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Comment Only 2 hard drives worth of media files? (Score 1) 253

Hardly seems worth the bother of going to all the trouble that would be necessary to put the media server in one of the worst possible and least accessible locations one could choose.

I'd almost rather put it in the attic. It would need more cooling, but at least you could get to it.

Is your crawl space accessible from inside the house?

Comment Re:I can't find the commercial speech section (Score 1) 239

The club or dance hall or whatever paid to license the music for people to listen to while dancing, but they didn't pay to license the music to be used in recordings of that activity, so the person recording the activity gets to pay (one way or the other).

Post the videos without a soundtrack if it's just the dancing that's important.

Comment Re:One Word ... (Score 1) 234

"And the municipalities are nullifying the will of private citizens."

Every time the politicians running a municipality enact something desired by less than 100% of the residents it's "nullifying the will of private citizens", but it's also enforcing the will of other private citizens. If it does something which nullifies the will of a majority of the residents, said politicians will find themselves replaced come the next election.

Almost all of the members of the NC legislature are not residents of Wilson and I daresay the ones who voted for that law were more concerned with what TWC wanted than what Wilsonites did.

I feel reasonably sure that the elected officials in Wilson who got Greenlight started were residents of Wilson and a lot more in touch with the wishes for faster broadband of their fellow residents, wishes which TWC and Embarq weren't interested in dealing with until Wilson started Greenlight, and then, as I recall hearing at the time, all of a sudden they started whining about how they were going to "real soon now".

In my neighborhood in a different NC city, where we're only about 3 blocks from a switching station, I heard "real soon now" about DSL as Carolina Telephone and Telegraph became Sprint became Embarq became CenturyLink. At some point I gave up and went with cable modem.

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