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Journal Journal: Apple users are Slaves 1

Not all of you, of course. But most of you are mindless adoring drones of the Jobs Cult.

Let me clarify a couple of things right off.

Number one, I LIKE OSX. I think it's the coolest OS on the planet, and I'm planning on buying a Mac this summer. So let's kill, RIGHT NOW, any notion that this is yet another windows or linux vs. Apple gripe.

This little revelation of mine came from this Slashdot article. This was the straw that broke the camels back, so to speak. I'm now firmly convinced that when you buy an apple, either Jobs personally does some Vulcan mind meld with you, or that a pod person pops out of your new Mac's box and replaces you. Because it seems that 99 percent of all Apple owners seem to think that Steve Jobs is God, and that Apple can do no wrong. In this case, Jobs throws a temper tantrum and bans an entire publisher from Apple stores. And Mac users come out in droves to defend him for it. I can almost hear them say in unison "Don't hurt the Master!".

When I buy my Mac, I'm going to have to get a Magneto helmet or something to keep out the brainwaves coming from Cupertino...


Journal Journal: PanzerPope! 2

The new Pope is Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict XVI; the talk show jokes begin...

Jay Leno: "Today, with news of the new German Pope, France surrendered..."

Blitzkrieg Benny...heh heh, well, I think he may have been the best guy they could have gotten. JPII trusted him implicitly, and he's been chief defender of the faith since 1982. And I hear he's brighter than the average bear.


Journal Journal: Pope Jp II: in memory of a great man

With the passing of John Paul II, humanity loses a great leader, teacher, and defender. You don't have to be Catholic (and I'm not) to realize just how important this man was, and how big his impact was. He was the first of the Troika that brought down the Iron Curtain and ended communism as a respectable ideology forever. He championed human rights and dignity by pushing one simple ideal; all human lives have value, no matter who you are. All are precious in the eyes of God.

He moved the Catholic church forward at the same time he defended its core principles from those that would water them down. No easy feat, that. Under his stewardship, the church grew to over 1 Billion souls, making Christianity again the world's largest faith, after Islam had superceded it for a time. He touched young people's hearts in a way no previous Pope had done. And can anyone here name another world leader that met with, and forgave, his would-be assasin? That's Christian Grace if there ever was an example of it...

Sadly, of the that Troika, only Lady Thatcher remains, now that the Pope has joined President Reagan at the gates of St. Peter.

Thinking back, I realize how lucky I am, for I have lived in a time of Giants. The Catholic Church will be hard pressed to replace this man.


Journal Journal: Schiavo case Judge Greer kicked out of his Church.

Now, when you're a Baptist in the South, THIS is harsh...

Congregation gives Greer the Boot

This has apparently been in the works for a long time. And there's some speculation down 'round these here parts that he's turning soft (he's a longtime republican). There seems to be something of a betting pool that he'll turn Episcopalian or Unitarian (two religeons with a modern reputation for little or no hard rules).

Let me emphasize, as a longtime resident of the South, Baptists don't do this kind of thing lightly.

The Internet

Journal Journal: Lest you thought people were wising up to the 419s...

...then you've given too much credit to human intelligence, apparently. And I think Slashdot should add a category and icon for "Human Stupidity". Read on and you'll see why.

Reader's Digest has a profile on a willing victim, and his story, including how he traveled all the way to Africa to gain his riches, only later to be chased out, penniless. RD doesn't have it online, but the author has it posted at other sites. There's an interesting history of the 419 scammers, their orgins in the collapse of the Nigerian oil economy of the 80's, when many educated Nigerians were suddenly jobless, and how they've quickly adopted to new technologies. There is also now a backlash that has developed against them, by the Nigerian government itself. A Nigerian official says "419 Fraud has ruined the reputation of Nigeria...No one wants to come here and do business. How can we survive?"

I still get email from lots of friends and family members going "I got this email from some Nigerian Prince; is it for real?".

User Journal

Journal Journal: Last post on Terri, with a prediction 10

This will be my last post on Terri while she's alive. I simply can't keep this up. I can't remember anything that's affected me this much in a long long time. I have a hard time describing how this has affected me....if I could pick two simple terms to describe myself, it would be angry, and....sick at heart.

  I can only hope she doesn't linger long now. It's obvious that, short of pulling a Little Rock-style national guard intervention, nothing is going to save her life.

