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Comment that's one thing I like about rights (Score 1) 5

There's always new ones to be discovered, around every corner!

p.s. Personally, I think everyone has the right to off themself, they just should have to do it themself. But the physical disability case throws a monkey wrench into that. So I would be about as uneasy about ruling on this as apparently the judges were (by not wanting to call it what it is).

Comment Re:parablica (Score 1) 39

It's been a long time since one was able to get Google to show results for actually exactly what one was searching on. They took away search operators/your control and now just give you what they think is best for you. Kind of like an all-loving government.

TLDR: Fuck Google. (And the Leftie horse it rode in on.)

Comment Re:not my takeaway at all (Score 1) 105

Here's one: How many more times do you think I'll assume good faith on your part, when you ignore what we're talking about and then feign to be interested a day or three later (and somehow unable/unwilling to simply scroll up and read what we were talking about), and then rinse, lather, repeat?

Comment parablica (Score 1) 39

There's a show on HGTV I think it is, with a petite blond lady who restores ancient decrepit houses and then resells them. The promo for the show includes a clip with her and her son and her talking about it being tough doing that and also being a single mom.

The obvious reaction, it seems to me is, "who's fault is that?" She's attractive and, obviously is doing okay financially, so it seems like it's completely within her power to change that. If she really wanted to. So I don't buy the "woe is me" line.

Comment Re:Walker has the same virtue as Sarah Palin (Score 1) 51

No more so than most every other nation. The U.S. lags the general world-wide trend Leftward, so pretty much everywhere else is to the Left of this country.

And I am a pretty far Right person, in which despite being much further to the Right than generally the rest of the world, the U.S. has become way too far Left for me.

So that's where I'm coming from, in full disclosure. We're looking at the same reality, I just come at it from a, these days, rather minority and quite unpopular perspective. But I am what I am.

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