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Comment Re:Nitrogen Cycle (Score 4, Informative) 117

Drinking Lake Erie water is scarry under the best of circumstances, even Detroit gets most of it's water from Lake Huron north of Port Huron. There is a lot of valuable lipids in that algae for make biofuel. There is a point where reducing nitrogen and phosphorus inputs are going to be effective in reducing blooms because the nitrates and phosphorus already in the eco-system keep recycling, removing the algae removes the fertilizer and breaks down the cycle. The exceptionally cold winter, cold spring, and cool summer also meant there was a very abrupt start to the algae's growth season in the summer rather than a more gradual start in the spring.

Comment Re:Might cause a re-thinking of the F-35 (Score 1) 275

If the antenna is smaller than 10 wavelength, you lose angular resolution. It's not a show stopper, but it makes the bird much more likely to over/under-correct while tracking, which eats up energy for steering and your time of flight on the bird. This shortens your effective range and shrinks your no-escape bubble, to compensate you have to launch multiple missile at each target. The only way to survive on a modern battlefield is to "shoot and scoot", if you have to shoot twice, your shooting when you should be scooting.

Comment Re:Might cause a re-thinking of the F-35 (Score 4, Interesting) 275

The real purpose of stealth isn't to be invisible, but is to avoid being visible enough to hit. The bird I worked on, the HAWK missile was a semi-active radar homing missile operating in the military portion of the x-band, 10GHzish and was 37 cm, or 14.5 inches in diameter which is about 10 wavelength in diameter which is the rule of thumb for getting enough angular resolution for to hit what your shooting at. By having to go long-wave any semi-active homer isn't going to be able to resolve the target clearly enough to really hit it, having missiles flying close misses to your aircraft is still freaky enough to make a pilots asshole tighten considerable just like you don't want a blind man throwing knives at your sound, which brings us to the other components of stealth which are not being where your expected to be and not doing what your expected to be doing.

Comment Re:So.. what? (Score 1) 255

The greenhouse effect can lead to mass flooding in coastal areas, stronger hurricanes, increased tropical diseases, and reduced harvests of staple crops around the world.

Well no it can't, in order for it to do that the warming would have to continue in a linear fashion, but the reality is the warming effect diminishes logarithmic; that is one of the reasons why there has been no global warming for almost 18 years.

Comment Re:Stored in cleartext? (Score 1) 126

How was this even possible? Passwords should NEVER be something you can steal since they shouldn't actually be stored as clear text (or even encrypted, for that matter).

Hasn't it been common practice, for at least a decade, to store the passwords as a salted hash (using a unique salt for each user)?

You shouldn't be able to steal a password since the site shouldn't have it.

The site doesn't have to have the creds to be able for them to be stolen, it only needs to acknowedge the creds are correct and your logged in.

Comment Re:big whoop (Score 1) 126

User name: poiuyt, password:qwerty; Back in the day, circa 2001 I was involved in a failed get-rich scheme called poiuyt.com and we would be hammered with Email confirmations for people signing up at other sites using the above credentials and @poiuyt.com for an Email Address. There would be everything from free tech sites to for pay porn, I always managed to resist destroying the online reputations of these fools, but just barely. If that is the "quality of the creds the Russians have filtched then it's probably not that big of a deal; if it is that big of a deal then I'd worry about being an acessory before and after the fact if I was Hold Security.

Comment Re:Idiots (Score 1) 205

I don't think the point is that under-grad's will be self-educated by selecting modules ala cart, it's more likely that series of modules will be required. Now people often find themselves having to take a 16 week course that's required for their program because a critical topic that the course talks about for one week; now the student can take the modules that covers the specific learning objectives instead of a large course that's mostly wasted time.

My profession requires Continuing Ed courses, the vast majority of times the courses are simply over-priced fluff seminars that are little more than a way to go to Florida durring the winter and play some golf while being able to write-off a tax deduction. Yet the only College in the state that teaches my profession has a 15 seat limit, I would love for there to be college level learning modules to augment OJT and continuing Ed.

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