  I have been criticized for being too emotional, but I can't help that. I'm not some damn vulcan.

  My rage, and my deep suspicion of the motives of Michael Schiavo stems from his behavior, nothing more, nothing less. I've read too many accounts of credible physicians saying that, at the very least, some additional tests should be done. He won't allow them, and he has a history of abusive behavior with women. Google for Cindy Shook, and read. We have not heard the last from this man.

  His attornery, Felos, is a ghoul. He is, surprise surprise, writing a book about the case, and shopping it around.

  The prediction is this: when Terri dies, her body will never be examined or buried. He'll have it cremated. Best to have the evidence destroyed. This way if there are ever allegations of abuse by his current girlfriend, no body can be dug up for examination.

  That's it. I can't do this any more.

United States

Journal Journal: On being a Nation of Laws 5

Very soon, Terri Schiavo will die. Those that supported her court-enforced death will be glad it's over, that they don't have to hear about it anymore. They'll go back to doing other things; arguing about KDE vs. Gnome, watching Survivor, wondering what Steve Jobs will say next. Meanwhile, they'll be satisfied that they did their part to drive home that we're a nation of laws.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Because we're NOT unusual that way. Most nations are nations of laws. We are. Saudi Arabia is. China is.

Hitler's Germany was.

They followed the law faithfully in Nazi Germany. The concentration camps in fact had the force of the the Nuremberg Laws behind them, laws that were, to some extent, similar to some of our own past laws, ones you may have heard of. Slavery. Jim Crow. We've had a few in our time...

The Law does not neccessarily equal Justice.

This is a court of law, young man, not a court of justice. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

This is not to say that laws should NEVER be followed or respected. But neither should they be blindly followed. And it shouldn't be easy to break them. But there are times when we must be prepared to do so. We're lucky to live in a nation where this need is rare, but even here, it arises from time to time.

It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong. ~Voltaire

Disobediance in itself is not a noble act, and can (and should) have consequences.

  "Of Man's first disobedience, and the fruit Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste Brought death into the world, and all our woe." ~John Milton

But remember that freedom for black men, voting for women, and even home schooling were against the law at one time or another.

I'm not saying it's easy to do so. In fact, you should hope you never have to...but there comes a time when, after all other options are extinguished, the law must be disobeyed.

Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny. ~Edmund Burke

So call us extreme, meddling, irrational, emotional if you wish. But we aren't going to forget this, nor how the force of law was used to take this woman's life. At least, we can try, through politics, to change the laws (and politicians and officials) that allowed, even encouraged this to happen.

If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable. ~Louis D. Brandeis


Journal Journal: A doctor's blog on Terry Schiavo's brain... 7

This is a blog from a doctor that's examined the last CT taken of Terry's brain (1996!). He's got some harsh words for you "liquified brain" people out there. He also points out some possible evidence of PHYSICAL trauma to the brain. Like virtually all other doctors made aware of the fact, he's flabergasted that:

* The last exam of Terry's brain was 9 years ago

* That she's NEVER had an MRI or a PET scan, the medical standards for diagnosing PVS.

In his own words...

This Brain Is Not That Bad

Also, here's an actual shot of what is supposedly Terry's last CT.

I'm also trying to confirm something that's been announced on TV...the Michael Schiavo supposedly admitted tonight on a program that Terry never actually ASKED to be put to death in this kind of situation. I'll post a link as soon as I can find one.

I've also discovered two very good information resources in the fight to save this woman's life.

When you get to the link, especially look at Myths About Terri.

This is also damning; eminent physicians (especially neurologists) call the lack of due diligence in Terry's medical evaluations "Criminal". To quote:

"Almost 50 neurologists all say the same thing: Terri should be reevaluated, Terri should be reexamined, and there are grave doubts as to the accuracy of Terri's diagnosis of PVS."

These aren't backwoods general practictioners. They include neurology professors and specialists from Boston University, the University of Chicago, and Johns Hopkins.

The fight goes on. This is not a right to die case. It's a right to kill case.


Journal Journal: The culture of Life vs. the culture of Death 24

I imagine I'm going to lose some friends and make some foes on this one.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit.

