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Comment Re:Court's judgement, not Google's. (Score 3, Insightful) 113

court? what fucking court? it doesn't work that way... unfortunately.

so kthxbai go here

the law as it is is stupid.

also it's about 50% that google removes, it's ENTIRELY up to google to decide... so it's googles judgement. it would be better imho if they just offloaded it all to /dev/null . like, you can make the request but they could just default everything to denied.. good for bbc to provide the list.

and if you were wondering, yeah, you can request sites from bbc or whatever fucking site to be removed from search results. don't like something? post some info about you in the comments or make a stupid comment and then ask for the result to be removed! brilliant, eh?

Comment Re:Wizard of Oz reboot? (Score 1) 187

well it was from the golden age of sci fi movies.

rollerball, zardoz.. ridiculous outfits, yet they still managed to be serious hardcore science fiction. rollerball maybe not so much(it's more society story than scifi).

but yeah, why the fuck can't they manage to make films like that nowadays, films that say something while at it?

Comment Re:Linus vs. most of management (Score 1) 387

yeah mod up.

the community building hasn't been a total fail, evident by code submissions.

it would be a lot worse if bullshit got added in just for being nice and if the asswits trying to submit shit just for the sake of them being the asswit who got shit in then there would be a lot more shit in there - also if he just said "this doesn't look right for the linux corporate strategy so regretfully I will not include this" instead of "this algorithm is fucking stupid and here's why:" things would be a lot worse for other people who were trying to figure out how to really make it better.

Comment Re:Nobody Counts (Score 1, Insightful) 164

"Gamers" as in gamergate seem like "people who would like to make money off from games without making games".

the whole gamergate is stupid. it's about a stupid game, about stupid journalists writing for stupid online magazines and about stupid gamers.

goat simulator is stupid too - that and depression quest both underline how PUBLICITY matters more than the game being good in any way! and the problem is the "gamer" journalists who just latch on to everything they see other youtubers latch on to - so playing the indie game lottery has nothing to do with how good your game is! it's just lottery(or maybe you can effect said lottery by putting out).

I say bring back the shareware indie and get rid of the fucking media publicity indie "ooh I'm a hipster game developer uu give me money uu look at this movie of me developing this game give me money uu don't try my game just give me money uuuuu".

and goat simulator is stupid, this is from their own fucking webpage ffs:
"Goat Simulator is a small, broken and stupid game. It was made in a couple of weeks so donâ(TM)t expect a game in the size and scope of GTA with goats. In fact, youâ(TM)re better off not expecting anything at all actually. To be completely honest, it would be best if youâ(TM)d spend your $10 on a hula hoop, a pile of bricks, or maybe a real-life goat."

Comment Re:Sounds like a movie plot. (Score 2) 38

well why bother with finesse when the crimes were clearly of victimless, damageless nature.

how the fuck else could you turn 124 years into 12 months probationfuck? the crimes are of nature that nobody gives a fuck about really, so there's unbelievable range in the potential punishment.

for the record, that's like giving a mobster 6 months in jail for confessing to multiple crimes that would give life sentences each - while not disputing that he did those things.

Comment Re:Sounds like a movie plot. (Score 1) 38

or we have the US justice system dealing peddling finally maybe getting near end of it's life?

I mean, prosecution/enforcement do deals all the time - while not asking the victims. heck, they let there be more victims to further their case in the dealing(of incarcerating maximum number of people). that's not justice - where is the justice for The Sun and Murdoch in the case, when the ringleader acted while under FBI leash to do something harmful against Murdoch - and the ringleader for that crime gets off from that crime, without asking the victim if it is ok.

Comment Re:I posted a question (Score 1) 72

well with facebook, gmail and other https sites.. the problem is really someone doing a man in the middle on the traffic outgoing from the tor exit point.

basically it just moves the point where the MITM might hapen, but, say, if you're in china then you might want to move that point to be outside of china.

Comment invention vs. product (Score 5, Interesting) 72

well.. from the looks of it..

the question should be to ask do they understand the difference between an INVENTION and a product.

clearly they had read about the invention way before and just hashed together a product. they don't seem to have clear understanding of how the product works.

basically they're just selling a 20$ box for 50$. which isn't too bad. but if they don't understand the product, why the fuck trust with them running it, instead of running tor on your laptop? or better yet, running something like tails on the laptop.. the tor wont help if the os on the laptop is the problem - and how they can vouch for the closed source drivers on the board? and if it's not their board, I doubt it's theirs to give away as "open hardware" either. it seems like it's open in the sense that they used whatever was openly available to them...

I think they just saw the project on hackaday, asked around for some boards and smelled money and wanted the money upfront from the customers to negate risks - and then did some bullshit to sell it. now that bullshit could technically be in violation of kickstarter rules, so they might have to move to indiegogo and spin up some more bullshit why they moved("big brother forced us to!" most probably).

Comment Re:Amazing that they think it's theirs to give awa (Score 0) 57

well, not quite. any country can to a point control how other parts seem when viewed from their land.

however, it seems that US supporting multi stake is more like US opposing a new more level multi stake arrangement through some other entitity(un is a multi stake entity for example). US would rather that all the stakes are US stakes..

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