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Comment Re:Don't worry, they'll try again (Score 1) 229

It is interesting to note that some of Disney's most well-known films are based on public domain works, while Disney has been one of the biggest factors in eliminating the public domain altogether.

can you open that up for us? I wasn't aware of this, and would appreciate a short schooling session

Comment Re:Don't worry, they'll try again (Score 5, Insightful) 229

honestly, if you're going to bribe congress to let you pillage the country's copyright system getting it extended every 25 years so that your financial conglomerate can continue leaching off the IP of one creative man who died 50 years ago, the least you can do is keep some Americans employed.


Comment Re:Let's be honest about the purpose of the hyperl (Score 1) 124

Elon Musk just wanted to kill the California high-speed rail.

if it weren't so laughably or desirably easy to do this, you would have a point.

Let's take a look:

* the founder of Paypal, largest digital payment system;
* and SpaceX, the company to be the first to land rocket stages backwards cutting launch costs to 10% what they were before;
* and Tesla, the only electric car company to actually make it, much less thrive

says he can do it again for much cheaper.

I, for one, welcome our new John Galtian overlord.

Comment Re:All your games (Score 1) 193

The summary and article:

you can play all your Xbox 360 games on your next-gen console.

Ars Technica:

Much like the Xbox 360's limited support for the first Xbox's games, more 360 games will be added to the backward compatibility list over time--and there's no guarantee that a favorite 360 game will ever be brought forward to work on Xbox One. Nonetheless, Microsoft promises over 100 titles to start, with hundreds more coming in the future.

For some reason, I find the second quote much likelier.

last time they raised their voice rah-rah'ing about the 360's backwards compatibility, it was the end of their efforts-- no new titles were added. I had gone to LameStop and purchased some Xbox games for cheap that I'd never gotten to play, and still haven't gotten to play them.

I am skeptical this time around, but frankly don't care. I won't be fooled again.

Comment Re:why is that? (Score 1) 356

These are subsidies that gov offers. He has not stolen anything.

In addition, Kock broths get more than that EACH YEAR. Do you think that the neo-cons are going after them? And no, the tea-party will not be going after Musk OR kock brothers. As such, the GOP will be split on this.

oil power conspiracy theory drivel

Comment Re:5 billion is nothing compared to ... (Score 1) 356

.. to what what industries get out of government. Heck, some oil tycoons saw the first gulf war where USA kicked Saddam out of Kuwait, and figured it would be a cakewalk to kick him out of Baghdad and install some puppets and get all the oil in Iraq on the cheap. Got two oil men elected as POTUS and VPOTUS, launched a smoke and mirrors campaign and got us into a war that has taken 1 trillion and counting. If the gamble paid off, they would have gained a few billion dollars. But it didn't, but they didn't lose 1 trillion dollars we, the taxpayers did.

Compared to the shenanigans of the coal and oil businesses, even if it is true, this 5 billion is nothing. But most likely it is a hit piece commissioned by the same people who brought you the Iraq war. That one was expansion attempt. Now they are defending the home turf, public utilities using gas and coal. Entrenched monopolies who have never faced competition, lightly regulated by revolving door politicians, lobbyists and company men.

Can you explain how the war got us cheap oil? You're borderline conspiracy theorest. They were part of OPEC before just as they are now, pumping out just as much before as after

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