This is about Terry Schiavo, but not just about her. She's just the focal point of a much larger cultural conflict, one I can no longer sit on the sidelines about. I speak of the hypocrisy, rot, and decay that infests the cultural mindset of the left (and quite a few Libertarians) when it comes to the value of human life. Despite all the wailing and gnashing of teeth about death during the war, these same people are proving themselves to essentially be a bunch of eugenicists. Whether they admit it or not, they've all become cheerleaders on the sidelines for Terry Schiavo's death. They feign sensitivity about her plight, but most of their sympathy seems to go to her barbarian husband, Michael Schiavo, who is intent on having her killed via slow torture. And starvation is indeed the slowest kind of torture, folks. Even crucifixion is a faster way of killing someone. This guy is a real piece of work. He knows if he asks for an active killing (such as a lethal injection), the courts likely won't accomodate him. No one wants to actually be pinned with the "credit" for this woman's death. But letting "nature take it's course"? Ahhh, now that way they figure the blame can't be put on anyone in particular.

Let me go right ahead and invoke Godwin's Law in record time here. This whole argument for killing her is based on her "quality of life", and that argument to justify whether someone can live or die is very much a Nazi mindset. They justified a lot of death through the quality of life and productive life arguments. Never forget, before they started trucking Jews off to be killed en mass, they first rounded up the "imbeciles" and "cripples" in Germany and Austria, where they all recieved one bullet, straight to the head, no waiting, courtesy of the Third Reich.

That's where we may be headed, when a woman who is NOT BRAIN DEAD, who can breath on her own, who can respond to stimuli, can, with the force of law, be slowly and horribly starved to death. The lack of water will kill her before the lack of food. Terry Schiavo will dehydrate to death. Her mouth, and then skin, will crack and peel and bleed, very painfully. Over a period of days, she will slowly die, while experiencing excruciating agony and thirst. You people that are supporting this, you'd damn well better realize the PRACTICAL implications of your support. She's not going to go easily, people. She's going to go in one of the most horrible ways possible. If you did this to a dog, you'd be sent to prison for years. But hey...Terry's quality of life will no longer be an issue, eh? Because right now, let me assure you, her quality of life sucks pretty bad. Hunger and thirst will do that to you.

As for Michael Schiavo, well, words do him an injustice. I'd call him a monster, but that's just too damn generic. Let's go over those wedding vows, shall we Michael? What part of "in SICKNESS and in health" did you miss? Looks like you understood the "till death do you part" section though. Maybe that's ok, because apparently some of the doctors involved here missed the "first, do no harm" part of the their oath too. Of course, you wont do many interviews, Mike. I've noticed that you don't like to talk about that fat malpractice award you got (though I'm still trying to see which doctor was at fault for Terry's condition; funny, I thought she collapsed at YOUR residence, Mike?). Tell me something, Mike; do you want the world to see that you inherit the money if Terri dies? I mean, her parents have repeatedly have asked to be given custody, but you keep denying them. But you wont divorce her, Mike. Nope, you refuse.

And yet you insist she be put to death.

If you can't see reason for suspicion right there, well, then YOU'RE the moron, Mike. Oh, and her parents say you're full of shit on the death wish thing. She's a devout Catholic. Suicide is a mortal sin, and even the death penalty is oppossed. She was raised that way, and apparently stayed devout until she died. Count me in as one more person that doesn't believe you about her supposed wish to die. Maybe it has something to do with Terry's parents' suspicion that you had something to do with her collapse, including allegations of abuse? Her parents seem to think you may have had a history of knocking her around when she had, ehh, better quality of life. If she ever DOES start speaking again, perhaps it just wouldn't do for her to testify in court?

You've got plenty of supporters though, Mike, especially here on Slashdot, where it's cool to be hip and edgy and speak of life cheaply. Ever listen to the Who, Mike? I'm sure you have. "Hope I die before I get old" goes over just fine around these parts. Problem is, a lot of slashdotters hope everyone else dies before they get old too. They've seen too many modern-samurai death-honor-code anime flicks around here. And they're pretty cool with knocking off people with bad quality of life here. I'd like to kindly remind them that, as many are Star Trek:TNG fans, please recall the episode where a blind Geordi LaForge told the genetic engineering colony "who the hell are you to decide what kind of contribution I can make?".

