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Comment Re:Reporting bias? (Score 2) 460

I've got to think that women are more likely to actually report sexual harassment than men are.

I don't think that rates of reporting substantially undermine the presence of a problem, but I do have to agree with you.

Men learn from a young age that we crave sex, think about it constantly, would bang anything with enough paper bags available, blah blah blah. And while most of us realize that doesn't actually hold true, we tend to passively accept it as part of our social identity. Thus, when some troll-woman flirts a little too shamelessly or even grabs your ass as you walk by (which in this study would have counted as an assault), we just brush it off and even take it as flattering (even while thinking "do... NOT... want!").

I would therefore agree that we very likely see a serious reporting bias here that tips the scales toward the female side. That said, where do we draw the line (for both genders) between "testing the waters" and "harassment"? Clearly it doesn't "hurt" those men who just brush it off and move on with their day; do we seriously accept, in the modern world, that females count as emotionally weaker and unable to bear similar compliments from ugly guys?

Personally, I consider this issue more complex than "just don't do it" (which will no doubt enrage the SJWs, but, fuck 'em)... We exist as a sexual species, and no amount of social conditioning can change that fact; on the flip side of that, clearly some people don't get the fact that "no" doesn't mean "try again later".

Comment Re:Cross between a music album and a video game (Score 2) 358

It appears that U2 and Apple are proposing an interactive album format that combines the music of a record album with the interactivity of a video game.

Jokes aside, they did stress the "interactive" part of this as a key feature.

I can't speak for all Slashdotters, but personally, I listen to music primarily at times that I can't interact with it (beyond the mostly-passive* act of "listening to it") - In the car, at work, while mowing the lawn, etc. When I actually have the spare time and attention to interact with something, I will usually chose to interact with other humans, or actual video games, or playing with the cats, etc. I may still have music on, but I don't "interact" with it.

I would therefore have to consider this a complete non-starter. At least Neil Young's boondoggle actually did have some technical merit (while completely ignoring the reality that 99.9% of people will take "good enough" over "perfect" if it saves them a single penny). This? The "solution in need of a problem" trope gets somewhat overused, but it definitely applied here in full force.

* Yes, I do get that some music requires actively listening to it to fully appreciate it. U2 ain't that.

Comment Re:I'm not surprised (Score 1) 92

Any idea what the problem was, or maybe just trying to juggle two styles of driver access?

Now that you mention it, I'll have to check driver types when I have my old WinME setup handy again -- once I'd beaten it into submission, it ran 24/7 as the media-watching and image-editing box for two solid years without once needing a reboot (tho got restarted a couple times for twiddling hardware). Only got retired cuz I added an XP dual boot that took over the same jobs.

If mine had any VxD drivers, it woulda been the Matrox vidcard... but I became a Matrox bigot largely because their drivers never caused me any grief. Couldn't say that about various others.

Linux frustrates the hell out of me. I keep trying distros with hopes held high, only to find some showstopper issue (I am not willing to chase all over hell looking for fixes, it either works out of the box or it goes away), or that the performance is unbearably bad. Contrary to popular claims, I've found Linux with fullfledged desktops needs about 3x as much hardware to perform the same as concurrent Windows. :(

Comment Re:No, It Won't (Score 2) 326

The rate of extreme poverty in China rate fell to 12% in 2010. Guess how much it was in 1981, when they had real socialism? The kind of socialism where people went to prison for being right-wingers. 84%.

It's funny how you call for a truce and say neither is right...when socialism insists that it is 100% right all the time, and is not joking.

Comment Re:Why so much fuss? (Score 4, Interesting) 156

The dealer shill thus spake:

the local dealer may have overpriced their product so you buy elsewhere, but that local dealer is still obligated to do the warranty service (for which they are paid quite well by the manufacturers).

In no other industry is this true. In electronics, white goods, etc, there are "certified warranty service centers" where you can call up and get them to fix your stuff. For example, you don't have to go to an Apple dealer to get your high-priced computer fixed under warranty - you can bring it or ship it to one of many service centers.

Please note that the requirement to become a service center does not include having to be an Apple reseller.

Ford, Volkswagen, Jaguar, Chevrolet, etc., should be able to certify garages for warranty work. But no, the automobile industry is the only industry where you have to go to a dealer to get warranty work done.

Leeches, all of you. Die already.


Comment Re: I never thought I'd say this... (Score 1) 353

the simple distastefulness of having barefoot poverty within the US.

Yeah, who is really going to cry for rural white Americans trapped in this cycle? Nobody.

Also, "so backward that nobody wants to be a farmer"? WTF? Farmers are, by definition, backward. They live in shithole nowhere-land. There is no culture, no art, no theater, no learning. Just figuring out how to make money from a patch of land, and molesting your daughters. Who feels sorry for these bitter clingers?

Comment Re:News for nerds (Score 1) 165

Is this because ISIS stories conflict with your worldview of Muslims as peaceful? It is very important to see stories that challenge us. If we don't do that, then we're nothing but redneck hillbillies. Do you or don't you agree with stories that challenge us to change our preconceptions that were formed from the basis of feeling rather than fact?

Comment Bring it, "Draftsmen"! (Score 1) 92

because as you and I have seen over the years, every time there's a court ruling it just means that you have to word the patent claims differently.

Good! Let 'em try to twist it into something still allowed but borderline, like business method patents - That knife cuts both ways, and for enduring a few more years of patent abuse, perhaps we can finally get those banned as well.

Comment Re:Must be an american thing ??? (Score 2) 65

You can get your old account back if you can remember what your email address was. Send a note to

I'd lost my account and they were very helpful about it.

As to your surgery, LISTEN TO THE DOCTOR!!! Helping that one person could prevent you from helping others in the future. Oh, and I empathize; I had a vitrectomy in 2008. Not the least bit fun.

Comment Re:Welcome back (Score 1) 39

That's fine. When I saw you were active with trying to save your neighbourhood, I knew you were fine and hadn't lost your bite (which is a compliment from a shark, isn't it?).

I still find slashdot entertaining, due to the humour, the culture, etc... I just don't learn much from it any more. Back in the early days, there was always something new to be learned about technology, open source, computer security. I think both slashdot and I have evolved. I simply know more now, and slashdot might have gone down a the drain a little bit. However, I say that with the knowledge that other forums never even had the level of conversation one gets here, even now.

Comment Re:Mental decline in "Barb"/Tom = evident (Score 1) 65

LOL! I don't think any amount of sex changing would turn some of these ...folks... into "real men" :D

You were Tom? [goes off, roots around] Well, you do sound different now... more relaxed. -- Long ago I had a TG friend whom I knew before, during, and after, and there was a personality transition.... to be expected, I think, under changing hormonal conditions. Ordinary biology. She had a sort of emotional crisis shortly after and I told her stop worrying, you're just going through puberty again. The light bulb went on and she was like "oh! then that's fine!"

But I'm glad you found yourself, that's what counts.

Not bothering to look at the alleged study, but I wonder if a combination of high estrogen and low cholesterol is the root of the issue; turns out high cholesterol in the elderly is protective against dementia.

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