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Comment Re: Washington DC think tanks (Score 1) 465

You do realize you sound crazy.... right? The "green" solar agenda is to shift money to untaxable locations and hide it (I thought that was EVERYONE's agenda), and to divert the world's attention by hating the world and killing everyone?

I... wow. What does anyone say to that? Where did you GET that?

Comment Re:Correction: (Score 3, Insightful) 338

How do you fight a corporation? I'm very curious... :D

I'm very involved in local politics. I've met my state reps, several times. You CAN fight city hall, you just need enough people.

I'm pretty sure that if you posted nasty things about your local government, the cops would not actually beat you and put you in jail. That's a big bit of hyperbole you have there. Corps don't have armies? Ever heard of the Pinkertons? They did a LOT of head busting back in the day. Well, union busting. :D

I guess the point here is that you CAN change an organization if you get enough people, if you organize, and hurt them (either votes or money) until they do what you want. At the heart of it both my city government and a corporation are just large organizations.... But the corporation's bottom line is Profit, and the Government's bottom line is Services Delivered. Both have all the benefits of large organizations (economy of scale, etc) and the drawbacks (corruption, slowness, etc)

Comment Re:chutzpah, meet hypocrisy! (Score 1) 338

Eh. Your statement is ignoring the very real difference between national and state level politics. Many people believe that more power should to go the states and cities, because those representatives are closer and hence more respondent to their constituents. I've met with my state reps several times. They're nice folks doing a hard job. They listened to me, and there's a very real possibility that my resolution will pass in 2015. National level? Not a chance in hell.

Comment Re:Is this really good news? (Score 1) 233

I've driven a forklift... I made 5cents over minimum wage. I know It's a logical fallacy to disregard your post just because one little bit is wrong, but... I'd like to know what plants you've seen where someone driving a forklift was making $30-50 an hour... I don't think you've seen that at all. I'm sitting in the middle of Intel, as a technician, and I don't make that much. Perhaps I need to quit my job and go drive a forklift?

Comment Linus does not understand the size of the effort (Score 1) 727

And yet, no one's really complaining about device drivers. Linux device drivers are fine. You don't see it happening? Uh. It already happened. It is happening. It will continue to happen. I plug stuff in, it works. Except for some printers, because those companies are just dead nasty evil.

We're talking about the desktop here....

Comment Linux could own the desktop... (Score 1) 727

Ew... you NEED the .deb repositories, because we don't HAVE a unified ecosystem. I need the debian apt system to grab all my dependencies for me! a more git like approach? What? How? You want a more android app like system?

So... an app system full of useless trivial apps that have really stupid permissions to my box.. And on top of that nightmare, you want to drop .deb dependency checking... on a linux desktop?

No Sir. Just.... No. Ew.

If you're concerned that it's hard to get code into the official debian repositories, that's a conversation we can have. But no, we can't go away from dependency checking toward an app store model. I don't WANT any old stupid app to be in the offical repositories.

Comment Re:Flaws? (Score 1) 203

As a DM, I don't CARE if my PCs are balanced. I care if they're interesting. If my players start min/maxing, I slap 'em back to the stone age. We're here to roleplay, Damnit. Talking to the innkeeper is just as important as stabbing the orc.

It's my job to keep the players entertained by co-creating a story WITH the players.

Comment Checking it out (Score 1) 203

Well, I'm about a third through the provided free PDFs, and I have to say that I like the tone so far.

Like many others, I thought 4E turned my beloved Roleplaying game into a Rollplaying game. I thought it lost all flavor or character. Ok, and I wigged out over the refresh times for abilities and spells.... It smelled like an MMORPG, which usually doesn't have much actual RP in it. I moved to pathfinder.

I'm finding this PDF to be an easy read though. (Hey Shadowrun 5th edition guys, you could learn something here.) It's full of flavor text, the rules seem easy and intuitive.... I'd play it.

The rules changes seem nice too. I hate rules. I want to focus on the story and the character interactions. I don't want to spend my time looking up bonuses in a chart. I have NEVER used a grenade scatter table in my life. :D

After 4E and Piazo doing such a good job with Pathfinder, I.... might actually give D&D 5E a fresh look. Ew. I said it.

Comment in defense of Hipsters (Score 1) 341

Disclaimer: I live in Portland OR. :D

Ya know, I'm sick of people bashing on hipsters. We live in an overly commercialized society. Why bash on some kids that are trying to find a little authenticity?

Why is it a bad thing to show disdain for Justin Bieber and people who think he actually makes good music. Why is it a bad thing to actively seek out good music by local artists? Why is it a bad thing to show an appreciation for a small show or a small band over the commercialized stuff we're all force fed today?

I get what you're saying, I do. But lay off. Let they that never had a mullet or acid washed jeans cast the first stone. Let they that never listened to New Kids On The Block because all the other kids said they were good, cast the first stone....

We all did it (Looking at you Punks and Goths). Hipsters just want to find a little authenticity in our fake commercialized world. Lay off 'em. In a few years their entire clique will be available for sale at Hot Topic and they can cry about the good old days like we all do.

I hope they find it. Don't sell out Hipsters! The more they hate you, the more you're winning!

Comment ap store vs. repositories (Score 0) 249

I love Apt. I love the whole Debian package system. I look at App Stores as a hard to search and uninformative version of the Debian package system, that's filled to the brim with Really Stupid Apps.

There are over 1 million apps in the Apple App Store! Most of which are utterly useless....

I don't think it CAN be done better. The App store is viewed as a get rich quick scheme, and hence is flooded with CRAP. Everyone reinvents the wheel. There are probably 10,000 flashlight apps, and most of them are just harvesting your data.

Garbage in, garbage out.... I suppose they could make the ratings based on how LONG you keep the app. Removing the ratings from the hands of Humans and making it based on how often an app is uninstalled, that'd be a good step.

Comment Re:It's about PorkBarrel (Score 1) 393

There's one more issue. None of the nearby planets (yes, this includes mars) has a magnetosphere, and hence they have no protection from radiation stripping off their atmosphere.

There will be no terraforming of mars. If we ever live on mars, it will be in underground bunkers...

Also, why would we spend that much on prisoners? The only part of your post that was accurate was the fucking and the massive extinction. (even the overpopulation was wrong. Food abundance, not fucking, leads to overpopulation.)

Comment Re:Term Limits for Congress (Score 1) 393

I used to be all about term limits too. Then, really, I came upon this mode of thought. They're interchangable robots, for the most part. It's rare to get one with a spine. It's hard to get elected without buckets of money to buy grassroots organizing (ha! grassroots my !@#$). Anyway...

What we NEED to do is get money out of politics.

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