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Comment Re:Excuse me (Score 1) 79

Part of the problem is that our Founding Fathers were onto something, but didn't take it far enough. A lot more decentralization is required to stave off tyranny. And that's not what the American system has been, so change is probably limited to only restoring the limited amount of checks and balances that were originally designed in.

Comment Re:and that article... (Score 1) 79

(In all seriousness, I do recognize that as one of my flaws, and that I'd fit in better for example in the workplace if I learned better to hide that about myself. (Because I think going forward it's mostly about fitting in, and not how well you can do the job.) But don't expect me to hold back here! :)

Comment Re:I believe it (Score 1) 12

Well, okay, "misinformed" (knows things that aren't true) is close to "uniformed" (does not know things that are true). And all such gradations of deception can loosely be called "lies", which was your beef with the former WH Press Sec.

I was just thinking, put yourself in Lefties' shoes for a minute, as it's an interesting (and disturbing) but enlightening exercise. Some "lying" is more direct than others. For example our culture has distinctions like "only" fibbing. Or "little white lies".

I look at them collectively and call the whole intention immoral and against human dignity (for both the lying and the lied-to). But Lefties separate them and rank them, towards being able to group crises and injustices of enough magnitude with them to outweigh the negative connation of using them.

For example the need for nationalized health care was so severely great, it totally justified even the most bald-faced lying. It was for the greater good. Whereas on more mundane issues, the Left will just opt for lies of omission. Or maybe go a little stronger and go with insinuation of falsehood, without directly saying falsehoods.

But then to put all that disgusting stuff in context, wouldn't you lie to, for example, save lives? Even to the nation? Even complete untruths, if the stakes were what you considered to be high enough? Lefties, as religious zealots of their faith, Leftism, just consider advancing and implementing it so spiritually and morally important that most of it outweighs in need and importance any tactics used to sneak it into being.

Whereas I care about my country and the world and the people in it, but I already have a religion, and it's mostly about post this place. But the godless and the humanists and the dirt worshippers recognize only the here and now, and elevate it to make it their belief in something larger than themselves.

Comment Re:Excuse me (Score 1) 79

More concentrated brilliance from yourself. I've thought the tax system should be a strict chain up the hierarchy, with higher-up levels of government with no power to directly address in taxation anything but its next lower level. No doubt influenced by MH42's thinking and posting on concentric levels of governance and less power over the individual as you get less local.

So I would pay taxes only to my city, for what it needs to operate plus whatever its share is to the county, which would be determined by what the county needed to operate plus its share to the state, etc. Then while dumping the 16th Amendment, get rid of the 17th as well and set the Senate back to a body of juggling states' interests, and determining what the federal apparatus needs to operate.

And yes, we are a republic of states of governance that are also united into a whole, and not supposed to be a monolithic, 2-level nation, of the rulers and the ruled. Barring your exceptions, the federal level should not even legally be able to contact individuals, as not federal citizens but as the city citizens that we should be. Each level of government should only be able to legislate in units of the level of government below it.

Comment Re:Excuse me (Score 1) 79

But no one ever agrees on a simpler tax code. A good portion of the Right are bastards who want that "fair tax" thing. I'm for a single tax rate for everyone, no deductions, but most people would scream bloody murder at no mortgage or charity deductions. (It's illegal (and immoral) for the govt. to financially incentivize certain life choices, and thereby penalize those who choose otherwise.)

But your idea of term limits for federal employees beyond just politicians is brilliant. In a way the unelected and unaccountable in govt. are more dangerous than our representatives (and oftentimes more powerful), so term limits is needed even moreso for them. We could start by getting rid of pensions, for anyone in govt. who's not a LEO on the streets, a firefighter, or active duty military. A fucking desk jockey's body isn't used up after 20 years of pencil pushing (or watching porn, or whatever govt. bureaucrats do nowadays when they're not thinking up ways for their agency to usurp more power, or build its own army). Removal of that jackpot would probably provide for some natural turnover.

Comment Re:and that article... (Score 1) 79

Wasn't Linda's only song about a werewolf?

(I'm trying to say who could be expected to know that that was a Warren Zevon song. It's like how many people know the Eagle's "Take It Easy" was a Jackson Browne song, or that Manfred Mann's "Blinded by the Light" was a Bruce Springsteen song. I mean when all of these originals were pretty much examples of lifeless suckitude, in comparison at least.)

Comment Re:I believe it (Score 1) 12

Oh I'm with you, and take it even further, to "lies of omission". Like RG's example of Sarah Palin having been accused of whatever whatever number of times. I call speech that leaves the wrong impression, even if what is spoken is incontrovertably true, to be a "lie".

But then how do we compete against those for whom truth is just a nice-to-have, or a luxury that is not affordable these days while there's various inequities and injustices that have been going on for ages and need to be remedied?

