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Comment Re:Linux, cryptography, HTML and JavaScript. (Score 1) 144

C and C++ no longer have any place in basic CS education. Sorry, we are at the point where it's more efficient to generate C than to write it. And since C++ is just generated C with really, really arcane syntax for this compile-time generation, C++ lost its purpose, too. There are more expressive (ie, easier to read) and less error-prone methods for generating C code now. It's finally becoming yesterday's news. The whole reason you see "resurgence" of C is that people are not writing it. They are generating it as an intermediate product. C is just text. And there are better ways to generate that text than the preprocessor or the C++'s template mechanism. C, however, has a major, major, major design flaw -- you can't assign to return values directly. So as a mechanism for expressing algorithms it has a natural inefficiency built into the language. It's not that there is no simple work around for it in C, it's that it needs a work around. It's over.

Comment Re:Guess I'll have to use google wallet or paypal (Score 1) 34

I dipped my toes into the Bitcoin world, just to say I'd done it... My $0.1245 worth of bitcoin is now worth $0.0955 Yeah, that's a lot better than keeping my money in a bank...

It's a good thing they value it in dollars, because the value of a dollar never changes, and that's how we know our money is safe in a bank.

Comment Re:Golf logic (Score 2) 937

IMHO, everything that people do can be explained by the ultimate goal of enjoying. If you do something because it makes rational sense, then perhaps you're the kind of person that enjoys rationality. I certainly get a kick out of doing math and science, and I try not to make the excuse that I'm doing it for some obscure higher purpose. People also tend to feel good when they help others, it's just what has kept mankind alive. If you say you exercise to keep yourself fit for work, then perhaps it's the work/money/status that you just happen to enjoy.

It's a good point about values, though. The question "why" is generally meaningless as it only leads to other questions "why", but the chain can end at some ultimate value -- I do $x because of money/friendship/hookers/blackjack -- but values are personal, and don't necessarily mean anything more than "I happen to enjoy money/friendship/hookers/blackjack, and that's that. In fact, forget the money and the friends."

Comment Re:As a private citizen (Score 5, Interesting) 213

Technically, no.

You are bound by the treaties your country signed. In fact, they have more legal weight in the US than laws passed by your own Congress.

As an example, the US has signed Data Treaties with the EU and with Canada that give citizens of those countries more rights to privacy than you as an American would have (exception: if you are also a citizen of an EU country or Canada, you gain those rights in the US as well).

Same goes for any treaties signed for non-countries such as Antarctica (which you are bound to) and space (where those exist).

That's the law. That you choose to be a space pirate, is your own problem. I recommend wearing a gold colored space pirate outfit, with a cape and a cool helmet.

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