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Comment Re:All new passenger cars and light trucks (Score 1) 261

Unfortunately, there are many unintended consequences of your actions. Among other things, people sometimes ride in someone else's cars. Sane people should not be required to double check and insist that the car has a seatbelt, air bags, etc. Not when they are riding with a friend, not when they are renting a car, not when they are getting into a taxi.

Comment Re:All new passenger cars and light trucks (Score 1) 261

Did you read the original article? Because you just proven my own point. You did nothing to disprove them at all.

You can't say that currently, AFTER the government mandated something, that there is a market for it. Of course there is, people have grown up used to those things. I

The entire point of the original article was that certain things are not demanded by customers until they become widespread. Therefore the government should mandate them.

Airbags may or not have originally been quite dangerous. Without the mandate, they never would have become safe at all, and never would have been deemed necessary. With the mandate, research was done, and modern airbags and now deemed a necessity.

Your argument does make a somewhat reasonable claim that after government mandates do their job, we might be able to remove them. But that is another, entirely different argument.

By your own admittance, these government mandates worked and save many lives. The strong market for safety features exists only after the government mandated them. Before they existed, 1) they were not as effective because not enough testing and research was done, 2) the car companies did not advertise them, 3) people did not know about them. After the rules mandating them, testing and research skyrocketed, the car companies starting pushing them and people learned enough about them to demand car companies put them in.

Your own personal claims prove that you are wrong.

Comment Its' not that hard to see (Score 1) 62 the temporal placticity becomes permanent.

All the creatures have some slight bone changes, due to the absence of water and the effect of gravity.

Over time, those whose genes allow for greater changes breed true, while those whose genes limit these beneficial changes tend to breed less.

Eventually someone gets a mutation that makes it slightly easier to walk and effectively makes it much harder to swim. As they no longer swim, that mutation gets bred into everyone.

Ta da, the 'temporary plasticity' has become permaennt.

Comment Re:cops + cameras = all problems fixed! (Score 1) 643

90% of the advantage of such a program is not the video itself.

Instead it is the knowledge that the camera is there and uncertainty of what it MIGHT have caught on video.

This alone causes a significance change in behavior - both by the cop and the criminal.

Specifically, cops suddenly become afraid of getting caught committing crimes, rather than confident of their immunity, and criminals (sober ones at least), become much less likely to file false charges.

Comment Re:Climate damage is never irreversible (Score 1) 708

Or we set up a situation where we have another 'year without a summer', only this time on purpose. (i.e. artificially create a volcanic eruption). This allows the ice flows to reappear. After that super cold year, we go back to normal.

I am not saying this is a good idea, just that we could do it, reversing the problem.

Comment Climate damage is never irreversible (Score 2) 708

They probably meant irreversible in a reasonable amount of time.

But I absolutely assure you it is possible to undue all damage- if we are willing to pay a ridiculous amount of money to do it.

Now, biological extinctions may be unpreventable, but we can always turn the clock back on climate change.

Comment Re:Short term (Score 1) 506

Not quite. About 3% of Americans have motorcycle licenses. You don't get one to go places, you do it because it is fun.

I predict that in 20 years, about 3% of Americans will have a 'manual drive' license, allowing them to drive cars that are not robot controlled.

These people will in all probability be VERY skilled, as they will likely take their driving very seriously.

Comment Not surprising (Score 5, Interesting) 506

California is playing it safe. It will take a while for us to trust the software enough to remove the steering wheel.

In fact, it would not surprise at all if the brake itself is NEVER removed. I can easily foresee a situation where these vehicles are used to transport unwilling people, or simply undergo a malfunction and the occupant will always want the ability to stop the device.

But I can see the steering wheel and accelerator going away completely - don't want to let untrained people having the ability to make things worse.

Comment Re:Thank you Medical Science (Score 1) 77

You can use the word miracle the way you want to. For me, and a whole bunch of other people, this is exactly what we mean by the word miracle.

See "Miracle drug", also the "miracle of birth", and a bunch of other people.

The rest of your arguments are similarly focused on one peculiar and particular point of view.

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