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Journal DesScorp's Journal: The culture of Life vs. the culture of Death 24

I imagine I'm going to lose some friends and make some foes on this one.

Quite frankly, I don't give a shit.

This is about Terry Schiavo, but not just about her. She's just the focal point of a much larger cultural conflict, one I can no longer sit on the sidelines about. I speak of the hypocrisy, rot, and decay that infests the cultural mindset of the left (and quite a few Libertarians) when it comes to the value of human life. Despite all the wailing and gnashing of teeth about death during the war, these same people are proving themselves to essentially be a bunch of eugenicists. Whether they admit it or not, they've all become cheerleaders on the sidelines for Terry Schiavo's death. They feign sensitivity about her plight, but most of their sympathy seems to go to her barbarian husband, Michael Schiavo, who is intent on having her killed via slow torture. And starvation is indeed the slowest kind of torture, folks. Even crucifixion is a faster way of killing someone. This guy is a real piece of work. He knows if he asks for an active killing (such as a lethal injection), the courts likely won't accomodate him. No one wants to actually be pinned with the "credit" for this woman's death. But letting "nature take it's course"? Ahhh, now that way they figure the blame can't be put on anyone in particular.

Let me go right ahead and invoke Godwin's Law in record time here. This whole argument for killing her is based on her "quality of life", and that argument to justify whether someone can live or die is very much a Nazi mindset. They justified a lot of death through the quality of life and productive life arguments. Never forget, before they started trucking Jews off to be killed en mass, they first rounded up the "imbeciles" and "cripples" in Germany and Austria, where they all recieved one bullet, straight to the head, no waiting, courtesy of the Third Reich.

That's where we may be headed, when a woman who is NOT BRAIN DEAD, who can breath on her own, who can respond to stimuli, can, with the force of law, be slowly and horribly starved to death. The lack of water will kill her before the lack of food. Terry Schiavo will dehydrate to death. Her mouth, and then skin, will crack and peel and bleed, very painfully. Over a period of days, she will slowly die, while experiencing excruciating agony and thirst. You people that are supporting this, you'd damn well better realize the PRACTICAL implications of your support. She's not going to go easily, people. She's going to go in one of the most horrible ways possible. If you did this to a dog, you'd be sent to prison for years. But hey...Terry's quality of life will no longer be an issue, eh? Because right now, let me assure you, her quality of life sucks pretty bad. Hunger and thirst will do that to you.

As for Michael Schiavo, well, words do him an injustice. I'd call him a monster, but that's just too damn generic. Let's go over those wedding vows, shall we Michael? What part of "in SICKNESS and in health" did you miss? Looks like you understood the "till death do you part" section though. Maybe that's ok, because apparently some of the doctors involved here missed the "first, do no harm" part of the their oath too. Of course, you wont do many interviews, Mike. I've noticed that you don't like to talk about that fat malpractice award you got (though I'm still trying to see which doctor was at fault for Terry's condition; funny, I thought she collapsed at YOUR residence, Mike?). Tell me something, Mike; do you want the world to see that you inherit the money if Terri dies? I mean, her parents have repeatedly have asked to be given custody, but you keep denying them. But you wont divorce her, Mike. Nope, you refuse.

And yet you insist she be put to death.

If you can't see reason for suspicion right there, well, then YOU'RE the moron, Mike. Oh, and her parents say you're full of shit on the death wish thing. She's a devout Catholic. Suicide is a mortal sin, and even the death penalty is oppossed. She was raised that way, and apparently stayed devout until she died. Count me in as one more person that doesn't believe you about her supposed wish to die. Maybe it has something to do with Terry's parents' suspicion that you had something to do with her collapse, including allegations of abuse? Her parents seem to think you may have had a history of knocking her around when she had, ehh, better quality of life. If she ever DOES start speaking again, perhaps it just wouldn't do for her to testify in court?

You've got plenty of supporters though, Mike, especially here on Slashdot, where it's cool to be hip and edgy and speak of life cheaply. Ever listen to the Who, Mike? I'm sure you have. "Hope I die before I get old" goes over just fine around these parts. Problem is, a lot of slashdotters hope everyone else dies before they get old too. They've seen too many modern-samurai death-honor-code anime flicks around here. And they're pretty cool with knocking off people with bad quality of life here. I'd like to kindly remind them that, as many are Star Trek:TNG fans, please recall the episode where a blind Geordi LaForge told the genetic engineering colony "who the hell are you to decide what kind of contribution I can make?".

