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Comment Re:Bummer (Score 1) 326

"Esp. of a woman: sexually promiscuous or provocative, esp. in a manner regarded as vulgar or distasteful.". So you're injecting your subjective views into what looks mean and attaching a value judgement into that.

That description is what whoever picked the booth babe "uniform" probably went for. It's catering to a specific fantasy: "You're a pimp and these are your bitches, if only you buy our product." You know, the exact one a cynical - though not necessarily very smart - marketer would use to sell to a stereotypical nerd.

Comment Re:You are missing the obvious point! (Score 2) 349

No it doesn't. It means more demand. Read up on Jevon's Paradox. As a resource (including labor) is used more efficiently, demand for it goes up, not down, because of greater opportunities. It would only go down if the Lump of Labor Fallacy wasn't a fallacy.

The problem is, people aren't coal. A coal seam can sit unused for a hundred million year with no ill effects. An unemployed laborer can't. He either gets a job fast or falls into poverty. Supply of labour cannot go down in response to market situation; the only thing that can go down is the price. And as price of labour falls, demand for products falls, because people who get paid less can't afford as much. As demand for products falls, more people get unemployed, and you have a nice little vicious circle going.

It's what's happening now. Cheap credit kept a fundamentally broken system going for a while, but now that well has ran dry and it's collapsing. Keeping it going forever would require citizen pay, or credit without expectation of repayment. But I doubt the rich and powerful will accept the economic independence this would bring to lower classes, but will continue fighting tooth and nail to retain their power all the way to another bloody revolution.

As a side note, economy is full of "fallacies" that only apply with certain preconditions, for example that the resource can go unused with no ill effects. Ignoring those preconditions makes them a fine way to explain away any need to change. The problem is, reality won't go away just because you ignore it, and reality is that lots of people are unemployed, those still employed are living under constant pressure and fear, national and personal debts are sky-high, and nobody seriously expects any of this to get better in the foreseeable future, at least outside official speeches.

Comment Re:So in other words (Score 1) 349

Something tells me my dissenter stopped at "fauxminist" and, thus, never saw my remark about real feminist issues. At first I thought I was being trolled and, if you've seen my posting history, you should know I'm somewhat prone to feeding them for my own entertainment. Imagine my disappointment when it turned out that this person simply lacks reading comprehension or, at best, didn't actually read my entire post.

Comment Re:Looking inside shopvac (Score 1) 262

The legal system is the only place you have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Last time I checked, there were no checkout lines (or shop vacs) in the legal system. It's private property and you don't have to set foot on it if you don't want to. I'll let you draw the rest of that conclusion.

And who's being sexist? Some men wear panties too, y'know.

Comment Re:Wasn't there a study that proved this was good? (Score 1) 326

I can't remember where I saw it, but someone did a study comparing booth babes to trained senior citizens and the senior citizens did MUCH better job, resulting in greater sales and great callbacks.

That's no surprising. While I enjoy looking at the booth babes, I tend to avoid them whenever possible since I know that they'll just subject me to obviously artificial flirtation while attempting to repeat marketing gibberish which they don't actually understand. I'd much rather speak to a sweaty bearded guy in a tracksuit who can actually explain the product and tell me how it can help my business.

Comment Re:You are missing the obvious point! (Score 1) 349

Then explain why an American worker today can be more productive than his or her predecessors, yet paid a substantially smaller fraction of the proceeds from his or her labors?

Greater productivity per worker means less demand for workers. Less demand means lower price. Thus, more productive workforce means worse-paid workforce.

Yay capitalism.

Comment Re:Genderless information (Score 4, Insightful) 349


People need to (wo)man the fuck up and talk to each other, let them know where *your* lines are, and only escalate if they continue to *purposely* cross them. Don't be a knob about it and clarify your limits once, then escalate when they make some off the cuff remark a year later; learn to let things go once in a while, as we're all human and we all let things slip occasionally. Unless they're being purposely offensive to you and have made it clear they simply don't care if it bothers you (and they'll typically come right out and say as much to your face, so you don't have to read into things), you probably don't need to (and shouldn't) escalate things, because yes, that can and often do backfire. Sure, the person you complain about takes a pay cut, gets transferred out, or gets fired, but you become a social pariah around the workplace and nobody will have your back if anything actually does happen.

TL;DR: Be nice. Think twice.

Comment Re:So in other words (Score 1) 349

Is that a sly way of turning the faux feminist arguments we always hear about how all men are scum (real feminists don't necessarily feel that way) around on them? e.g. "Yeah, we're all pigs, and you want to be our equals. Welcome to life as a pig."

If so, it's pretty darn clever, though I don't think it'll have the intended effect. You see, no matter how clever you are, you can't argue with a fauxminist, because her megalomaniacal self image, combined with her view of men as something lesser beings (which, you're right, they claim to want to be equal to; so it seems they want to lower themselves, since they sure as hell don't want to raise us up) prevent her from ever listening to your logic. A feminist, on the other hand, is capable of participating in a proper discussion of the issues at hand and recognizing the absurdity of statements like "All men are PIGS!" before they come out of her mouth.

The sad part is that the fauxminists, while a minority, are so vocal that they destroy the message of real feminists who are trying to affect change regarding real issues.

Comment Re:Looking inside shopvac (Score 1) 262

Someone's panties are all in a bunch, wouldn'tchaknow. Seriously, nobody's accusing you of anything; but, if it acts as a deterrent, or they happen to catch a thief, it keeps prices lower for you (or profits higher for the shareholders, which could also include you), and if the anti-cheating software happens to catch a cheat, that added proof that you actually did the work makes your degree that much more valuable.

So, where's the problem?

Submission + - One Professional Russian Troll Tells All (

SecState writes: Hundreds of full-time, well-paid trolls operate thousands of fake accounts to fill social media sites and comments threads with pro-Kremlin propaganda. A St. Petersburg blogger spent two months working 12-hour shifts in a "troll factory," targeting forums of Russian municipal websites. In an interview, he describes how he worked in teams with two other trolls to create false "debates" about Russian and international politics, with pro-Putin views always scoring the winning point. Of course, with the U.S. government invoking "state secrets" to dismiss a defamation case against the supposedly independent advocacy group United Against a Nuclear Iran, Americans also need to be asking how far is too far when it comes to masked government propaganda.

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