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Comment If by celebrity we mean... (Score 1) 227

If by celebrity we mean that good scientists get famous for actual research and get patronage to run their labs free of government funding, then hell yes.

If by celebrity we mean that their career as a "Scientist" means to be an advocate for one bit of research over others even well outside their own work, then probably not.

Comment Re:Fuck the libs! (Score 1) 216

See, this just shows the screwed up nature of calling the R the right and the D the left. Pro abortion rights? Rightist. Pro gun control? Leftist. Pro gay marriage? Rightist. Pro marijuana? Rightist.

You see, the "right" or "conservative" traditionally wants a smaller government with less control over people's daily lives. The "left" wants more and bigger government with more control over the population.

The current parties are both hybrids. One claims to want a smaller, leaner government with less control over _industry_ and _markets_ but more control over _lives_. The other wants bigger social spending and more control over _industry_ and _markets_ but to let the individual do pretty much what they want.

Many Democrats these days fiscally are more in favor of limiting spending than Reagan did, meanwhile wanting to infringe less on individual rights.

If we had anything other than this false dichotomy of a self-reinforcing two-party system we may just find a party in some amount of power that wants to get the government out of your office _and_ your bedroom as much as possible.

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