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Comment Re:Selfie Stick? (Score 1) 111

what they do is they sell the selfie stick with one of these

the box for this device is in the place where the phone is going to be and they walk around tourist streets selling them.

saw them last week in bangkok. I did not see them the last time I went to bangkok ~6 months ago, but last week they seemed pretty popular.

now you can buy the exact same device("certified) for 40-60 bucks if you want, but why would you? it's just a bluetooth button. it's bluetooth because that way it works with every smartphone (android/ios) easily, has no cords to attach, no different model for different shutter button placement...

Comment Re:How is this specific to Selfie Sticks? (Score 1) 111

the chips are the same chips with same antenna pattern as any other bluetooth device using the same chip.

there's probably one original manufacturer for this, selling it at 500% profit margin, and complained to authorities selling unlicensed devices.

what it is, is a micro and off the shelf bluetooth chip/module. it's essentially a two button wireless keyboard. the bluetooth keyboards sold at the stalls all over south east asia are not certified any more than they are(and really, for these devices you can just declare as the manufacturer that you tested it, usually. and pay bluetoogh sig 10k for the logo.).

Comment Re:One real reason (Score 1) 488


all the open source projects worth something for me tend to have documentation on use and how to compile, at least for one platform or another.

ok, apart from couple of nes emulators, but I doubt there would have been instructions on to compile them over to series 60 v1.2 anyways if someone had done something(and if they had, then I wouldn't have needed to look over them in the first place).

thing is, if it needs a new port then it's likely to not have instructions for said port in the first place.. ...and about non coders? sure they get involved, if they care. they make feature requests, complain etc. but to get them involved in the actual developing project? no project needs hipster asshats trying to get to be a cult ehm I mean Project Leader who doesn't understand fuck about whats going on, just so they get to put on their cv that they're a project leader at some sexy open source project or another. that way you get all kinds of stupid into the project like constitutions, general votes, fucking councils and all kinds of non projectary shit (and using the donation money to buy booze for all that non project shit to boot).

Comment Re:Fuuuuuck (Score 2) 111

the sticks aren't subject to regulation
it's the bt remote that they're sold with that is.

and in asia, there's sellers now on every tourist street for those. I suspect it's not so much as needing regulation though for the sake of electronics emissions as it is for weeding out the clone makers.

you see, you can buy the exact same thing for couple of bucks OR you can pay fifty bucks for it the exact same thing!

(do you even need certification for bluetooth? huh? it's just off the shelf chip.)

Comment Re:You can pry my wallet from my... (Score 1) 375

that still sounds like you're in the early '90s, to a finn. back in my home country, I could pay for everything except the local bus fare with debit/credit card(and for the local bus there was a different nfc card). every place takes pin cards there - using mobile network connected terminals. hot dog places too.

cheques.. I vaguely remember them existing when I was a toddler.

now, here in thailand, cash goes for everything. you can buy / sell an apartment with cash. everything is cash cash cash cash. no wonder the only people I know who are paying taxes are big corporations and companies employing foreigners - and the only way I can see corruption going down is slowly moving the country to cashless society. fines shouldn't be paid with cash on the spot, wages shouldn't be paid with cash with sticky hands in the middle.

Comment Re:Tort System (Score 1) 233

how about it be required for the high school to act reasonably by law and if not then put the suckers responsible for the actual action resulting in risk out of job. simple, eh? the tort system, takes just money out of the big pool, like maths and everything, and doesn't fire the people making the choices to run the kids head to head on a field.

Comment Re:Unions, a case study. (Score 1) 323

actually that's precisely how unions work in development industries.

you guys fucking think that there hasn't been instances where unions have been in use in mainly software development companies? take a look at Nokia, it was a BIG company in Finland. so big, that they had an effective union, ended up with long severance pays and so forth. Protection from death marches? maybe for most of the internal engineers who ended up doing nothing while waiting to get laid off while all critical work ended up being done by people from outside.

btw. the union rules and all that don't do jack all shit to protect against death march coding, unless you say no to silly overtime. only thing I can recommend is to not take a lump sum of pay model if you don't know exactly what the work is going to be - so get on a daily salary and let the company be fucked if the managing for the projects timewise is fucked(but then you might miss on a big pay on a project that ends up being small work. but that never ever happens anyways.).

Comment Re:1994 (Score 1) 523

we had typing as mandatory in school(in Finland) in the '90s at 7th grade. 8 and 9 was optional, I took it because the time was spent in the computer class. back then I would get perfect scores(++) on the typing tests in that subject, along with few other pupils. kind of taught us how being a typist as a profession was dead, since it's a skill everyone of our age group could learn and too expensive to keep a person around just to do it and since computers were commonplace already there were loads of people capable of performing the task.

of course, we had plenty of computer time in the grades leading up to 7. the school I was in for 1-6 bought some 386sx's when I was I think in 5th grade, for the school library. hand scanner and everything. what I mean with typing in the previous paragraph is proper "blind" 10 finger system secretary style typing, I think it was few hours a week for two months or something like that, just typing with a typing tutoring dos program.

