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Comment Re:She doxxed people as well... (Score 2) 693

she's not going to explain anything.. why? because she has a job now.

not as a games developer(and really calling herself based on that game then my high school in '90s had 30 game devs), but you know, as a professional money asker/victim. that's pretty much it.

much easier than developing actual games anyways.

Comment Re:Consistency (Score 1) 55

you might want to check up on that.

"unauthorized use" or similars are used in pretty much all of the west for.. well, unauthorized use, like joyriding. if the joyriding ends up destroying it then it's destroying of property..

you know how destroying property isn't theft as such.

why the distinctions? because usually it's more "bad" if the crime is done with profit in mind (like reselling the car)

Comment Re:I don't like to hear about competition (Score 1) 227

you could just do the communication part in c/c++ if you really had to... a really minor thing in the big picture of things. and really minor compared to your choice of using AS3 for the game itself...

you might be well better off just learning qml and javascript and doing it in that if you want use something like that which compiles nicely to a osx/ios/android/windows (qt has a nice c++ ide too..) application.

Comment Re:The End (Score 1) 109

more like 60-70 years rather than 100... ignored for decades? as if.

speculative science fiction hasn't had a good run on hollywood in a while. just big explosions shit. star trek into the darkness had me thinking it's shit in the first 10 minutes. put enterprise underwater, do some stupid volcano stopping shit, break prime directive and all that in the first 10 minutes. it's like the watched a parody of into the darkness and then made a film based on the parody, what a paradox.

Comment Re:Requirement to have compromised device (Score 1) 55

if you have code already running on the phone it's trivial to send data out from the device.

the article is stupid. the researcher is double stupid, only looking for to make a stir with a fucking stupid write up that deliberately claims that something people use daily is compromised. it's deceitful journalism/research. the researcher should be hit on the toes with a hammer.

next up: "google chrome can be used to send data out from a computer maliciously.... ....from a computer you already have root access on"!

Comment Re:If NSA thinks they are so great ... (Score 1) 81

oh only if it was that simple to pay the sum to each and not have it go into local chieftains.

helping afghans and many other similar situation countries. the problem has a root it not being a country as such but a country with 10000 mini countries. majority of the violence is small group vs. another small group and none of them like losing grip on their local small "country".

I'm rather amazed that they manage to keep 30 million people alive tbh.. natural environment must not be too unfriendly to life.

Comment Re:SUPER SLOW unless a faster than light system (Score 1) 105

having more of them and on low altitude, they cold route it back to earth closer.

much better than bouncing to the satellites that stay stationary(in regards of you) in space far, far away.

basically the ping wouldn't be so bad.

if it would be cheaper than building 3g connectivity on earth though, that's another thing.. and why the fuck even bring the mars trip to the issue at this point is beyond me.. putting a dedicated sat or two to support that trip would be pretty damn cheap compared to the total bill of either projects.

Comment Re:Tony Blair quoting Churchill quoting Verne (Score 1) 77

at least vernes scifi had speculative fiction parts in it.

unlike fantasy crap like dr who where 'science' is exchangeable with 'magic' and used almost solely for making the lazy plots to work(goes mostly for star trek as well but at least that one has some future society ponderings in it making it somewhat relevant).

maybe that's why science is so underrated now then? because people are equating pulling anything goes in any which order plot shit out and calling scientific? like, you could just as well say that a show about mermaids is science! the day a politician starts quoting dr who to further science is when that country is totally fucked!(maybe beyond the point of being fixable thus the politician fantasizing about time travel to fix the plot hole in his budget)

Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 181

I thought the blurb was not exactly honest about the way the cyberattack on the iranian nuke program went down?

sounds fishy - and this is what, the third explanation for how nsa/feds knew that north korea was behind it? one of the others was that "there was direct ip connection from north korea" or something like that..

and I mean - if this explanation is actually correct then they knew BEFORE THE ATTACK but didn't do anything. and still haven't. yet the anon fucks on this article claim they could just shut down anything in the country at will? sounds like bs?

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