Back to those bastions of human kindness, the Nazis, for a second; now that we're being positively Himmler-like in the courts, do we carry out the rest of their philosophy too? Let's start with going to the maternity wards, rounding up all of the babies with Downs Syndrome and other birth defects, and let's start snuffing them. My nephew was just diagnosed with autism yesterday. My family should do it's part and toss him on the heap to, eh? If we do it now, they won't grow into expensive burdens on society. And their quality of life will just suck, you know. Before you start saying "how ridiculous, no one would do that", be advised that they're already doing it over in the Netherlands. And we know how much the left (and again, Libertarians) admire the wise and progressive Dutch. We should be just like them.

As mentioned before, Terry and her family are Catholic, and the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano released a damning editorial today, that sums up my arguments nicely:

  "She has no possibility of being 'restored' to a 'normal' life. Therefore Terri Schiavo must die," the editorial began. "This is ... the absurd and terrifying reason" for the judge's decision, it added.

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The culture of Life vs. the culture of Death

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  • It's interesting that Bush signed a law while governor that would give the husband in this case the right to end medical services. Then now, with worldwide media paying attention, he wants to side on the side of life. Can you say hypocrisy []?
  • "Conservatives are the historical defenders of states' rights, and the supposed proponents of keeping big government out of people's lives, but this case once again shows that some social conservatives are happy to see the federal government acquire Stalinist proportions when imposing their morality on the rest of the country." - LA Times, March 21 []

    I want you to put "forced starvation" [] into a Google search, and look at the results: Schiavo, Stalin, Schiavo, Stalin ...

    Then, as now, the leftist media white []

    • ...ain't it funny how, all of the sudden, the DNC and major newspaper editorial boards are now firmly in the Federalsist camp? "Why *gasp*, those awful Republicans are betraying States Rights!".

      I can't seem to ever recall this crowd's love of State's Rights before now....
      • Ummm what about all those folks that opposed Federal Power and Big Goverment Interfering in People's Lives?

        • " Ummm what about all those folks that opposed Federal Power and Big Goverment Interfering in People's Lives?"

          When Federal Power is being used to literally end innocent life, it's appropriate to "interfere".
          • The reason "Federal Power" is involved at all is because her parents (inappropriately, wrongly) pushed it to that level.

            Try again...

            By the way, my wife and I had a kid together a two years ago. Yeah, I was a bit of a drunkard and I beat her a few times, but last October ago *she* decided that she was a lesbian and divorced me(!)

            Since she has the better paying job, isn't in and out of rehab and generally a more competent parent, that liberal Judge gave *her* custody! WTF?!?! My kid is going to grow up in
            • "...but last October ago *she* decided that she was a lesbian and divorced me(!)"

              What'd she look like? Because I only support gay marriage if both chicks are hot...

              "Anways, I appealed all the way to the NJ supreme court but those dirty Lib'rals keep ruling in my lesbo wife's favor!!!!"

              Yeah, she's probably hot then...

              "so the "CYRANOVR OFFSPRING REUNIFICATION ACT of 2005" has already been fast-tracked for passage this week(!)."

              Uh oh; Nancy Pelosi and the DNC have sponsored the CYRONOVR OFFSPRING PREVENTI

            • So why do you feel the use of federal power was wrong and innapropriate?

              Now on to your other strawman...

              I take a strong dissinterest when people try to use a specific case (often hypothetical) when the more broad implications are really on the agenda. But you even then you made a few mistakes there...

              By the way, my wife and I had a kid together a two years ago. Yeah, I was a bit of a drunkard and I beat her a few times

              You can't make something a good option because you present a worse option. The movie
              • does that mean everyone is justified in committing adultery?

                Depends on the people involved. If a couple can't conceive the normal way, I don't see any problem with a bit of consentual extra-marital sex. Heck, you all know I've written before that I've got a standing offer to lesbians in the area who want to be mothers to just email me for a turkey baster full of my demon seed.

