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Comment Re:But what IS the point they're making? (Score 1) 342

1. Actually, we ARE destroying the system. What used to be a prairie, with multiple species of grass, grazing fauna, birds, bugs, etc, is now a corn field. What was a thousand different critters is now ... 100? 10? Take that example, and put it all over the world. Yes, there are microbes living in volcanic vents in the ocean, that doesn't mean it's a robust ecosystem.

2. So, they anthropomorphized the ecosystem. The principle matters though. The more diversity, the more the system as a whole can deal with shocks. Less diverse systems don't deal well with problems. It's a basic tenet of ecology..... See number 1.

Comment Re:You have outed yourself as an Obamabot (Score 1) 242

If race doesn't matter, why was it neccesary to bring out his middle name? Hussein? You're assuming I meant racist against black, but frankly, we're not facing a lot of racism against those of middle eastern descent. yeah. Barack HUSSEIN! Obama!

As for the incidents of white christian shootings, have you been paying attention to the news? They don't get labeled terrorists. They get labeled fringe lone incidents... The latest was the recent couple that shot everything up and then shot themselves...

Comment Re:Actually, (Score 0) 242

1. Why is Timothy McVeigh NOT a terrorist? He was trying to force change, through terror. Hence, a Terrorist. Let's face it, we've had a rash of White Conservative Christian types shooting up malls lately, to force change. They're terrorists. I'm much more likely to get shot at by a a white conservative christian type than I am a muslim extremist, so.... Both are bad, but lets spread the blame around fairly.

2. Oh, shut up about the Barak Hussein McCarthy bull. You sound perfectly reasonable until you pin all the blame on him. This shit started a while ago, and is growing. It won't go away when Obama is out of office. It didn't start with him, and it won't END with him. He's just a pawn.... A complicent pawn, a GUILTY pawn, but keep your blatant stupid racist bullshit to yourself.

3. The press is is bed with the government. Whoever is president next, even assuming it's Rand Paul, do you think the press will do anything the white house tells them not to? Give me a break....

Comment Re:McCarthyism v2.0 (Score 2) 242

This suggests a very fun way to fight back. We could all just start snitching on each other left and right until EVERYONE is on the list.

An alternative is to start fingering our elected representatives. I heard Wyden was having meetings with Terrorists, and I'm pretty sure I saw Merkeley come out of a mosque once... Etc....

Comment Re:it's about immigration, stupid (Score 1) 529

"And I'm admitting all of this as a die-hard Democrat!" Don't forget racist. You're that too.

I'm the son of an Immigrant from Switzerland. I have the benefit of being white.... My grampa had an accent so thick he could barely be understood by non family members when he spoke English. I'm the first person with my family name to be born in America. I'm an American. I look like an American. I think like an American.... The people raised here are American, through and through.

Blaming the (rather imaginary, violent crime is WAY down) problems of your society on "Foreigners" is one of the oldest and saddest things we do as Humans.

Really. Violent crime is down. Look it up. There is no pox. There are no ghettos of civilized Americans. No one is overrunning anything. Calm down and stop being a xenophobic and racist ass.

I would also say that the people that turned Central America (how is Mexico seperate from Central America? Or did you mean South America? Idiot... ) and Africa into hellholes was..... US! America the beautiful, land of the free and home of the brave, has a history of overthrowing governments and propping up dictators. If Honduras is a shithole, it's OUR fault. Etc etc etc..

Also, the drug problem is real... but no market exists without customers. The drugs made in central and south america are snorted up OUR noses. We are to blame for that too. They wouldn't make 'em, if we didn't buy 'em.

So, basically, You're full of it.

Comment Re:Free market economy (Score 1) 529

We borrowed money to pay for bailing out the banks that caused the whole financial mess, and we borrowed to go into two incredibly stupid wars.

So... why COULDN'T we just roll out a Marshall Plan for our middle class? That sounds like an eminently better idea than what we DID do...

It pretty much sounds like exactly what we DID do. We (the U.S. government) borrowed money, and used it to put people back to work making bridges, dams, roads, etc. So, No, the idea that government regulation made the post war economic boom is NOT ridiculous.

As a fine example, we had no serious financial meltdowns under the Glas-Steagal act. When we repealed that, magically, we had a giant boom.... and a following bust. Weird...

You need to read your history more before you start calling other people's ideas bullshit.

Comment Re:Free market economy (Score 4, Insightful) 529

Uh... There's been plenty of Union busting, plenty of new free trade treaties, and plenty of wall street deregulation. Certainly there's been no love for Unions. Free Trade Treaties? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.... Since we already deregulated the banking industry to stupidity, we TRIED to re-regulate, and now even Dodd and Frank acknowledge that the Dodd-Frank act is toothless.

Where have YOU been?

Also, yeah, you missed a President there chuckles.... How Convenient.

Comment Re:Free market economy (Score 4, Insightful) 529

I'll let you know when he actually starts changing something. So far, it's been pretty "Hopey" and not a lot of "changey".

It annoys me when conservatives get up in arms about Obama, who is basically just keeping Bush policies steady. Yes, even the recent migrant kids thing is a Bush policy. sigh.

At least Liberals hate him for REAL reasons... Basically that he hasn't been very "Changey".

Comment Re:Gots to find more ways to avoid taxes (Score 1) 533

How about "if the cops aren't working, lets reform them instead of getting rid of them." Yes, our government is out of control. liberal and conservative both agree on this. Conservatives just seem to have this idea that pruning it down will magically solve all the corruption and chicanery going on. It won't. Us liberals want to make government work for US again. What's so wrong with that idea, at it's heart?

You should listen to what liberals actually say instead of what the right tells you they say.

I'd also listen to conservatives more if they actually went out and protested the bank bailouts... they griped, but never seemed to actually manage to try to do anything about it. Oh, but social safety nets? Those have to be cut right away, lets protest!

Comment withdrawing from a bank (Score 1) 533

I don't "bank" with any banks... I bank with a credit union, for that express reason. How about you?

There are people who refuse to pay a portion of their taxes because it goes to war funds, and they think that's murder, and is against their deeply held religious beliefs. These actual real Christians are called Quakers, and no one pays attention to them, which is a shame. I also know a guy that hates what the US government does, so he purposely doesn't make any money so he doesn't have to pay taxes. He's a neat guy..... but these are anecdotes, not the average.

People who don't want to pay taxes, who rail against government, usually take for granted all that they get from living in a civil society. You drove to work on public roads. Your kids go to public school, your electricity works, your sewer works, your water flows when you turn the tap on. You are protected by police and fire departments. The businesses around you couldn't operate without courts and uniform laws. If you want an example of small government and freedom, go see Somolia. See how well that turns out.... They're super free to do whatever the local warlord tells them to do.

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