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Comment Re:Can we stop trying to come up with a reason? (Score 2, Interesting) 786

These aren't just whatever, "it's just people making choices". It's clearly social and political influence.

you also shouldn't care about us people trying to effect social and political changes.

We're not supposed to care about your deliberate interference, but you're allowed to care about the choices women make, because society got in their heads and made them make the wrong choices?

Normally I don't care. But people like you are not trying to eliminate the sexism (probably because your assertions of it are vastly overstated), but trying to change the nature of the field to make it more friendly to stereotypes about women, without any consideration as to whether these changes will actually improve the field and the skillset of CS graduates.

Read this article about one presumably successful effort.

And let's look at the assumptions these efforts make, and their solutions.

"The first class you take is a weed-out class, and they are shocked by the fact they don't get any women at the end."

CS is too hard for women because, despite growing up with computers, they never learned how to program before. Lighten the intro courses to be less "weed out".

"Know-it-alls in any section are told to cool it so no one is intimidated."

Women are intimidated by knowledge and enthusiasm. Don't show off. It's too... manly.

"Along with changes to the introductory courses, Mudd works hard to keep women interested in the field."

Women need to be pandered to to keep them interested.

"Women and men work through problems in very different ways"

Women's brains are different. But still, ignore those troglodytes who said women are naturally less inclined to be interested in abstract machines.

"They bemoaned middle and high school math teachers who didn't engage or inspire."

More pandering is the solution. Nevermind the boys who never got that encouragement either. (High school CS curriculum was a joke twenty years ago, and it still is.)

Is coddling women going to make them better programmers? Who knows, maybe it will. But don't pretend you aren't coddling them.

Comment Re:All the more reason to get an antenna. (Score 1) 126

> Maybe, but it's good enough for me because I don't give a fuck about sports.

+...or new content.

Netflix is great as a "rerun channel". It's like a juiced up version of MeTV or AntennaTV on steroids.

Beyond that, it kind of sucks and there's really no point in denying it. Netflix by itself is no cable substitute. There's no point in pretending Netflix is something it's not. There's no point in trying to give people the wrong idea.

Fortunately the streaming landscape is not merely limited to Netflix.

Although more complete options will require you to be not a complete cheapskate.

Comment Re:Recognition (Score 1) 150

To be honest, Windows is no longer the big name in gaming platforms, Steam is. And Valve is pushing for game devs to move away from Windows-exclusive games so they can sell their Linux-based Steam Machines. While Linux support isn’t quite common yet it does pop up every now and then and OS X is actually seeing a fair number of high-profile releases.

Right now Windows might hold its dominance in the video game market but whether it’ll still be the obvious choice in a few years is not settled. (For instance, I have no idea what effect Microsoft’s rumored plans for a free baseline Windows with subscription addons would have - depending on how they'd play it it might make Windows more attractive to gamers or it might scare them off. We’ll see.)

Comment Re:I don't accept the premise (Score 1) 786

I am fascinated by that other guy that says that these "programmers" were nothing more than secretaries that managed the punch cards. There used to be a lot of grunt work and manual labor in computing that isn't there anymore. Those jobs just disappeared.

We have to be careful about which computing jobs we're talking about because even now they all aren't created equal.

Some jobs are more interesting than others. Some jobs are more lucrative than others. Some jobs require less training and education than others.

The same goes for law, medicine, and science.

Comment Re:A rather empty threat (Score 1) 555

You ARE confused. Please do apt-get source sysvinit and point me to a patch that addresses a bug in the upstream code (hint, there isn't one).

An RFE is in no sense a bug.

What the patches DO show is startpar being added in. That is, the ability for the init to happen in parallel.

But note, I don't advocate staying with the old unimproved sysvinit forever, just until a truly superior solution that doesn't try to own the world is ready to go.

Comment Re:1..2..3 before SJW (Score 2, Insightful) 786

That might be the same article that mentioned that Cosmo used to push the idea of women programmers. Do they still do that or did they stop doing that in the 80's.

It's the SJW ninnies that are trying to pretend that nerds are the perpetrators here when they are generally powerless and denigrated.

Nerds are the tail end of the problem. You're expecting them to wag the dog when it's the greeks and the jocks that control all of the really relevant media outlets.

Comment Re:All the more reason to get an antenna. (Score 1) 126

Everything is relative.

Netflix compares poorly to a $200 cable package.

It compares very well to raw broadcast TV or even broadcast TV filtered through a Tivo.

Plus antenna reception is a very tricky thing. It's often far from perfect both in terms of the channels you can get and how well you can get them. It's very much a YMMV proposition and is a very fussy sort of thing. Most people don't want to mess with that crap. That's why they have cable.

Comment Re:A rather empty threat (Score 1) 555

You seem a bit confused. Those bugs are not something upstream can or should be looking in to. That would be like blaming the bash team for a bug in your script. Naturally each distro has their own different sysVinit package, each wants to boot a little differently.

As for the rest, Gentoo and Slackware are existing systemd-less distros. Currently, Jessie has it as optional, so creating a fork would be a matter or removing a few packages from the repo. If the GR doesn't pass, it might not stay that way, but that isn't a problem for the next 3 years.

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