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Comment Re:Nitpick on the linked article (Score 1) 222

i think he used a plug-n-play console.

all the games are pretty kid friendly.

and definitely not ALL of videogame history. it's just kid action games. not even a big bunch of them.

the title is faulty and frankly stupid in context of the original article. kids don't mind NES graphics and for 4 year old playing COD would be confusing anyways. none of the games mentioned take a significant time to finish.

Comment Re:Translation... (Score 3, Insightful) 40

I think it's this http://www.ericsson.com/thecom...

that is, the network ericsson, splitted away from the phone biz long time ago. they sell networks to network operators.

basically, it's pretty probable that you can't do a 3g phone without infringing. that's kinda shitty of course, since if you want to make a mobile phone that works on standard networks.... but its not just a patent troll as such. however, the india court probably should have just said that they're standard essential and fucked them over.

and all the big traditional players have cross license agreements, so this shit doesn't apply to them. it's only to keep new manufacturers away from the markets.

Comment Re:Emulating Dults (Score 1) 190

you would have thought that EVERYONE would have been anticipating just that though.

there's no point running a bot that looks like a low value customer and provided that you know what counts as a "high value customer" then surely you make it look like that.

like, what kind of idiots commissioned the study?? there's a reason why many people only pay for adclicks that result in a sale. because if you're paying for impressions, you're paying for air.

Comment Re:How about a straight answer? (Score 1) 329

well, if they're not claiming catastrophic climate change being imminent any day now then they're just meteorologists. and meteorologists are staying out of it.

so the scientists that are climate scientists - and only climate scientists at that - have a bias that it's going to happen "soon" and is going to be huge. the hockey stick model. and every year they find more and more of things that will might cause it to be more severe and more severe.

just makes it kind of hard to have a real opinion. except that whatever my native country does has shit all nothing effect globally. and the chinese would be better off stopping with the coal for their own benefit.

Comment Re:Nethack needs an upgrade (Score 3, Insightful) 186

if you had to wait for others to finish their turn or if the turns had a time limit, it would take much longer than couple of weeks for anyone to finish.

this is what many people forget. the interface as it is, is suited for a single player game. like instead of pressing a button and typing in a number to wait for 100 turns would you rather wait half an hour? all the game mechanics would need changing. thing is, nethack is TURN BASED. changing it to a realtime game doesn't quite work out simply and in the end it is something totally else.

and in a little while all the levels would be digged up. of course, you could make them bigger than the screen but that would be totally changing the game mechanic again.

gehenna isn't too bad. usually you would have strong enough character to take the normal enemies there anyways.

Comment Re:One of the few games with incredible imaginatio (Score 3, Interesting) 186

there's some forks with more classes to play etc.

but at the heart nethack is a memorization and risk minimization game.

all the insta deaths you need to prepare to counter(reflection is a must) and then just making the character strong enough to deal with the enemies - and there's a certain degree of luck involved in if you can prepare to some insta deaths before they become likely to happen.

but since nethack is already a complete game with beginning and an end goal(ascension), don't know what's there to update, I don't remember any bugs either really. the endgame is kind of ridiculous and the character needs to be kind of ridiculous(ac -27 and what have you) to face it but that's the game...

Comment Re:Some advice.... (Score 1) 317

management track people have higher turnover.

and harder time finding a job later. it's just mathematics that dictate it, also it tells that they're not really that much into the field itself, so while in theory they might be able to manage any kind of project(not just IT), it's pretty hard for many to find any.

also this is related to the supposed age discrimination in IT. the older you are, the more detached you are from the trench work the less likely it is for anyone to hire you since they could hire just anyone else with "management skills" to do the job, since all you have is "management skills", just like 10%+ of population.

anyhow, that's my experience - that management people have much higher turnover in the IT business. the more they are on the "management track" the less likely it is for them to be working 10 years from now(and I don't mean that they're "happily retired" either, just that nobody calls them up the second they hear they're out of work, where as the tech track people get contacted immediately).

Comment Re:Removed after Initial sales spike (Score 2) 310

they're actually pretty good games that have much more to them than many other games.

the open world nature enables you to do many things though.

I mean, I played THROUGH gta V and .. well. I don't remember where killing some bitches happened. is it that you can go to the strip club and shoot people there? or on the street? like you can shoot the men there as well?

I do remember going to the fucking psychiatrist in the game with the family and the fucking yoga minigame.

are they going to ban all open world games from now on? skyrim too, since you can murder women in it?

the problem really is that the people making decisions to ban games don't play them. and the people complaining about the violence don't play them either. like a certain femi troll who picks pieces from games and mispresents them totally - even mispresenting the moral choices given to the player! like, a game has a choice to do bad or good and then saying that it rewards and forces the bad behavior. ...saddest thing is that those fucks aren't even trying to censor the games for the sake of children, they're just making careers out of bitching about them. maybe it's just because unemployment is such a problem.

if anything it's less controversial than gta1. gta1 rewarded driving over monks.

Comment Re:I wonder who bought him (Score 3, Insightful) 216

I'm pretty sure you would find it hard to prosecute some taxi driver just because he drove some murderer around after a murder... or drove someone to a "commonly known drug location"(piratebay). by the analogy the taxi driver should have performed a search on the client for bloody knives or drugs as normal procedure - or that the isp should start banning people for using WOW update or other torrents.

anyways, it's EU wide attitude that the isp shouldn't be looking at your packets and email. it's criminal to do so, so why would another protocol be ok? you got complaints about some crime you think that happened YOU TAKE IT TO THE FUCKING POLICE and not ask some service provider to bill some random guy.

Comment Re:No, it's not even possible (Score 1) 181

the chip has no concept of what a lambda calculus is. the chip doesn't know, doesn't care. what causes the chip to be what it is, is the human coding it.

most singularity preachers have no idea about AI. it doesn't people from being "robot-human counselors" or shit like that though, as a form of new age shit.

I'm not saying it's impossible to create really intelligent machines, just that we as a species have no idea how to actually make it a reality right now and nobody working in the field has either. all we have is machines that _humans_ use to do things. humans are the motivator and designer - humans are the designers even if they use complex computing algorithms to come up with the optimal design. it's still the human. it's still a human operating watson, a human decided to use it in playing jeopardy. so technically speaking, we're about as far from creating our robot overlords as we are from creating super human overlords - or rather, we're much more close to creating super human overlords or super intelligent wheelchair brains than mechanical/electronical versions - and pretty far from that as well.

so far NOBODY has shown any advancement why we would be close to singularity today than 40 years ago. except today we know that we're pretty fucking far from it.

true intelligence just happens to be a pretty damn complex beast and we can't make even make fake microbes the size of houses.

Comment Re:Rick-Roll (Score 1) 164

adblock doesn't affect viewcounts, as long as you viewed it.

it will however affect ad views(money paid to youtube channels).

the viewcount is all - all mobile clients, all other clients(tv's etc) - all. i don't recall seeing a video ad anytime when viewing on ios with only safari for example(the video plays out-browser). they're still "views" though. the views isn't just a start of the stream either. even with adblock if you view a video, it will count as a view and work as a view in their recommendation algorithms which are important for "professional" youtubers to get visibility.

and what other video is even close?

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