we also did "IT-drivers license". twice. in I think 8 grade and in high school again few years later(windows productivity tools). we also did some pascal, mostly useless circle drawing stuff(basically, if you were able to do functions, you were ahead of the teacher already). showed how basic office skills would no longer be a ticket to a job for anyone. even in Finland, in the 80's and early '90s if you could type and use office software on the pc, that was a sure shot for a job - and it seemed that just being able to operate a computer somewhat was enough to get you into decently paying no manual labor job.

so, even if the system in Finland was quite advanced and early to pick up on computer skills as essential, it was still lagging behind a few years from what should have been to give us optimum skills to use when grown up - so they should have looked forward instead of that days needs.

we should have had the option to learn more in-depth programming in school, the office classes should have been more in-depth, with scripting, more extensively automating filling excel sheets from database etc, the exact programs wouldn't have mattered but it would have been better if more pupils would have understood that there's a smart way, there's a better way and then there's the manual way.

oh and our age group wasn't even taught to write in "print", just cursive/script.

Comment Re:for all this talk... where is it? (Score 1) 129

and here I was thinking that plastics had use cases right out of the door. that is, within a year of them having figured out to industrially produce the stuff - and many plastics and plastic like products having been made for a purpose already known.

celluloid("man made" plastic) was in the market in little under a decade(from a commercial venture). more importantly than that, it had practical uses to show the day it was announced, nylon was first synthesized in 1935 and women were wearing it in 1940. graphene was announced with all sorts of magical potential applications, yet trying to find a practical application demonstrator seems futile.

so we have only lab experiments showing that it matches the theory that was known beforehand(and some new findings, but not many). but not inanimate carbon stick made of the material to show that it can scale to something, no car coated with it for demonstration or anything similar. no pieces big enough and many enough to laminate into something to stop a real bullet(in which case the forces might propagate differently - did someone do the math how many layers-layers that need to be laid on something to keep them as such, it would need to stop a real bullet?).

Comment Re:Finland will save money on napkins (Score 1) 523

By the time you're in a restaurant figuring out tips you've already forgotten the handwritten long division algorithm - and probably don't give a fuck if it's exactly 10 percent or whatever.

and I mean, fuck, must have spent basically 100 hours of schooling on that in one way or another(calculators were banned in finland in schooling in my schools for quite late, up to upper elementary school). they could have taught us something different with that time. geometric optimization(not sure if correct translated term) earlier or something.

oh and in Finland - YOU DON'T NEED TO CALCULATE TIPS. the salary of the waitress is in the food prices as is the tax included in the menu prices. furthermore, every restaurant will keep one bill per one person in the group unless you want otherwise(by default, 5 people go into a restaurant, if they not mention otherwise, each will get their own bill and they only what is on the bill).

if for some reason someone wants to pay part of dinner for someone... then he/she is likely to just pay it all - and even then, maybe just for one other person in the group. if someone is particularly generous he might pay the whole thing, but that practically never happens with common people(and the rich too for most part in Finland act like common people).

for some reason this is no trouble at all for finnish waitresses and I always feel like a victim of some sort of shitty marketing ploy or bait and switch when eating abroad and the prices don't include the expected tip to waitress(fucking tax evasioners). some places even have "tax % and service charge %" , if they have that, why the fuck not include it in the prices on the fucking menu? if some law doesn't allow that or using similar excuse, simple enough to put the two prices there.

also in Finland, if you go to a grocery store - you look a price and that is the price! no bullshit like adding the tax at the till - also haggling generally happens only in business-to-business sales, there the margins and haggling can be brutal - used car sales are another exception. business to business advertised sales prices also generally have two prices on them, with VAT included and not included.

your use cases: nobody uses handwritten long divisioning for those.

as for using calculators, you still need to know how to use them and be able to figure out in your head if the result makes any sense whatsoever. I'm spending my second year in Thailand and... well, let's just say that Thai education seems more fixated on patriotism than on teaching kids if correct change for 1000 for an item that cost 450 is 450 or 550 - you would think that someone who makes 400 of said monetary unit per day would care about the 100.

(*finnish bureaucracy though is pretty brutal for companies. however, there's generally no bullshit hidden bribes involved either)

as for cursive/script. they played around with it already in the '90s - for example the script that was taught to my brother drew some letters differently than the version that was taught to me. the highschool final exams were pretty much the only place where it was compulsory to write with it(the 2-4 page essays). but here's the bit: fucking hard to read anyone else's script, good or not. if this makes them focus more on the content of the text and grammar then all the better.

Finnish grammar and words are another peculiar thing, since they keep revising it almost every year - some slang words get promoted to acceptable by the language office(tm)(r)(c) - so, one year lose points the next year not for using a particular word of phrase.

Comment Re:I wonder.... (Score 1) 187

your company should make that public info by commenting on some legislation or another.

why? it's evidence that the damages per user are less than fifty bucks.

anyways, how the fuck do they even know it's the same users at the same ip address, with isp's rolling the dhcp leases pretty short nowadays..

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