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Comment Re:Nice try cloud guys (Score 0) 339

The cloud is automation layers to manage virtualization solutions and baremetal as a whole, automate management and deployment. It is about efficiency and accesibility for the enduser. It's about the possibility of exposing resources direct to users on demand.

Now that I disagree with.

The cloud is synonymous with "someone else's computer".

Comment Re:Ah, yes, modest skepticism. (Score 1) 86

That's not how I read the GP at all.

While the current trends are undeniable and a strong case for human causation exists, climate scientists, or at least people dressing up as climate scientists, often make statements beyond their expertise.

I'm talking about bold predictions such as by year 20xx sea levels will rise by x mm or the polar ice caps will be xx% smaller or Chicago will be xx degrees hotter in winter.

That's what I thought the GP was getting at, but I could of course be mistaken.

Comment Re:Episode V! (Score 1) 457

I don't really know why he stopped, but my own opinion is that it was because ROTJ nearly killed him. While he didn't direct ESB nor ROTJ, he was still very hands on through it and fretted at every expense.

Comment Re:Episode V! (Score 1) 457

Uh, ESB was most definitely just a money-grab. George Lucas initiated a Star Wars sequel to raise funds for his real dream - Skywalker Ranch.

He just happened to pick a good director for that one, who made the problematic script work well.

Comment Re:so how fast is fast..? (Score 2) 117

A more useful metric, IMO, is how reliable the suspend/wakeup cycles are. For example, a particular Fedora 16 box I ran would suspend/resume with 100% reliability. That is, it would suspend every time you asked it to, and wake up every time you asked it to. Another Fedora 20 machine has 100% sleep and 0% wake. ie it goes to sleep and NEVER WAKES UP without a hard power cycle. Another machine had 100% sleep and about 75% wake, which is again utterly useless.


Nat Geo Writer: Science Is Running Out of "Great" Things To Discover 292

Hugh Pickens DOT Com (2995471) writes "John Horgan writes in National Geographic that scientists have become victims of their own success and that 'further research may yield no more great revelations or revolutions, but only incremental, diminishing returns.' The latest evidence is a 'Correspondence' published in the journal Nature that points out that it is taking longer and longer for scientists to receive Nobel Prizes for their work. The trend is strongest in physics. Prior to 1940, only 11 percent of physics prizes were awarded for work more than 20 years old but since 1985, the percentage has risen to 60 percent. If these trends continue, the Nature authors note, by the end of this century no one will live long enough to win a Nobel Prize, which cannot be awarded posthumously and suggest that the Nobel time lag 'seems to confirm the common feeling of an increasing time needed to achieve new discoveries in basic natural sciences—a somewhat worrisome trend.' One explanation for the time lag might be the nature of scientific discoveries in general—as we learn more it takes more time for new discoveries to prove themselves.

Researchers recently announced that observations of gravitational waves provide evidence of inflation, a dramatic theory of cosmic creation. But there are so many different versions of 'inflation' theory that it can 'predict' practically any observation, meaning that it doesn't really predict anything at all. String theory suffers from the same problem. As for multiverse theories, all those hypothetical universes out there are unobservable by definition so it's hard to imagine a better reason to think we may be running out of new things to discover than the fascination of physicists with these highly speculative ideas. According to Keith Simonton of the University of California, 'the core disciplines have accumulated not so much anomalies as mere loose ends that will be tidied up one way or another.'"

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