Wouldn't you lie if it greatly increased the chances of a power shift and the enabling of the outlawing of most abortions?

Comment I believe it (Score 1) 12

He probably defines a lie as voluntarily explicitly saying something that you know is 100% untrue. And he probably never did that.

It's like journalists. They never lie, but they constantly, daily, hourly, deceive. And if you can, via the black arts of trickery, make people believe you said something without actually having said it, hey, then it's not all on you, it's partly their fault. So it's not as bad to do it that way. (A poster here from way back when I first started journaling here said essentially that, and that the burden is on the other side then to counter it, or it's their bad.)

Comment Re:Excuse me (Score 1) 79

The irony is that we have crusaders like Her Majesty wailing about the need to tax the rich [], while pumping the loopholes like mad.

Just an FYI, even though it seems hypocritical to us, it's not really, because to collectivists, it doesn't do squat unless (almost) everyone is in it. For the same reason why Warren Buffet won't just send in a bunch more of his money to the government, but would gladly do it if officially demanded by the government of all rich pukes. I.e. it's not personal integrity that's important to Lefties, it's the gloriousness of large, far-reaching schemes forcing what they want for the system. It's about what they would feel good about and what wouldn't make them feel any better about the country or world. Merely living up, for oneself, to one's own standards is not enough for them to derive satisfaction and be content.

Comment Re:Libertarians are pro-choice? (Score 1) 20

I can't imagine why you're being so blatantly dishonest here. Of course having one of two opposing positions is not the having of neither of two opposing positions, and of course I can force someone to carry a baby to term more than I can force donation of a kidney for the reason that a baby is a human being (and human beings are supposed to have rights) and a kidney is not. And I don't understand why you're the one who ceased relationship over this. I thought about it, because the transparency of the bullshit really makes it look like you're just fucking with me. But I just chalked it up to the inexplicable, or maybe you're going thru a tough time right now and not thinking the clearest, but you're not an enemy, nor dead to me. I won't expand the drastic measures I've come to vis-a-vis Lefties on one case of inexplicable offensiveness (to my intelligence). It took me a long time to feel justified in completely writing off that (malicious) class of people, and I don't apply that to just people whom I disagree with. I wish you peace.

Comment Re:The problem with that theory (Score 1) 20

When a businessman lowers costs, you can afford a microwave, a VCR, and an iphone. You disdain capitalism because you don't understand it. You only understand it thru the distorted lens of Leftism. A businessman doesn't want to charge the most he can for something, he wants to make the most money he can. I can't buy a new car by bringing before and after price tags from my business in and telling the dealership I'm good at raising prices. They don't give a fuck, they just want money. So that's all I want. And in capitalism that usually means lowering prices, to sell more units/bring it down into more people's price ranges and/or due to competitive pressures. Join the real world sometime. My income hasn't been rising like it was, but look at all I have. At $4/gallon I can afford the luxury of driving a big thirsty muscle car. We live like kings, afforded by a stable government, a strong military, and a free market.

Comment Re:Great post (Score 1) 20

I'm against the government doing what it takes to enforce ideal childrearing circumstances as much as I am against it doing what it takes to enforce ideal security circumstances. The cost in individual liberty is way, way too high. I'm perfectly fine with an imperfect society, where at least I can live free.

Comment Re:Great post (Score 1) 20

My opinion is it's not the crux that ideally children are raised by both genders, but that ideally they're raised by both gender roles. And as far as I can tell, homosexual couples typically contain a more feminized member and a more masculinized one.

And ideally children are raised by people who actually want children. In this case, the experience I'm "denying myself" is not like going for bungee jumping; it involves bringing a new life into the world and a long-term commitment. That's not something I'd jump into just to check it off the list of pieces of the overall human experience experienced.

I don't know what God has in store for me, but I'm 48 this year, and I'm not exactly Abraham. It seems plausible to me that children aren't necessarily for everyone. I can accept that I'm defective in this regard, if that's what it means. My soft spot as far as nurturing desire and ability for great tolerance is for dogs.

From your referenced article:

Plante feels it is a necessary government role to create an ideal environment to raise children: “The reason we protect and promote marriage is because we want good, healthy citizens for our next generation.”

I completely disagree. Social/societal engineering is not a moral, legitimate role of government. Government is to keep a modicum of order, and otherwise not interfere or try to influence people in doing what they want. I'm not here to generate any particular kind of citizen for the next generation of this country, any more than I'm here to sustain the earth. The planet, this country, and abstract concepts don't have souls. I does. Everything will pass away except us. We exist for a larger purpose.

Besides, I don't believe in the powerlessness or apathy of God in working His will in this world any more than I believe in a fragile earth. Nothing can happen that He doesn't allow, and He has an overall plan, which I trust in (except in my moments of doubt and weakness). No matter how raised, God's law, and ergo knowledge of His existence, is written on our hearts: et al.

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