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Comment Re:Land of the free (Score 2, Insightful) 580

I'm not going to Mod up, I am going to expound. The fact that we do not hold the people actually doing harm responsible, but rather go for anyone tangentially related but has deep pockets, in a get rich quick scheme using the legal system as a tool, is what is causing this kind of reaction. The threat of a lawsuit is greater than the threat from actual crime.

And to be honest, the US reaction has been pitiful. Why we put up with NK at all at this point is simply a matter of lack of leadership. However, as long as NK is a pawn of China and acts as their puppet, we cannot do anything to them. Make no mistake, this is China, not NK. But we are too chickenshit, and perhaps more importantly in debt to China, that both NK and China will get away with this shit.

And while I'm tossing blame, Sony itself is to blame for its crappy Security. How the hell does Muti-terabytes of data leave your network, without even a HINT of it. I'm sure that whatever cost savings they were going for when IT budgets came out was well worth it. I hope Sony gets it pants sued off (see first paragraph) by the likes of all the actors, crews and other employees.

What a cluster fuck.

Comment Re:But ... (Score 1) 4

I know all that. Don't forget, I've lived here my whole life and know the mailbox companies. Let the Caymans and Co have them. It's not as if they actually leave money here (tax rates close 0 benefit no one except corporations).

Comment Re:Man, am I old ... (Score 4, Insightful) 173

Taking that many pictures of "life" events, unless you're a photographer professionally, is completely void of meaning. The problem is, if your too busy taking pictures, you are NOT participating. Personally, I take a few pictures, to remind me, and then participate, which provides me with way more satisfaction than if I were sitting on the sidelines snapping hundreds of photos.

Comment Re:Army? (Score 1) 177

Canada is invading?

Foreign threats capable of reaching the east coast would already be detected, being launched from across the Atlantic. Threats being launched from under water, close to shore, I'm pretty sure this would mostly be useless (sonar would be better suited).

No, this is about controlling the people of the United States. There is no other legitimate purpose.

Comment Re:Depends... (Score 2) 170

From what little I know, the NSA doesn't actually spy on US citizens en mass. Instead, it has contracted other extra-national agencies to do it, specifically to get around the letter of the law. These are quid pro quo arraignments with agencies like Britain's MI6. We monitor them, they monitor us, and we exchange data.

So technically, they don't spy on us, but the result is the same.

The Almighty Buck

Journal Journal: What I think of Luxleaks 4

Sorry, forgot to cross-post here... If you follow me on any of the other social networks, you've undoubtedly seen it before:

Comment Re:Durable parts. (Score 2) 175

You're 100% right, but what you don't include is that some (if not most) of the parts created by 3D printer can be engineered to be better than the originals, even when you include lower quality materials. And it often doesn't take much.

The parts I'm talking about, were designed as much for the process of building the product it was a part of as anything, and once you get around THAT limitation (process of manufacturing), you'll have a better part engineered in no time.

Comment Re:Hot Glue Guns (Score 1) 175

I remember when a high end laser printer, topping out at a whopping 10PPM cost in the neighborhood of $5000 some 30 years ago. Today, you can get the same or better quality, printing 20-30 PPM for under $100.

Saying that $6000 is out of range is what people said 30 years ago about laser printers, after all Dot matrix was sufficient! YET people still bought them, and prices dropped, quality improved, speed improved and now the world is a different place. You can't see a need for a $6000 3D printer, but I sure can.

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