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Submission + - TRON Classified "Sensitive" by Homeland Se

ewhac writes: "Apparently a Jeff Bridges film is now a credible threat to the Republic. Reports are emerging from Hollywood that the Department of Homeland Security has classified the film TRON as "sensitive" and ordered Disney studios to surrender all its copies. Concern reportedly surrounds the live action scenes shot at the Shiva nuclear fusion research facility, which apparently after 25 years are now considered to reveal sensitive details about nuclear technology."

Submission + - Architect Claims to Solve Pyramid Secret

Alreadybutnotyet writes: A French architect claimed Friday to have uncovered the mystery about how Egypt's Great Pyramid of Khufu was built — with use of a spiral ramp to hoist huge stone blocks into place. The construction of the Great Pyramid 4,500 years ago by Khufu, a ruler also known as Cheops, has long befuddled scientists as to how its 3 million stone blocks weighing 2.5 tons each were lifted into place.

Submission + - Man Crushes Testicle With Wii Controller

Bony Tlair writes: "A Leeds accident and emergency unit reported that a man was admitted to hospital in the early hours of april the 1st with severe injuries to his testical after playing with his Nintendo Wii console in the nude. Doctors reported that he had apparently jerked his Wii so hard he accidently crushed a testicle by jamming the controller against a loose testical. Doctors advised him not play with his Wii again until the swelling went down. http://www.maxitmag.com/game-on/game-articles/man- crushes-testical-with-wii-controller.html"

Submission + - Debian at the crossroads

Tookis writes: The Debian GNU/Linux project has come to some kind of crossroads — due to many factors, some of them artificial — and the man who takes over leadership next month will have to make some crucial decisions on the future direction of the project. At the moment strong leadership appears to be lacking — or so founder Ian Murdock believes. http://www.itwire.com.au/content/view/10788/1090/

Submission + - Houdini Murdered?

nick13245 writes: According to forbes.com , Harry Houdini's body is being exhumed because it has been rumored that he was poisoned. According to the article "... the likeliest suspects were members of a group known as the Spiritualists. The magician devoted large portions of his stage show to exposing the group's fraudulent seances."
XBox (Games)

Submission + - Ubuntu running on the Xbox 360

Anonymous Coward writes: "Cpasjuste has managed to get Ubuntu (comunity developed Linux-based operating system) running on the Xbox 360. It contains all the standard applications such as a WEB BROWSER, spreadsheet software, instant messaging software and more. To get it running King Kong is required as well as the vulnerable kernels. Read more about it here at: http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?p=4670 13#post467013 The news stub can be found here: http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=15411"

Submission + - Software Start-ups: What Worked and What Did Not

Andareed writes: Many people have the technical talent to create a software product but lack the business knowledge needed to start a successful software company around their product. Renowned economist Larry Smith discusses what is needed to create a successful software company. Smith also gives examples of software companies that have failed and software companies that have succeeded, and explains why they were unsuccessful or successful.
Portables (Apple)

Journal SPAM: Running with Nike+

I've mentioned in the past how excited I was about the new Nike+ipod sport kit It is a perfect combination for any runner like me who enjoys running with music and likes to track data about their runs. Well - I finally got all the pieces that I needed, and have been running with it for about a week. Here are my first impressions after that week.

First - The Hardware:

Submission + - RMS / "free," as in unprincipled

An anonymous reader writes: http://brookesnews.com/071903fontova.html "Here's a hippie-dippy spokesman for peace, love and total freedom who regards copyright laws as intolerably oppressive smiling gratefully — while being introduced onto the podium by a Secret Police Chief for a KGB and STASI-trained force who jailed and tortured more political prisoners as a percentage of population than Stalin's police under Lavrenti Beria and who executed at a higher rate than Hitler's pre-war Gestapo under Heinrich Himmler."

Submission + - Compiz and Beryl teams consider merging

mu22le writes: The Compiz and Beryl teams are discussing a merger. Posts on the Compiz forum and Beryl mailing list indicate that the projects are discussing how to execute a merger and work together to deliver a single compositing window manager to give "bling" to the Linux desktop. Beryl forked from Compiz last year, at the time, the Beryl developers said that the split was amicable but necessary because the two projects had different goals. Now it looks like the projects have found common ground.
The Courts

Submission + - Hans Reiser stands trial for murder, no bail money

mtaht writes: "Announced today: Hans Reiser to stand trial for murder. He's too broke to make bail, so will remain in jail (hopefully doing something productive) until the jury trial starts May 7th.

To me, the evidence — with one notable exception — seems far more flimsy than in the OJ Simpson case. Trace samples of blood in the home? How many times have you bled in your house over the last 4 years? If your wife had gone missing, and you knew from watching hundreds of tv shows who was usually investigated — wouldn't a normal person (geek) that otherwise had had no encounter with the law previously — buy a book or two on the subject? (admittedly, pre-patriot act, I'd have got mine from the library). If innocent, would you get annoyed at being trailed everywhere and start playing games with the cops? Since when did washing your car "frequently" become evidence of a crime?

Still... what did you do with the damn car seat, Hans?"
The Internet

Submission + - Can a reputation system better protect the 'Net?

coondoggie writes: "Could a social system where a community of users could rank the quality and security of a Website be effective at controlling phishing, fraud and in general disreputable sites from damaging the Internet and the society that uses it? Professor Audun Josang of the Queensland University of Technology thinks so. According to Josang such systems would best be tied into search engine technology. "This project is about a new type of internet security that can be supported by search engines, " he said. "I think in the future reputation systems, integrated into search engines, can be used to weed out such websites by giving them a low ranking and thereby making them invisible to unsuspecting users." http://www.networkworld.com/community/?q=node/1283 5"

Submission + - Birth, life and death of a photon

Roland Piquepaille writes: "Two days ago, I told you that German physicists had built a single-photon server (read more on Slashdot or on ZDNet). But French researchers also have used ultra cold atoms of rubidium to record the full life of a photon. This was one of Einstein's dreams, but it was thought as an impossible one before. In fact, a photon disappears when it delivers its information. But with what has been described as an 'experimental masterwork,' the physicists have observed the 'quantum jumps' done by single photons for as long as half a second. This discovery should lead to important developments for future high performance computers and quantum computing — and certainly to the field of physics. Read more for additional references and a picture of how the team recorded the full life of a photon — not present in the short AFP article"

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