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Comment Re:You're not willing to pay (Score 1) 285

The rise in nationalism is more to do with sloppy, lazy logic like yours than any inherent qualities of specific immigrants. It's easier to point the finger of blame at conspicuous immigrants than it is to admit you might be part of the problem. I don't want to Godwin, so I won't draw any comparisons, regardless of how chillingly accurate they are.

Comment Re:Done in movies... (Score 1) 225

Well, movies are supposed to manipulate your emotions.

Movies are. But not the news-reports. And yet, Abu Ghraib scandal — in addition to legal prosecution of the culprits — brought down moral condemnation of not only them, but the entire chain of command all the way up to the then-President.

That nobody said a word to likewise condemn the fictitious Marine Captain Steven Hiller — the dashing hero of the "Independence Day" — suggests, our emotions against the real miscreants were deliberately whipped-up.

Given the harm the manipulation did to the American cause, one can be forgiven for suspecting, it was orchestrated — at least in part — by a hostile party... Would not have been the first time...


Woman Behind Pakistan's First Hackathon, Sabeen Mahmud, Shot Dead 494

An anonymous reader sends word that Sabeen Mahmud, a prominent Pakistani social and human rights activist, has been shot dead. The progressive activist and organizer who ran Pakistan's first-ever hackathon and led a human rights and a peace-focused nonprofit known as The Second Floor (T2F) was shot dead by unidentified gunmen in Karachi. Sabeen Mahmud was leaving the T2F offices with her mother some time after 9pm on Friday evening, reports the Pakistani newspaper Dawn. She was on her way home when she was shot, the paper reports. Her mother also sustained bullet wounds and is currently being treated at a hospital; she is said to be in critical condition.

Comment Re:Solar rarely enough for the whole house (Score 3, Informative) 299

Li-ion is just too expensive and maintenance-intensive to use grid scale.

"Grid scale" simply can not be more expensive than single-house scale.

It is called "Economy of scale" and although some of such may have limits, beyond which cost of additional units begins to increase, none of the conditions for that would apply in this case.

Comment Re:Done in movies... (Score 1) 225

we know who the bad guys are

Well, we know, the victim really was a drug-dealer too now.

because we know who the bad guys are

We — the readers and viewers — know (sort of). The policeman doing the illegal deed in fiction knows just as much as the real cops in TFA knew.

There should be no difference in our condemnation (or lack of it) of their actions. And yet, the difference is vast, proving most of the society as either hypocrites or tools of the manipulators ready to whip-up public outrage for their own purposes.

Comment Re:Solar rarely enough for the whole house (Score 2) 299

Your plan would cost more than what the utilities are already doing. Doing it your way would mean they would have to charge more at night and during the day.

Whoever is doing it, if it makes sense for anybody to store power generated at off-peak times for usage at peak times, it makes more sense for the generating companies to do it: because they can afford bigger storage with dedicated personnel and manage the generation-storage combination finer.

But, of course, this begs the question of whether it makes sense to do it for anyone at all — though TFA seems to suggest, it does...

Comment Solar rarely enough for the whole house (Score 2) 299

Few people have the space for so many panels to run their house on them — even if the problem of storing it were solved. From MIT:

Imagine that your house uses 48 kWh of electricity per day (about average). If you live in Arizona, where the average solar insolation per year is around 6 kWh/meters squared/day, you’ll need 53 square meters (574 sq ft) of 15% efficient solar panels. If you spend the extra money for 21% efficient solar panels, then you’ll only need 38 square meters (409 sq ft) of solar panels. But if you try to power the same sized house in Vermont, where the average solar insolation per year is around 4 kWh/meters squared/day, you’ll need 80 square meters (861 sq ft) of 15% efficient solar panels and 57 square meters (615 sq ft) of the 21% efficient ones.

And 48kWh, which is cited above as "about average", means, no home-servers running 24x7 (about 200Watts*24h=4.8kWh — or 10% more than the estimate — per server), no super-duper Christmas lights, and other limitations...

No, electricity companies are better positioned to produce electricity. And, truth be told, they should be using these wonder-batteries to store electricity during the night so they wouldn't have to charge more during the day. If only we had them properly competing with each other...

Comment Re:Done in movies... (Score 1) 225

He did not say "more often".

In the below context, the qualifier "more" is implied and does not need to be explicitly mentioned to convey the implication:

The problem is that in real life, often the people who think they are right and good actually aren't,

Because people make all sorts of mistakes "often" — and that is not worth mentioning. So, if you mention it, you are implying, that a particular mistake happens more often than others.

some cops wanting their boots licked.

Neah, they are all busy chasing you over your truancy.

What would you consider to be an acceptable error rate in this situation?

I did not express any opinion of my own on the "acceptable" rates or actions in this thread. I'm just pointing out the discrepancy between our condemnation of fictitious vs. real police (and military).

A discrepancy, that, strangely enough, does not exist (or is not as big) in our disapproval of other things — like on-screen sexism or racism.

Comment Re:Done in movies... (Score 0) 225

We must burn all the Three Stooges reels!

Three Stooges are not offered as role-models. Viewer is invited to laugh at them, not be inspired by them.

And Tom and Jerry? My god!

Actually, my collection of Looney Tunes came with a video-clip by Woopy Goldberg apologizing on behalf of Warner Brothers for the "racism" and "stereotypes", which, according to her, "were wrong then and are wrong now", but, nevertheless, "are part of Americana"...

Funny, how Django had no such disclaimers and apologies over portraying the two good guys as head-hunters sniping from afar at innocent people for money. (Kinda vindicates our Dear Leader's policies, but I digress...)

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