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Comment Re:Headphone Jack (Score 1) 59

and amazingly enough it works (kinda) with iPhone headsets. (3 channel mini plug)... though the audio only comes out one side in an imperfect stereo.

1/8 TRRS mini-plug on the iphone headset? That happened to me, the problem is you don't have it plugged in all the way, there's another "click" further in. The jack on the DS4 has a lot of resistance so it's easy to think you have it in all the way when you don't.

Comment Re:Households without a PC (Score 1) 648

A VPS is usable so long as you have an always-on Internet connection wherever you plan to use the service. For example, good luck getting started on homework while riding the bus home from school.

Really tepples? You're really reaching for an irrelevant edge case this time. Because I doubt even the ones with Windows machines at home are going to get started on their programming homework on the bus.

Comment Re:Households without a PC (Score 1) 648

For that matter, what about students that have only smartphones, tablets running a smartphone operating system, and game consoles? Such households exist.

Eventually a call will be made as to whether edge cases are supported or even considered. It's probably a numbers game, once the numbers of edge cases drop to a certain amount, they get ignored. You really are too focused on edge cases.

Comment Re:Pointless (Score 2) 93

/me waits for edge case obsessed Tepples to start talking about game consoles that can't run Chrome.

And non-x86 Linuxes can't run Chrome! Would Someone Think of The Edge Cases!

I did actually check the site in the PS4 web browser, just in case Steam thought it was Chrome or something.

Comment Re:Technical or political restrictions (Score 1) 229

For others trying this: exfat-utils and fuse-exfat are in RPM Fusion

yup. I would say the vast majority of Fedora users use the RPMfusion repository, especially if they have an Nvidia card.

including the SDXC marking could be seen as inducement to infringe a patent by installing the exFAT packages.

you read too much into things.

Comment Re:World's most useless feature (Score 1) 93

You're telling me it wouldn't be quicker to google a page of tips for the game? Fuck sitting through a ten-minute video about how to click on a certain combination of buttons in some software

These days, tactics and strategies aren't just like "Jump towards the opponent and press down, down-right, right+strong attack" Games are more complex, with some things "seeing" things can help. It also depends on the game. It's not a all or nothing thing.

Comment Re:It's actually a nice feature. (Score 2) 93

It's fun to be a back-seat starship captain, and many of the players like it too, as having an extra set of eyes and ears can be helpful for catching things you might overlook:

I'm a back seat minecrafter. Just watching guys randomly mine caves without any organization, or collecting wood at night...outside, or not having any walls just makes me scream.

Comment Re:World's most useless feature (Score 5, Interesting) 93

Who the hell wants to watch other people play games when you could be playing them yourself?

That's what I said. But then I started watching a few streams. You can pick up tactics, skills, ideas from streams. You can also help out new players, or watch a game you're interested in buying. It has it's uses.

Comment Re:TED talk about proprietary SW in schools (Score 1) 648

He didn't make that claim. All he's saying is that RMS is focused on everything BUT beginners when he should be also pointing out how Python's really good for beginners.

RMS focuses too much on the needs of the typical bearded grognard still computing like they were at MIT on VT100's using TECO in the 60's/70's and not enough on the masses

Comment Re:They say a picture is worth a thousand words... (Score 1) 59

Hmmph, Xbox fanboy I see. The DS series predates the xbox controllers, I prefer the symmetry.

You also got the letters mixed up. If you really want to be oldschool you switch Y and X positions and B and A positions, then it's the layout of a SNES controller the inspiration for the PSone controllers.

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