 dumbest "Ask Slashdot" questions going. If it's a troll, it's working.

I don't think it's a troll. I think it's an entitled brat asking a real question.

If he's anything like many of today's young people, it's very likely that for all his life he's been over-rewarded for minor achievements and over-praised for minor skills. It is to be expected that he will need a few reality checks before common sense starts sinking in.

Shame on you, parents of millenials, and thank you Slashdot for once again picking up the slack.

Comment Terrible soundtrack (Score 1) 21

I really wanted to look at the video and learn about this thing, but the soundtrack is so bad... I had to give up when it got to the "solo" that starts around 0:38. It sounds like they taped some random person who tried a few keys on a Casio keyboard on display at radio shack.

I think the chilling screams of dogs being skinned live would have been less distracting.

Someone should find the person who picked the soundtrack and pee on the windshield of their car.

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