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Comment Re:What has happened to Silicon Valley? (Score 1) 148

Spending on research has been constantly growing over the past 50 years, and private spending is well ahead of Government spending. There really isn't a "cutoff" in funding, unless a cut from a 5% increase to a 2% increase is construed as a cut (in a time when inflation is running around 2%).

Comment Re:Reboot? A phone! (Score 1) 484

My Note 2 is rock-stable like yours. I just checked - 1729 hours and counting since last reboot. Battery easily lasts from 6 AM to midnight (30+% left when it finally hits the charger), with moderate use (30-40 minutes of voice, a few dozen texts, and 70-80 e-mails, with a bit of GPS and web access mixed in). Rock solid device, plenty of battery life - and I love the note-taking ability with the pen!

Comment Re:too many slashdotters (Score 1) 172

About 600 feet downhill from here in Parker (official elevation 5,900 ft.) but more like 700 ft. downhill from our house according to my GPS. I figure I spend enough time in the mountains (~10,000 ft. to ~11,000 ft.) that it balances out me visiting folks in flat land.


Comment Re:But aren't corporations people now? (Score 1) 79

It's more like when you know somebody dying to die by a needle and run out of energy trying to talk them out of their nihilism.
The courts have shown their corruption, overturning voters across the country. It is left for me to raise my sons with a proper understanding, irrespective (and disrespective) of what some liars say.

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