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Comment Re:I just want the new Nexus. (Score 1) 222

Microsoft has a shot if they do not destroy Nokia. I flat out think that Nokia makes the best looking phone. LG, Samsung, and Apple all use great displays, Android has the best feature set, Nokia the best camera,Motorola has the Motovoice feature that I really want, and Apple has great stability and battery life.
Windows Phone 8.1 actually looks pretty good now.
For me the perfect phone would be a Nokia with the screen from the G3 running Android with Motovoice.
Others would have a different prefect phone.

Comment Re:Nice Try Mr. Google Employee (Score 0) 222

Funny but I have actually written an IOS app and it is in the app store. I have a mac and I love it. This rev of the iphone has bigger screens... Like Android phones. NFC like Android phones. As to the rest of the statement... You do know that the Apple app store was the original home of the fart app...

IOS is fine for people that like it. I find it too restrictive and dull for my tastes but it is good OS and the phones are good hardware. They are just not worth the worship that heaped on them.

Why is Google better than Apple?
Simple, Compare an IOS phone with all the Google apps removed to an Android phone without any Apple apps.

Comment Re:I just want the new Nexus. (Score 1, Insightful) 222

NFC is cool and boy did people think it was neat when I paid for something at the 7-11 with my Galaxy Nexus a few years ago. You are right that it might finally take off in the US now that Apple is doing it. They are even following the standards so they can use the existing NFC machines at Walgreens, 7-11, and McDonald's. It is really not innovative but an example of the clout that Apple has with the carriers.

Comment Re:Scrap all the rules (Score 1) 104

". Radio licensing is largely about safety with regards to high power transmissions since RF can burn and kill you (it is a form of electricity), and slackjawed mouth breathing fools have a tendency for "hold my beer, watch this" moments."
As opposed to know it all geeks that have hay this is cool moments.

Wow Radio Licensing is not largely about safety it is about interference. You do not want some self entitled libertarian deciding that they should black out the local TV station AKA "Max Headroom" or jam the police and fire departments communications, or any number of dumb things.
It takes A LOT of RF to burn you. It only takes a few watts of power to make problems for a 4 block radius.

Comment Re:Strategy (Score 1) 191

1. Russia threatens Estonia or even Poland.
2. Nato moves troops into threatened nation.
3. Russia cuts off natural gas to Europe in winter unless the troops are moved because Russia thinks NATO is too weak to stop them.
4. The US takes the expensive tankers out of mothballs, trains the crews, and trains the people to run LNG depos that where built but never used or manned in a week.
5. A week later the first tanker arrives in the EU.
6. The next tanker has an accident on the way to the EU. It just blows up.
7. Another tanker makes it to the EU.
8. That tanker blows up in a harbor and takes half the town with it.
9. Nato starts escorting the tankers.
10. Russia thinks Nato is too weak to stop them so they just take the nation like they did with Crimea.

Comment Re:And if I am ridding in the car? (Score 1) 364

So you get fined.
Really people unless you are going to make people that cause an accident got to real driving school or forbid people from drinking ever again after a DUI this is just a clear knee jerk reaction to a popular hot button.
About 5 years ago I had a guy run into the back of my brand new "week old" bright red car while I was stopped at a stop light! He did not even get a ticket even though he hit my car. He was found at fault but he did not have to do anything but pay higher insurance and probably buy a new car.

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