                *Maybe* I'd stretch that to regular couple - I don't know. Have to think about that (IOW, is she hot).

                What's wrong with using spe

                • I don't think anyone has anything against lesbians. We're just jealous that they get more pussy than we do [tt].

                  I see absolutely no reason whatsoever for a [tt] in that context.
                  • Good point.

                    Can I lie, and say it's because that's not ALL we're jealous about?

                    Think about it - they get ALL the following:

                    1. More pussy (already noted)
                    2. Twice the boobie action
                    3. Mmuullttiippllee orgasms s s s s s
                    4. Conversation after sex
                    5. No complaining about "you ruined my favourite shirt. I can't wear it - there's boobie bumps in it"
                    6. No messing with spermicides, the pill, etc.,
                    7. No great concern if you find your partner wearing your bra and panties
                    8. No "inner thigh rash" from unshaven faces
                    9. Less cleaning up aft
                    • #4: Heh.
                      #6: Oh, you mean "The Grail?" he asked, snuggling the laptop closer to his, uhh, lap.
                      #8: I almost decorated an iBook with partially masticated broccoli.
                      #9: Like most things in life, it depends on who you know.
                      #11: Putting the seat down and flushing are motor memory for me. I've actually assured girlfriend in shower that I wouldn't flush as I flushed many, many times. <homer>Mmmm, skin grafts.</homer>
                    • I've actually assured girlfriend in shower that I wouldn't flush as I flushed many, many times.
                      I think we've ALL done that one. It's habit (which is a good thing, because the assholes who DON'T flush, and leave their "turdles", "poopsicles", or "floaters" hanging around really bug the shit out of me!)

                      I remember being in the middle of replacing all the sewer pipes - told everyone "don't flush". So what did I do ... ?

              • Go jack off to your Annie Cuolter doll or whatever twisted thing you do.

                I could really give to shits what you think!

                PS - I didn't bother you read your post. Nothing you write as any value whatsoever. Sorry!

                PPS - I lied. I'm not sorry.

                PPPS - Get Cancer.
  • In Texas, Critics Question Bush's 'Life' Culture []

    HOUSTON - President Bush's intervention for Terry Schiavo has opened old wounds in Texas where death penalty opponents say his words of support for a "culture of life" ring hollow after so many executions during his time as governor of the state.

    Bush said he stepped into the Schiavo case because the United States should have "[err] in favor of life," but there were 152 executions in Texas during his administration, including some in which the convict's gu

    • Is anyone really surprised that death penalty opponents are using this to take another shot at Bush? These people rip people like me for supporting a culture of life while supporting the death penalty. Never mind my (and others) argument that the huge difference here is that death row convicts are there because of heinous crimes against humanity, murdering one (or more) innocent people. So it's foolish to compare Terry Schiavo to someone like Ted Bundy.

      I'll tell you this, though. If I could pull it off, th
  • Who said she was brain dead? She's in a PVS, she's not brain dead.

    Gimme a ring when you at least get the basic facts straight and I'll come back and consider your opinions on the matter. But, if you can't even get the basic underlying facts right, what makes you think you have a valid position on the issue?
    • Fran Shor [], among [] others [].

      Among this woman's brilliant quotes; "... One can only assume that Republicans want the poor to die off even in the face
      of their dramatic efforts to rescue the brain-dead Terry Schiavo. ..."

      I realize that not all of the pro-snuff brigade are saying this, but enough are that I mentioned it in my post.

      "Gimme a ring when you at least get the basic facts straight"

      Forgive me if I think you wouldn't agree with my argument regardless. Guess I'm cynical that way.

      "...what makes you thin
      • I don't care what Fran whatever has to say especially if she said it on Common Dreams, there's no contention about brain death here and Common Dreams is quite biased (and, apparently, Fran is quite ignorant).

        If she were brain dead she'd be in a morgue and there'd by nothing to argue about. Brain death is a specific legal and medical term that is used to describe a person who has undergone rather strict testing and exam requirements to be determined legally dead due to a COMPLETE lack of activity in ANY por

I just need enough to tide me over until I need more. -- Bill Hoest
