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Comment Re:good (Score 4, Insightful) 341

If sentient life can be turned into a drug testing lab simply because they don't meet some cognitive level, then why don't we start experimenting on children or sufferers of Down's Syndrome? If killing, sometimes in the most hideous ways, of other sentient animals poses no ethical difficulty, then let's not use the next best thing to H. sapiens, let's use H. sapiens.

Comment Re:Doesn't apply to Google (Score 1) 73

If a factory reset by and large fixes the problem, that likely means there are issues with data and apps previously installed. If you have a brand new tablet, then you are not going to have a lot of cruft hanging around. My tablet is over a year and a half old, never reset during that time, and that seems to be one of the issues coming up.

Comment Re:What a shock (Score 1) 409

The cleanup will consist of getting those bioconcentrating mushrooms to grow across the contaminated region, then harvesting and isolating them as nuclear waste.

Well, that sounds cost-effective. I'm sure the shareholders will be pleased. Unless they're not on the hook for this cost, and we taxpayers are.

Comment Re:What a shock (Score 1) 409

Does not the fuel, inside the wreckage of the reactor building, continually produce new I-131, Cs-134, Cs-137, Sr-90, Radon, Xenon, and a host of others? The fuel is no longer critical, but fission of the enriched Uranium is ongoing. That's why the stuff is still physically and radiologically hot. Production of radionuclides will be ongoing for many thousands of years.

It's true that the nuclides will be more or less contained inside the reactor building, but some of it will seep out, because it's not hermetically sealed like the reactor containment was. If you seal it (ie. make an airtight sarcophagus) - then heat from decay will build-up. It requires air circulation to cool, and that's the whole point of the sarcophagus. It will still allow some byproducts to get out, and will affect all of those who are nearby; and this will continue until the fuel cools enough for workers to get in there, physically remove it, and put it into sealed storage.

It's the ongoing release and exposure of these materials that is the health-hazard. And it will remain so for thousands of years. This is precisely why safety systems for nuclear plants are so highly engineered. This was the scenario they never wanted to happen.

Comment Re:Doesn't apply to Google (Score 1) 73

I initially did that and it made very little improvement. In the end the factory reset was the only thing that brought the tablet back to life. Mind you, I don't have the Facebook app, and what I've been hearing is that can render Nexus 7 tablets pretty unusable under Lollipop even after a factory reset.

Comment Re:Doesn't apply to Google (Score 1) 73

Well, after the Lollipop update, my 2012 Nexus was all but bricked. Booted up fine, but the minute I went into Chrome it just froze up. It might become somewhat usable after a few minutes, and it was during one of those moments that I managed to do a factory reset. It is working better, but Chrome can still seize up on script-heavy pages. Go to the Google Nexus 7 Product Forums and you will see plenty of tales of woe.

It isn't universal, but there are a helluva lot of Nexus 7 users, both 2012 and 2013, who have had serious problems with Lollipop.

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