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Comment Re:It's amazing (Score 3, Interesting) 199

and you too may understand why constitutions need to be amended from time to time.

Luckily, our Constitution has a provision for amending it. Article V, in fact.

When the government decides to go through that process, what they're doing will become Constitutional.

Alas, just passing a law doesn't meet the requirements of Article V.

Comment Re:Don't see the logic of this... (Score 2) 170

In technical terms, Quake multiplayer was groundbreaking. But in gameplay terms, even by the standards of its time, it was extremely conservative. It was straightforward "shoot the other player in the face with a basic selection of weapons" deathmatch that hadn't really evolved since Doom. In contrast to the almost Spy-vs-Spy-like multiplayer in DN3D, it was extremely barebones stuff.

Plenty of people did more interesting things in mods, of course.

Comment Don't see the logic of this... (Score 1) 170

I've never liked Quake 3. To be honest, aside from the singleplayer modes of Quakes 2 and 4, I've never much enjoyed the Quake series. Admired them as technological accomplishments? Sure. Enjoyed other games built on the engines? Absolutely. But liked the games? No. Compared with their contemporary competitors such as Duke Nukem 3d, Unreal, Half-Life and so on, they've always felt very shallow and conservative.

But hey, I am not the final arbiter of gaming taste. A lot of people do like the series. But by and large, they like it because it is so conservative. Quake 3/Quake Live's players are basically the people who have looked at everything in modern gaming and said "no thanks". To an extent, I sympathise. There are aspects of some modern shooters, such as 2-weapon limits, modern military settings, regenerating health systems and corridor-levels that I'm also bored to death of (though not everything is like that). But this is an audience that defines itself pretty much by its resistance to change.

So why bother pushing changes like this? Your existing players are not only going to hate it, but they are going to compete with each other to see who can shout that they hate it the loudest (proving yourself more "hardcore" and "oldschool" than anybody else is a big part of how you navigate the social pecking order around niche games like this). And new players? It's still, under those minor changes, the same old game it always once and still both feels and looks like a legacy from another era. Counter-Strike edged out Quake 3 as the main competitive fps for good reasons. Plus it's a legacy from another era with a really, really hostile-to-beginners culture to go with it.

If all of the above sounds hostile... it's not really meant to be. It's absolutely a good thing that there are niche games like this out there. But by and large, the absolute worst thing the developers of those long-standing niche games can do is to try to take them "mainstream". It usually just alienates the old audience without attracting a new one.

Comment Re:What's wrong with Windows Server? (Score 2) 613

It seems like that problem would be most simply solved by creating a command line tool called 'parallel' that lets you run several commands in parallel, and then returns when it is done. Something like 'parallel cmd1 cmd2 cmd3.'

A wrapper, which can be written as a shell script itself, would look for dependency information in the init scripts, probably in a comment or perhaps in a variable. When the wrapper runs, it checks the status of any required init scripts which share the same first line, using the functionality built into each init script. If they are all running then it fires off the daemon and exits. Else, it blocks if it is critical or not if it is optional, and either way it loops and waits for deps for a decent amount of time. If it is critical the boot process is interrupted, if it is optional then something else happens (script-dependent.) Dependency information could also be stored in a variable in a config file (e.g. in /etc/default) and when not present, the daemon can be treated as critical and blocking. All the other elements of the system remain unchanged, down to symlinks establishing daemon launch order. This requires changes only to init scripts, and even then only for daemons which are expected to launch in parallel. Is there some obvious reason why this wouldn't work?

Comment Re:Troll much? (Score 2) 613

-Bake in more advanced log processing to mitigate the need for log analysis tools.

What was wrong with log analysis tools? One can bang them out with perl in a minute or two.

Starting up /bin/sh hundreds of times during boot is wasteful and slows boot.

No, it really isn't. Process creation is cheap on Unix, and the shell will not only be cached during boot, but one or more copies of it will be present in memory at all times. Running the shell hundreds of times today is a triviality compared to running the shell dozens of times on Unix machines from the 1980s, on which that was in fact not a big deal, because process creation is cheap on Unix. This is just not a real consideration for any modern system, especially given the plethora of lightweight shells available for low-memory or otherwise limited systems.

Sequential startup of services is silly when many can be started in parallel.

This is really the argument that something new was needed, but frankly, it would have been simple enough to handle this without a whole new init system. A shell script wrapper would probably have done this job. Some distributions are already recording dependencies in init scripts; sequence information would be simple enough to add. If this is the best argument for systemd, and so far as I can tell it is that, then it's a really crap argument.

Comment Re:The Future! (Score 1) 613

Great! That is all we need. More fragmentation in the community! As if choosing a distro wasn't confusing enough as it is for newcomers!

It should be relatively simple to create tools to permit systemd to automagically support normal Unixlike config files.

THIS is the reason why Linux will never be a mainstream desktop.

The truth is that nobody but Ubuntu has ever really tried for the mainstream desktop, and they have serious flaws involving ignoring their users; Microsoft and Apple already fill that niche.

Comment Re:Which Invasion? (Score 1) 205

Of course, the evidence of WMD's was very circumstantial. In this case, there is footage. And there are 2500 dead people. And it's all because of Putin's direct orders (this part is my opinion... but it's obvious to anyone whose ego is not invested in chest-beating for Mother Russia). Russia never fails to supply the world with a good tragedy. It stood at the doorstep of becoming civilized and it decided to turn around and slam that door shot. I wish what's about to ensue could be a hilarity. But the campaign of deception that is running out of Russia is almost as depressing as the Russian campaign of terror.

Comment They store credit card data with the transaction (Score 5, Informative) 132

Home Depot stores credit cards with the transactions.

I know this because when you go to return something I bought, they don't ask you for the credit card, and sort of highlight that this is a convenience that is unique to Home Depot.

I complained more than once to the cashiers about storing credit card numbers (it is not their fault, it is management and IT). The cashiers would say: "Don't worry, we don't have access to it!"

My response was: it is not you whom I am worried about.

Now we know that storing credit cards is a bad idea, and why ...

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