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Comment Re:Who would have guessed male dominance? (Score 1) 356

I saw the signs women were holding during their rallies in India. Signs were in English

Please, try not to be a colossal idiot. Before complaining, ask yourself what you're complaining about. Why would the signs be in English? Because their own government doesn't give a fuck about their rights, and they're appealing to an international audience to try to get some traction.

Just think for just two seconds instead of letting your knee jerk. Nobody fucking cares how put upon you think you are by this anti-rape movement. It's not about you.

Comment Re:Sometimes it takes embarrasement to effect chan (Score 1) 356

Are men so sexually animistic that they can't control themselves after seeing a boob?

Men from cultures which have not expected them to control themselves haven't learn to control themselves, on average. Which is why we need to bring pressure to bear upon them.

Of course, we still have rape in the west. We have the very same sentiments here, just less of them. Let's worry about our own conduct, too and not pat ourselves on the back too much for not being like them.

Comment Re: Filed under... (Score 1) 208

Bull. I got a simple Seiko for 400 euro.

I got a simple Casio for ten dollars. Keeps time at least as well as your Seiko and as a nice side benefit it's a nice gitmo talking point. (Yes, that's really truly the watch I own.) As a side benefit, if it gets damaged, lost, stolen etc., I don't care.

Your watch is a bracelet. It's jewelry, and being a watch is secondary.

Comment Re:Derivative work (Score 1) 356

If the video contains anything copyrighted by the Indian government or by a corporation friendly to the Indian government, then anyone hosting the video is liable for copyright infringement. Not all countries recognize fair use to the same extent.

I always wanted to copyright my name, do something outrageous, and then sue all the media that runs a story on it.

Comment Re:Wrong advice for nuclear weapons too (Score 1) 47

We had enough to destroy them 10x over. Being able to do it 20x over doesn't make us any more powerful.

Of course, it does. Your logic only works, if all missiles available will remain operational and reach their targets if launched.

But that's not a valid assumption. Consider, for example, the possibility of one side's launchers — submarines, bombers, mobile launchers, or stationary silos — being disabled and/or taken-over somehow. They aren't run always by the best, unfortunately...

If a mere handful of such installations need to survive for us to remain capable of annihilating the enemy, they would not risk it. But, if our counter-attack requires, say, 50% of them to be operational, the enemy might attempt such an action.

Similar arithmetic applies, if the target's defenses are deemed capable of destroying a significant fraction of incoming missiles. Russia already fears our interception technology, for example, and has its own. If such defenses can take out 90% of the incoming, you do need to fire 10x more. And you better use 20x more to be sure...

Comment Re:Just Askin' (Score 0) 367

the current intepretation is a product of late 20th century judicial activism in an era of increasing crime and bernie goetz/ dirty harry style anger. it has to do with handguns, individual action, and urban environments

but the second amendment is about long guns, community action, and rural hinterland

as crime declined and continues to decline (due to the waning of the crack epidemic and better policing like COMPSTAT, not handgun ownership) we are at a crossroads where a loud minority insists hothead douchebags walking around half cocked with guns in civil society is good. it's fucking stupid, it's a recipe for unnecessary death, and doesn't impact crime at all

our social and economic peers control hand guns far better, and are not cesspools of rape, murder, and robbery. in fact, they are a mostly equivalent on crime measures as us, but a lot lower than us on measure of murder. because we're the morons with all the extra pointless easy guns

so we shall return to the original intent of the founding fathers: long guns, community action, and rural hinterland (no one wants to take away your shot gun, farmer/ hunter, and you deserve it), and do away with this late 20th century judicial activism about handguns, individual action, and urban environments

you get trained, tested, THEN you get a gun. and we will cut down on the USA's absolutely insane sky high homicide rate compared to our social and economic peers

do you see a problem here that needs correcting? the majority of americans do:

Comment Re:They needed Brendan Eich (Score 1) 300

News flash - atheists get married too. It's only a religious construct for those who want to believe it is (such as religions that don't want to see same-sex marriage for "religious reasons").

Restricting it to specific peoples or groups of peoples is a religious construct. Religion as we know it in the west is rooted in Judeo-Christian ceremonies intended primarily to account for the disposition of wealth and the care of children in the case of the death of one spouse.

Comment Re:sun? maybe, but who cares. (Score 1) 300

Pretty much everything in their Ultra PCI range was simply uncompetitive with Linux PCs.

That depends on the era you're thinking about. Up through about the UltraSparc 10, they still had more power than any PC. Around then, PC processors caught up to UltraSparc and the writing went up on the wall. PCs and UltraSparc "workstations" were literally being built out of the same chips (the disk controllers and whatnot) and the specialness faded quickly.

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