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Comment Re:I guess she got tired of blaming weed... (Score 1) 353

rock'n'roll is a big problem that is dramatically increasing.. oh wait.. equal civil rights is a big problem that is dramatically increasing.. oh wait, abolishing segregation is a big problem that is.. kids reading other books than the bible is a big problem that is..

now, having a talidome baby that's a big problem. having your kid in a catholic summer camp with pervs is a big problem. lead paint is a big problem. WORLD FRIGGIN WAR is a big problem, having your brother conscripted to die on the other side of the globe, now that's a big problem.

todays big problems.. sheesh. the only problem is that the kids don't have appreciation for old pc games and like pewdewpie. early internet, hah, now that was something since it was so small you couldn't get away from memes into controlled bulleting boards, fb or whatever. bet you two bucks your kids don't even know what goatse is. but you do - did it break you mentally? no? just take the phone away if you don't want them to read internet all night long. at least it's easier than finding their book&flashlight stash.

Comment Re:"Drama of mental illness" (Score 1) 353

but the stresses were always there and the statistics about actual events don't show them to be causing more suicides to happen. cyberbullying is bad yeah, but not as bad as getting hit with a baseball bat. or shot.

on the opposite they help make it easier to make others aware of what's happening.

Comment Re:Nothing new (Score 1) 178

With or without using locked-down proprietary drivers?

both? that's what the article is about anyways, that the locked down nvidia stuff gives you 100% better bang for buck(double)? so someone chipping in and saying they have no problems playing some games that should run fine with years old budget cards is not that much of a help to that discusion.

Comment Re: Subject is an imperialist term anyway (Score 3, Interesting) 213

kind of both.

vocational schools(alternative to going to high school, basically, in finland) kind of already do this kind of stuff. that's where you would have "cafeteria" lessons anyways. in high schools, "chemistry" and "physics" are already topics as is mathematics, biology or whatever and the courses are laid under to cover different topics, like basic gene stuff in biology in one course that includes some chemistry and so on. and by already I mean 17 years ago.

furthermore, it's just a plan by few people at this stage anyways to do it(read the article). basically, the people pushing for it .. well. I don't know, kind of are using the independent to push their vision.

like, I haven't read any of this in Finnish media, which is odd.

Comment Re:"Drama of mental illness" (Score 1, Insightful) 353

well, perhaps due to the constant internet people are more aware - and as a result of that she is getting more BUSINESS which she equates to more suicide attempts and just randomly chooses smartphones as the "thing" that causes them.

because you know why? it makes for damn easy counseling for her. just tell the parents to ban the smartphone and boom problem solved.

you know, doing like that you were thought of as a FRIGGIN NERD AND GEEK just 15 years ago if you spent as much time as you could "online" or using a computer to read what's happening in the world, but now that everyone is reading news, reading in general, watching community created content(!), having pen pals all around the world etc all day long people are now finding that as a problem, for some frigging reason.

and yeah smartphones are THE great equalizer of the 21st century. 80 bucks + 10 bucks a month (or none, whilst hanging around where there is free wifi) gets you a personal computer, library and media consumption device.

and no, having a media consumption device where you can look up why your crops are dying is not detrimental, having a device that teaches you to read. mind you it's not 1st world equalizer so much as people are quite equal with access to such things already but in the 3rd world it does a lot. perhaps even in the long term teaching them that ghosts are bullshit and you can't buy magic from the local village medicine doctor/monk/whatever-scam-artist etc...

really, what bothers me about the recent anti-smartphone nerd group is that 2003 it was super cool to be on the first waves of smartphone, always potentially connected crowd and the use cases were phenomenal and now that we have it the dolts are finding it abnormal? it's different, that's for sure but different than before can be an improvement in the grand scale of things - unless you're a dinosaur who's getting fucked up by the new order(or an elitist who doesn't find such stuff cool after it's widely accessible).

Comment Re:Why is this unexpected? (Score 2) 107

what about them?

you don't understand? if the intelligence agency has no checks and has all the information, then they potentially have all the power while not being elected. it's not that "be declared weak on crime or terrorism" but getting something leaked or manufactured to destroy their chances of getting elected. so potentially they cannot be publicly(or even privately!) against the intelligence agencies out of fear of getting outed by the intelligence agencies.

that is, they have a say over what intelligence agencies do BUT the intelligence agencies have the ability to blackmail or arrange them to lose or win, so the intelligence agencies have unchecked potential power over the elected officials.

STASI and KGB had such powers. ever thought of how Putin came to power? or why he had to get into power? Puting could have been personally fucked over if someone else got to power, that's why. same reason Putin cannot give power to anyone else.

Comment Re: Idiot Parents (Score 5, Insightful) 569

the point is rather that the mother thinks that just keeping him from smoking, drinking and getting inked up means that he is not a swatter... ...ironically, when if he had been drinking and smoking with inked up friends, he probably would not have swatted or even thought of swatting some people on twitch.

sounds like the guy was really, really really fucking bored.

Comment Re:Too Big to Nail (Score 1) 121

make them work with less? they're employed to the job anyways, so it's puzzling how doing the job needs so much more funding. it needs them to do WORK sure.

besides than which in many countries it would be a crime for officials to come to this conclusion and not do anything, but apparently in not in the backroom deal plea paradise of USA().

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