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Comment Re: Do they have a choice? (Score 1) 312

neural nets with backpropagation are as deterministic as any other algorithm; if the inputs are the same and no one has "improved" the numerical routines, you should get the same result every time you run the training algorithm. yes, you can add stochasticity to NN training to try to improve convergence, but this is true about many algorithms (whether their implementors realize it or not). running the same trained, frozen neural net on the same input should definitely always give you the same result, unless something weird is happening (as it sometimes does).

i understand that in certain cases, we need provably correct results. my point is that "deterministic" is often (but not always) the wrong word, which i think you've illustrated.

Comment Re: Do they have a choice? (Score 1) 312

what is up with people abusing the word "deterministic"? it has become a strange euphemism in the computing world, meaning something like "reliable" or "trustworthy".

a deterministic algorithm can fuck up really, really badly (especially when it takes input from untrained or possibly malicious humans), while there are several stochastic algorithms that work quite well, often provably so. even chip cores have layouts optimized by stochastic hill-climbing!

anyway, Google is in the business of showing person A what person B wants, which is usually the product of some person C. unless everyone in the world is non-racist, then of course the algorithms will either "be racist" or suboptimal. it would basically require a strong AI to change this. (A, B, C are not necessarily distinct.)

Comment And in further news (Score 1) 157

the UK government has mandated that drivers of horseless carriages must mimic the acts of a horseback rider so as not to confuse equestrians, with a person in the boot to fling a piece of horse dung every half mile. The exhaust system shall be tuned to produce an appropriate clopping sound, and the horn shall whinny.

Comment Re:100 million quest to waste 100 million (Score 4, Interesting) 208

No one with a brain would use microwaves, optical SETI is far more efficient and the logical choice. For a picosecond, a source can out shine the local star and transmit an obvious artificial pattern. The whole spectrum from infrared to ultraviolet can be monitored at once too

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The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth. -- Niels Bohr
