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Comment Re:FOSS (Score 2, Interesting) 183

Sad little person.
Spysats and spy aircraft save lives. The have prevented more wars than you can count. Sorry that that world is not all fairy farts and unicorn poop but the reality is that Lockheed's spy planes and spysats are what allowed the first arm limitation treaties and later arms reduction treaties.
Lockheed's greatest planes the U-2 and SR-71 never fired a single shot in anger.

Comment Re:FOSS (Score 3, Insightful) 183

Except this is from Lockheed. While I would not stop all other research Lockheed has a history of making things that most people think is impossible possible.
First production US jet fighter.
First aircraft to fly over 70,000ft "level flight".
First US mach 2 fighter.
First Spysat.
First Mach 3 aircraft.
First stealth aircraft.
I really would not dismiss this one. It is as least very interesting.

Comment Re:Obligatoriness Extraordinaire (Score 1) 237

No you are wrong.

Peak usage in summer is around 4PM to 8PM peak solar generation is centered on solar noon and has a span of about 5 hours.
So take 1PM for daylight savings time and take it out 3 hours and you have the end of peak production at the start of peak usage.
That is a bit optimistic since I am extending peak generation time by an hour since it is summer.
In winter it is far worse. peak starts at 6am and runs to 10am and then you have a peak at 5PM to 8PM.
Peaks will very a bit by location but peak time is always evening and often early morning.
It will become an issue if solar ever gets to be around 30% of total power since it will demand even more peaking plants.

Comment Re:Makes sense (Score 2) 87

No you are wrong.

The rate of women joining the workforce has been more or less constant since 1948. The increase in the divorce rate, the pushing of women to have a career instead of staying home, the reduction of well paying manufacturing jobs, and many other issues has caused this.

I know of a couple where the mother has the higher potential to earn and the father stays at home which is fine. The key is not that women must stay home but at least one parent should stay home during the early years of the childrens life.

Comment Re:Because the US was really the only winner of WW (Score 1) 323

Not nations that is for sure. The US got some bases but except for the one in Bermuda, the Bahamas, and some in Canada the US returned them all in 1949.
The problem is that you do not seem to know what the words confiscated means since the UK leased the US those bases, or large since the those bases where in no way a large part of the British Empire, and you really don't seem to have much of an knowledge of history.
Yep that statement was just dumb since no part of the British Empire became part of the US.

Comment Re:Or you know, not marry (Score 1) 304

" or even allowing certain people to visit you in the hospital"
Not exactly.
I have never seen a hospital with a family only rule. Only if you are incapacitated can your family decide to ask the hospital to make it family only or to exclude someone. If you are married you spouse is your "closest" family member and can actually exclude other family members.

Comment Re:credibility of article is doubtful (Score 4, Informative) 571

It is amazing that reporters seem to lack even an 8th grade level of science education.
They did change the fusion reactor to fission but.
It now reads
"U.S. submarines and aircraft carriers run on nuclear power, but they have large fission reactors on board that have to be replaced on a regular cycle."
The reactors last the life of the ship. It is only the fuel that gets changed they they are aiming for that to be the life of the ship as well. It is at least 20 years today.
And this part.
"Ultra-dense deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen, is found in the earth's oceans, and tritium is made from natural lithium deposits."
Wow.... ultra-dense......
Good grief.
Well the reporting is crap but lets hope Lockheed really has what it says it has.

Comment Re:goes to show (Score 1) 463

Take a deep breath....
First of all the health care workers involved were monitoring their temperatures so the got isolated quickly and before they where highly contagious. Sending the patients to facilities trained for this is probably a good idea but then you still have the risks involved in transport. Finally I have to admit that I fear this a case where the CDC did send the right instructions but they failed in not knowing what what the Hospital did not know. They might have sent instructions to use full protective gear including eye protection, gloves, and foot coverings.
To the CDC that means tapeing the gloves and booties and face shields and respirators.
To a metro hospital it may have just meant gowns, booties, gloves, and goggles.
The CDC can only do what the government can let it do. The current administration did not start preparing soon enough IMHO. The current administration also has not seemed to have involved USAMRIID yet and of course the current administration disbanded the Aeromedical Isolation Team in 2010... Not the best move.
Really do not panic people it is not anywhere an ignition point yet. This is not the end of the world.

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