Back to those bastions of human kindness, the Nazis, for a second; now that we're being positively Himmler-like in the courts, do we carry out the rest of their philosophy too? Let's start with going to the maternity wards, rounding up all of the babies with Downs Syndrome and other birth defects, and let's start snuffing them. My nephew was just diagnosed with autism yesterday. My family should do it's part and toss him on the heap to, eh? If we do it now, they won't grow into expensive burdens on society. And their quality of life will just suck, you know. Before you start saying "how ridiculous, no one would do that", be advised that they're already doing it over in the Netherlands. And we know how much the left (and again, Libertarians) admire the wise and progressive Dutch. We should be just like them.

As mentioned before, Terry and her family are Catholic, and the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano released a damning editorial today, that sums up my arguments nicely:

  "She has no possibility of being 'restored' to a 'normal' life. Therefore Terri Schiavo must die," the editorial began. "This is ... the absurd and terrifying reason" for the judge's decision, it added.


Journal Journal: Can intruders bring down the U.S. power grid?

In a somewhat sensationalist story, MSNBC has piece spotlighting the vulnerability of the United States power grid to "cyber-attack"; some security experts worry that the grid's computer networks aren't hardened against an intrusion that could cause chaos throughout the system. As one analyst put it, "Every time they test, they get in". The story confirms that intruders have cracked the networks before; "Hackers have gained access to U.S. utilities' electronic control systems and in a few cases have 'caused an impact'". After going to Internet enabled networks to control power stations, adminstrators apparently didn't take even basic precautions, such as changing default passwords. This isn't the first time that the government has warned the power industry to get it's act together.


Journal Journal: World economic power: it's a two horse race now

I was reading a story in the Guardian about Warren Buffett's latest round of public bitching about the deficit, and the end of the article pointed out something that will surprise many; in the world economy, two countries rule now, and one of them ain't Japan. In fact, quoting from the article:

"Global growth is to an inappropriate degree linked to the United States and China...The eurozone and Japan, which together have about one-fourth of the world's gross domestic product, have once again disappointed."

I've pointed out before that people screaming for the US to adopt an EU style economic policy are out of their fucking minds. This is yet more proof. And Japan, once the economy that was supposed to eat the world like Godzilla chomping through a Japanese army division, has been in a recession or in microscopic growth for what, 14 or 15 years now? Couple this with how well Germany is doing, and despite whatever problems we have economically, you have to feel pretty good about our economy overall (unless you're Warren Buffett, who feels bad even when we're doing good).


Journal Journal: Some damning words from the Democrats 4

Here's some truly amazing comments from a prominent Democrat on Jon Stewart's show; basically, she's admitting that Democrats hope the freedom and democracy movements around the world crap out (especially in the Middle East) because Bush might end up looking good.

That's just plain fuckin' pathetic...and as the editor says, Stewart just nails her to the cross and she doesn't even see it.

And also of note, a piece in Rolling Stone about, and how though they're becoming powerful, thus far they're doing more harm than good, especially with the caustic lefty tunnel vision that the leadership shares over there.

Perhaps there is indeed some hope for the Dems, though. Even Keith Olberman seems to be recognizing that Bush's policies just might be getting some results. Of coure, Democratic Underground netizens spewed their bile on the very notion that anything good could come of George W. Bush.

I think the signs are pretty clear that the Democratic Party and it's base are in full self-destruct mode. I think Howard Dean winning the chairmanship proves this, and I think the Dem's newly emergent isolationism proves it. Karl Rove is probably laughing his ass off, and I can't blame him much...


Journal Journal: Ancient City uncovered in wake of Tsunami 4

The AP is reporting that in the wake of the killer Tsunami that struck on December 26, the remains of an ancient city have been uncovered in India. The city dates from the 7th century, and some features indicate that the city may have been at one time part of India's legendary Seven Pagodas.

Now, to me, this is just Indiana Jones-style utter coolness. Not to the Slashdot editors, however. What seems to me to be an absolutely historic find, with the discovery a story unto itself worthy of an Arthur Clarke or Michael Chrichton novel, was almost immidietly rejected upon submission. Either the editors are not as interesting as I thought they were, or they just know about and plain don't like me :P

Seriously, though....when I see this stuff rejected for "Bummer, Knights of the old republic was released too soon", I'm terribly tempted to go off and start my own Quixiotic quest for a slashdot replacement (no doubt the folks on my Freaks list would love to see my departure, however).

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