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User Journal

Journal Journal: Well if it's about health care, then it's okay 2

(Who could be against something that's just part of health care?)

In "health care", "patients" sometimes want to "donate" "tissue" to scientific research...

I used to think the death panels in our future would be just about controlling costs. But now I see that there'll also be the "humanitarian undertaking" part of it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: yum, feet

So in Panera tonite I noticed they have a new kind of bakery dessert they're promoting. It's a flip-flop cookie.

You're supposed to pick up this day-glo green item that looks like some dirty open footwear that someone's skunky sweaty feet have been wearing, and stick it in your mouth and tell yourself you're enjoying eating such a thing.

User Journal

Journal Journal: what I want in my next car 2

Remember the motorized retracting radio antenna option that some cars had back in the 70's/80's? Well I want something like that, only on the driver's side of the car. And I want it to be a pipe with an elbow that can be raised like a submarine periscope. Only instead of lenses, I want it to be hollow. And instead of being an air intake like those snorkels on Hummers and Jeeps, I want it to be connected to the exhaust system and have a valve that can be actuated from a control in the cabin

Comment Re:Might read the whole thing yourself (Score 1) 16

The pope's not supposed to be an offender of God, tho. Elevating the creation (as just one example) detracts from giving *all* of the glory to the Creator. (I'm pretty sure "thou shalt have no other gods before Me" includes "thou shalt have no other gods alongside Me", even lesser ones.)

I have reverence for God, and nothing else shares/competes with my reverence. Not even a Bible. I have reverence for the words, but not any given printed version of them. It's just a paper and bindings. Placing one's hand on a Bible and swearing to anything, is stupid. Same with the American flag. Go ahead and burn it; it's just fabric.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Catholics have jumped the shark 16

I'm not Catholic, but even if I was:

1) I do not recognize this ball of mud in space as "our Sister, Mother Earth". How long before Catholics, who already come dangerously close to or cross the line into worshipping false idols, refer to it as "the Blessed Holy Mother Earth"? Water is blessed to make "holy water", so when will dirt be? Say three Hail Gaia's and you're absolved of your sins against "her"? I'm envisioning a creepy earth cult a la the movie Avatar. Stop the madness.

Comment Re:Dude, this is so easy (Score 1) 32

The War on Poverty was towards a different kind of revolt; an incremental one versus one big glorious overthrow. Encourage people to give up hope in the American Dream, in capitalism, and in self-reliance, and to instead get comfortable with reliance on government and redistribution schemes. (I.e. get them comfortable with the ideas of socialism, without calling it by name.)

Get over 50% of the households signed up for some sort of redistribution program and the battle's probably all over except for the shouting. The Left got the people to participate in a (gradual) revolt against what is the American system, without them even knowing it.

Comment Re:Dude, this is so easy (Score 1) 32

If you're suggesting that Republicans don't really care about abortion because they haven't tried to just end it all, in case you hadn't noticed, the country is becoming even more hostile to socially Conservative issues.

So what do you do, pick your battles to stay alive to provide some resistance to the Leftward collapse of America, or go for an all-or-nothing fight and risk finishing off the party and its voice?

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